The 30 Day Blogging Challenge – Are you up for it?

Hello all..

I would say “Happy Friday” to you but if you run your own business like I do… weekends are never really “weekends”. Not that I’m complaining πŸ™‚

Okay, I have a challenge for you..

As most of us know, an essential part of our online presence is our blogs. Right? And in order to be productive in your blogging, you need to follow the “C.C.C.” rule:

Constantly Create Content”

Hey, that’s not bad considering I just made that up now. lol

Seriously though, the content you create on your blog is not only important for your blog traffic, it’s also a very important part of your list building as well. Yes, yes it is.

You always need to be providing value to your list, and you blog content is an incredibly easy way to deliver it. As many of you know, most emails I send out will point you to my blog to get the complete message. Very rarely do I deliver a complete email message in an email (go figure) – I always give them the “gist” of it, then say “go here to get the rest..” and off they go to my blog. You can say so much more on a blog than you can in an email, and you can deliver it better, brand yourself, get feedback, and really put your personality into your message.

Right, so here’s your challenge

In my opinion, you should be delivering content to your list – via your blog – 3-5 times per week.. MINIMUM. And if you want to put numbers to it, focus about 30% of it on marketing a product, the rest is just valuable content.

My challenge is for you to create 5 blog posts per week for the next 30 days.

Blog posts that are relevent to whatever you’re currently marketing of course. 5 posts per week for a month is 20 blog posts in total. Sounds like a lot but really all we’re talking about is 1 hour per day for 5 out of 7 days.

Note: If you’re feeling particularly creative you could do all 5 in one day, then all you have to do is post them on the approprate days. It’s up to you.

Honestly that’s not a lot of time, but blogs last forever so what you’re doing is creating content that you can use over and over again to provide value to your list.

What do you think? Can you do it? Will you do it? … or will you let it go, once again searching for an “easier way”?

As always, it’s up to you of course..

Oh and by the way, I’m challenging myself to do this as well. It’s not easy when you have other businesses to run but I’m up for it.

Let me know if you do this and I’d be happy to come over and comment or give suggestions..

So.. Happy Friday! Hit me up on Facebook if you like:

– Geoff Stephen

P.S. I have a new product coming out soon that will show you step by step how to build your list by 100-500 new (high quality) leads per week… for $0.00 using solo ads. Sound good?

Learn These 2 Marketing Skills and Never Have to Worry About Money Again

Hello all..

You know, it often amazes me when I see people struggling in online marketing for the simple fact that they’re spending all their spare time trying to find that elusive “cutting edge” strategy or product that’s going to make them super rich.

It amazes me because when you break it down, there are only 2 skills (or methods) you really need to concentrate on in order to see success in online marketing.Β  Yes, only 2.

In fact, if you can be proficient at these 2 skills, you will NEVER go broke, and you will always have money coming in, and you will always be building your business. Seriously.

If you are one of those people that is looking around right now for that magic product or training that somehow “redefines” how marketing is done… you need to stop right now.

There’s nothing wrong with the training you’re searching for, nothing wrong with new products, but the foundation of your entire online business sits on these 2 skills. If you don’t have these skills, nothing else matters and nothing else will make you money.

What are these 2 skills?

.. are you ready?

Drumroll please…

Here they are:

#1. Email marketing

#2. Sales funnels

What?? That’s it?? THAT’S the magic formula??

Yup. Awesomely “ground breaking”, right? Cutting-edge, too! πŸ˜‰

Here’s what it comes down to..

In online marketing, if you can be successful at selling via email and through your sales funnels, you will ALWAYS be able to make money online. Seriously. BUT, if you DON’T know how to sell via email and with your sales funnels, you will have a LOT of difficulty being successful at ANY other aspect of this business. Fact.

These 2 skills ARE the foundation of your online business existence. If they’re not… well.. you need to change your focus.

But Geoff.. what about traffic? Don’t I always need new traffic coming in??

Yes and No. Yes you need traffic to convert to leads, of course. No because if you’ve been building your list for a while, if you don’t have traffic you can still promote and sell to your list. You see, traffic generation is just a supplementary skill that allows you to generate more leads to market to via email. It’s not something you need to have if you already have a list. See what I mean?

The foundation of an online marketing business is your list, and your ability to build your list, and your ability to sell to your list. You build your list (and make sales) with your sales funnel. Anything else you do is just a layer on TOP of your foundation.

Yes, it’s simple. And maybe it sounds boring to you, but this is where it’s at. There is nothing wrong with new marketing methods and shiny new marketing “toys”, but if your foundation isn’t there, none of that will matter.

Amazing Secret Marketing Tip: Don’t overcomplicate things. This stuff is simple. Keep it that way.

Lean these 2 skills “first”, and focus on them until you can make money consistently. Once you do that you can do anything else you want in this business because you know you can make money at it. Don’t get distracted. Take this advice, it’s the advice I wish I had when I first started out.

That’s it! Hope this was helpfull. Let me know in the comments below, or on Facebook.

Oh, and join my list (opt-in under my picture on the left)Β  and you’ll be the first to know about the training I’m producing on this subject! I’m a nice guy so let me know you’re there. lol

– Geoff Stephen

3 Things You Can Do Every Day to Build Your Business Before Lunch Time

3 Things You Can Do Every Day “Before Lunch Time” to Build Your Online Business

So.. what are you going to do this morning? How about tomorrow morning? How about EVERY morning? Do you have a plan? Do you have a schedule?

You should.

Call it what you want, I call it my “morning brain”.

If you don’t really know what “those tasks” might be, here are a few do give you some ideas…

1. Create New Unique Content

Content? Write a new blog post. Spin it into an article. Make a video and upload it to Youtube. Create a powerpoint presentation and spin that into videos, articles, blogs, and email broadcasts… Create something! Focus all your content on generating leads to your list!

2. Advertise

Buy a solo ad. Start a Facebook PPC campaign. Run a classified. Buy some TE credits. Solo ads are awesome, make sure you are tracking everything. Send a broadcast to your list.

3. Socialize

Comment on blogs. Comment on Facebook. Share stuff on Facebook. Tweet everything. Put yourself out there and get in touch with people. Be friendly. Be helpful. Be excited. Be the “go-to” guy/gal.

Bonus: 4. Learn Something New

Go to Google and do some research. Learn how to write good ad copy. Learn how to write a good followup sequence for your autoresponder. Learn how to create a good squeeze page. Learn how to followup with your leads based on their personality type. Learn. Learn. Learn.

There you are. I guess the point here is to just do SOMETHING that will grow your business. Just do it. Just do it.

What are your first tasks in the morning? Comment below..

See ya!

– Geoff Stephen

No Excuses Summit 3 – What they got from me.

Hello all,

It’s interesting.. since speaking at the No Excuses summit in Las Vegas last month I’ve been in touch with a lot of people that attended the event, and what’s interesting is what they had to say about it, and what they learned (and what they didn’t).

Here’s how I went about planning, presenting, and targeting a specific group of people..

When I planned my presentation for the event, I was very specific about who I was targeting with my information. The words and language that I used, the look and ‘feel’ of the presentation, the “goofy” graphics I had in the powerpoint, that corny touchy-feely stuff at the start, and even how I spoke, was all meant to target a certain sector of the attendees. I love marketing πŸ™‚

To be honest, it was kind of an experiment on my part and I wanted to prove (toΒ  myself, really) that I could zero in on a group of people in attendance who would be attracted to the type of information I was providing. I also know what kinds of people are attracted to ME.

You see, I was in attendance at the previous No Excuses event last year and I was pretty sure that there was a large percentage of the attendees there that were in the “this is totally over my head” group. People that wanted to take their business to the “next level” even though they hadn’t even got to the “first level” yet. People that got a lot of value from the speakers at the event but still realized that when they got home afterwards they didn’t really know what to DO, know what I mean? It’s like being in the middle class while the speaker is speaking directly to the upper class. It’s all great stuff but “I’m not THERE yet”.

That was my target audience and I think I nailed it.

How do I know?

Geoff Stephen and fellow NPN'er Jamie Rivera hanging out in the Penthouse suite at the Cosmopolitan Las Vegas

I know because of the response I got from the many attendees (and speakers) that approached me after I presented. The general feeling I got from their response was that of “thank you for breaking it down and making it simple for me, how can I work with you?“.Β  It was almost like they were relieved that I was willing to NOT be ‘cutting edge’ or be some ‘crazy marketing ninja’ with how I presented. I left that for the other guys, because I knew that’s how some of them were going to be on stage.

I was much the same way in my breakout room (which is a room after the event where people could ask you questions on a more intimate level etc.), I made it a really laid back question-and-answer session and I think people respected the non-salespitch atmosphere. One of the other speakers was also in my room and I am currently in ‘cahoots’ with them in planning some of their online marketing awesomeness.

Oh, and maybe here’s something you guys can learn from this (before I forget).. I made a TON of very lucrative connections at this event with attendees and the other speakers, and it’s not because I was pretending to be someone else. It worked so well because I KNOW who I attract, and I know HOW to attract them. And I did it by just being myself. Go figure. Take that to heart, and take that to the bank ;)..

So, in conclusion.. Mission accomplished.

I delivered my content based on who I am and successfully delivered ‘who I am’ to everyone there. Now they know. I’m just waiting for the “official” pictures and videos to be available so you can see what went down.

I had a fantastic time, Ray and Ferny put on a great event. Awesome.

Believe me, events like this can, no,Β  WILL change your life. So… are you going to be there next year??

Comment below.. and “LIKE” this post on Facebook if you like it πŸ™‚

Have a great day.

– Geoff Stephen

Interested in an Ad Co-op for LeadSkimmer / GlobalNPN?

Hello NPN’ers / Leadskimmers…

I know it’s been a while since my last “official” update to you, and I apologize, but I CAN assure you it’s not because I haven’t been working.

After speaking at the No Excuses Summit last month, I’ve been stepping back from the industry (as I know it), to try to get a different perspective on the direction things are moving in. It’s been an interesting few weeks to say the least, and I now have a clearer vision as to where GlobalNPN and Leadskimmer are headed. The future is awesome and I’m glad we’re all in it together..

Before I go into that any deeper (which I will soon), I want to ask you if you’d like to be a part of a rather large ad campaign that I’m going to be running, using LeadSkimmer as the funnel.

What I want to do is help you get leads for your own contact lists, and help you earn more money up front at the same time. Sound good? Thought so πŸ˜‰

I’m developing new sales funnels that do just that – generate leads, make sales, back end into GlobalNPN.

But I need to know if you’re interested in investing some money in your business.

If the interest is there, I will program a “lead distribution process” that will ensure that leads (and potential upgrades) are evenly distributed between you. If the interest is not there… Well, I’ll be running the ads anyways.


If you’re interested in participating in a MASSIVE ad co-op for Leadskimmer/Globalnpn, I would like you to express your interest in the comments below.

What I’m looking for are people that are genuinely interested in building their businesses to the next level.

Here are the requirements:
1. You must be either a DIRECTOR level GlobalNPN member, OR a PREMIUM Leadskimmer member (or both of course).
2. You must be willing to commit to at least $100 to build your contact list and your business.
3. You must accept that there is risk in all methods of advertising.

(In other words, I know what I’m doing, but don’t complain if one of our ads flops and you don’t end up a millionaire. It happens. There’s always risk.)

What I’m trying to do here is help those of you that aren’t confident in your own advertising and would like to be part of a co-op. (ie. you don’t actually have to DO anything here). I know you’re out there so let me know..

If you are interested in this, please comment below and I will get back to everyone with more details on how this will work.

When we put this together, this month with rock. I love this stuff πŸ™‚

Again, comment below. And please “Like” my facebook page so we can keep in touch!

Have a great day!

– Geoff Stephen