The #1 Thing You Need to Know Before You Can Become Ultra-Successful in Online Marketing

Hello all..

I have a question. And some advice for those of you refusing to believe that YOU are the most important part of what makes you successful in this business.

My question: What’s YOUR unique offer?

Do you have one, or are you just one of those “generic affiliate link” marketers?

In order to be very successful in this business you need to determine what it is that you can offer that is of significant value, and is unique. If your prospect is looking at your link or website and is considering joining you – what they’ll be asking themselves first is “why should I join YOU??” So… why should they join you? And don’t tell me it’s because your business opp. is the best. Your prospects don’t care about that yet. They want to know what it is that you’re going to do that can help them… what value can you provide to them as their sponsor. “Blind recruiting” doesn’t work anymore for long term success.

Think of it sort of like a job interview that your prospects are giving you. You are essentially applying for the job of being their sponsor, aren’t you?

Oh, and I’m not talking about what products you can sell them, or what great eBooks you’ve got.. Everybody has that stuff. Everybody has “the best” products, or “the best” opportunity. Who cares.

I’m talking about YOU. What do YOU have?

For some people it’s great leadership abilities. Some can motivate really well. Some people are good at generating traffic and leads. Some do webinars and training videos. Some create good solid content on their blogs. Some can create great ad copy. Some just have good life experiences to share. Some are good hand-holders. Some can do great graphics, or can write code, or make good capture pages. And some are a combination of the above, plus more..

It doesn’t matter if it’s related to business or networking, it can just be a part of your personality that you can project. Everybody has something.

Me? Well let’s see.. I can write programs and create software that can do pretty much anything. I can kill with ad copy and create quality well-written content any day of the week. I can get through to people with how I train them. I am easy going and people seem to relate to me well. I am genuinely concerned with other people’s success, but only as long as they’re respectful of me. I am a big-time perfectionist. I know this crazy business like the back of my hand and my experience weighs heavily in the advice I give to people…

I’m not blowing my own horn here, this is just stuff that I thought of now as I’m writing this, but I do know what I’m good at and I’m still learning..


What’s YOUR unique offer? What do you bring to the table?

To be ultra successful, you have to FIND it. Find it, and focus on it. Smear it and your personality over everything you create online. Put it in your marketing, put it in how you write your blogs and make your videos, make it part of your writing style, make it a giant part of your online presence. Once you can do that, you will begin to attract the “right” people for your business. And when you start attracting the right people to your business, you will see what success is.

So.. have you found it yet?

Have a great day.

– Geoff Stephen

P.S. Get on my personal list and be more successful..
Go Here: =>


Credit Card Confusion and How to Get Paid

Hello all..

There seems to be some confusion with regards to the issues that Alertpay is having and how it affects your NPN membership.

I received a Skype message from one of our members this morning and she was in a bit of a panic because she thought there was no way to pay for her NPN membership with her credit card – because Alertpay cannot process credit card payments at this time.

I have a feeling there may be more people out there with that same misconception.

Some of our members think that we process our credit cards through Alertpay. We do NOT. We are not “tied in” to Alertpay. Our credit card processing is completely independant of any other processor. In other words, GlobalNPN has it’s own credit card processing through our own banking partners and our own payment gateways. All 100% secure and PCI compliant. There are no issues with our ability to accept credit card payments, and in the many years that we’ve been doing this, we’ve never had an issue.

The issues Alertpay has (I believe) is because they deal with thousands of online businesses, acting as a “middle man” processing their payments. Unfortunately for them, many of their merchants are selling questionable, or even illegal products through Alertpay’s services. Then the banks get involved, and the credit card companies just say “sorry, we won’t do business with you Alertpay”. The credit card companies don’t really care about the merchants, they only care about their customers, the consumers. And if the consumer is getting ripped off, they go right to the source and shut them down. The source would be Alertpay.

This would never be the case with GlobalNPN because again, we have our own merchant status, and do our own processing, all of which has been tailored to us and our business model specifically. A lot of time and money went into ensuring the stability and longevity of our program.

I suppose it comes down to the fact that many people think that to do business online you have to be connected to some 3rd party processor (like Alertpay or Paypal). Perhaps that’s true if you’re a smaller company with not much experience in business. GlobalNPN is not like that. GlobalNPN is stable and long term.

Now, having explained that..

We now know that there’s no issues in being able to pay for your NPN membership with your credit card.

The next issue, is the problem of getting your money (your commissions) out of Alertpay. Withdrawal issues.

Since Alertpay seems to be having issues with their banking partners, some of the usual withdrawal methods are not available at this time. For example, doing a bank transfer withdrawal in the US I don’t think is available. In other countries it is still available but I can’t tell you what countries because I don’t know.

There are still withdrawal options working in Alertpay. They may not be the most convenient but you can still get your money by bank wire and paper check, depending on where you are.

So.. you can still get your money out in different ways.

Now here’s what I am doing right now with regards to paying you guys your commissions. I am working personally with a few online services to ensure you can get paid faster and more conveniently in the future with NPN. I’m leaning towards paying via debit cards or payroll cards that will work the same way no matter where in the world you live. I’m trying to give you the option of removing that 3rd party processor completely out of the picture so you can get paid by GlobalNPN directly.

I think too many affiliates are locked in to things like Alertpay, and although that option will always be there, we need to make this easier and more convenient for all of us.

So.. in the near future you will see some options in NPN where we can pay you directly without any of the processor issues that we see in this industry all the time. We shouldn’t have to deal with that stuff anyways.

.. to recap..

– You can pay for your NPN membership with your credit card (but not through Alertpay)
– You should still be able to get your money out of Alertpay
– We will soon be providing you with another way to get paid your NPN commissions.

I will keep you all updated with our progress on this, so stay tuned to our company facebook page, our message board, and our blog to get the latest information.

And you will hear from me soon.

Have a good day.

Alertpay Blog:

Alertpay Facebook Page:

– Geoff Stephen


What’s up NPN’ers? I need your suggestions.

As I said in one of my previous updates ( ), I am working on implementing a system where our members will be able to generate more income both with GlobalNPN and outside of NPN.

One of the things I’m doing is adding an autoresponder series on top of what we already have that will generate sales up to a year from the time they opt-in. The sales go to you, of course. I have the letters almost ready to go, but I’d like your input on something.

What I’m looking for are clickbank or paydotcom products that you think would be attractive to your leads. Simple enough. These will be included in many of the outgoing letters to your leads throughout the year long series. I have a list of products that I plan on promoting for you, but I’d like to hear suggestions in case I have missed any that would fit in.

Just an FYI, this series will last an entire year and the sales will go to you as long as you are a paying member of GlobalNPN.

The series itself will be an extension of the letters we already have going out on your behalf from opt-ins via our ‘plug-n-play’ capture pages. The series will promote affiliate products on your behalf, as well as your GlobalNPN links throughout the year. I’m also building new sales funnels that will increase your earnings as well.

So…. if you have any product suggestions please submit them via the comments below.  (Note that is not a place for you to advertise, affiliate links will not be accepted)

Thanks I look forward to your input..

– Geoff Stephen

How to get Quality MLM Leads

Hello NPN’ers,

I want to let you in on a little ‘secret method’ I have to making sure that the GlobalNPN referrals I get personally are going to be active and motivated networkers.

I have heard from people all over the online MLM industry that (while they may have no problem generating leads) the leads and referrals that they generate are simply not the ‘right’ people for their business. They get leads, and they convert to paying members, but they don’t produce in their downline and eventually they just drop out. Sound familiar?

I often hear things like, “My referrals never return my emails”, or “My downline isn’t doing anything!”, or “I try to help them but they don’t respond..”, or “I recruited him, never heard from her, and then she just quit without a word!”. I hate hearing stuff like that.

I know it’s frustrating because you’ve just wasted a ton of time (and probably money) recruiting these people and they just don’t work out.

Some people blame the industry for this, and they’re partly correct. It’s true there are millions of people out there that are looking for a “quick buck” and will join anything to give it a shot, even though they have no idea what it takes to succeed in this business. Most of these people need significant “hand-holding” and generally never make any real money. And when I say “hand-holding”, I really mean “time-wasting”. I know that your time as a sponsor is valuable, and trying to get these people going can be a real stress on you and can take you away from supporting your real “active” referrals.

The way most people do their prospecting online is to get as many eyeballs in front of their capture page as possible, which is what you should be doing.. However..

The problem lies in what happens after they’ve generated their leads.

What happens next is some of those leads will upgrade into your GlobalNPN downline in hopes that they’ll make some fast money, without knowing what’s involved. And then the vicious circle begins again with you (as their sponsor) trying to turn these people into network marketers, while they just want to magically get rich without doing anything.

Yes, you make a quick referral commission off these people but you may have figured out that you’re probably going to be back at square one in a month or two after they give up and hop off to the next opportunity they see.

So what the heck do we do about this?

What needs to happen is a qualification process before your leads are introduced to your GlobalNPN links. It’s not a difficult thing to do and it really separates the bad from the good.

There’s nothing wrong with generating as many leads as you can possibly generate, as quickly as you can. The more leads the better. BUT only a few of those leads will be good mlm’ers, and the rest can still be good leads to make money from in other ways. You need to qualify your MLM’ers before you give them GlobalNPN.

Here’s what I do, and it works really well.

First of all I have my own capture page, which offers something for free in turn for their opt-in. This is the top of my marketing funnel.

Now after they opt-in, they get forwarded to the free product they requested, and now they’re in my funnel and I can market to them.

My funnel focuses on generating MLM-specific leads. In other words, my capture page and free product specifically have to do with building an MLM business. That way I know that the people opting in are interested in building their MLM businesses, as opposed to just buying stuff from me.

Inside my funnel I have videos and information on me and what I do, and I also have some other training videos to keep them interested and moving through my funnel.


At some point in my funnel I want to qualify them before I decide to introduce them to my MLM Opportunity (ie. GlobalNPN).

Here’s how I do that..

I give them something to do. I simply give them a task to complete. I basically tell them that before I decide to work with them, I need to know more about them, and I need to know what their goals are – both short term, and long term goals. And I want to know “why” they have those goals, I dig a little deeper than “how much money do you want to make”. ie. they have to justify to me the amount of money they want to make. It can (and should) go beyond the whole money-making aspect as well…

So, before anything goes further, I say “if you want to join me in what I’m doing here, I need you to complete this task”.

Doing this accomplishes a few things..

  1. It engages the prospect.
  2. Here they get to DO something.  People like being told what to do.
  3. It forces the prospect to communicate with me directly.
  4. It creates anticipation in the prospect, they know that I’ll be responding to them directly to either approve or disapprove (ie. they remember me).
  5. It encourages the prospect to be honest and forthcoming with what they want to accomplish.
  6. It shows that I am genuinely interested in knowing more about them, and that I’m not just trying to sell them something.
  7. It ultimately shows whether or not they’re the kind of person I want in my downline.

After doing this, I know that the people that complete my “task”, at the very least, are people that..

  • are willing to communicate
  • probably have some experience
  • can follow instructions
  • take the initiative
  • have specific long-term and short-term goals
  • have good work ethics
  • genuinely WANT to work to succeed.

And remember, if they don’t qualify, they’re still on my list… which means I can still market “other stuff” to them 🙂

Honestly, I believe that if you do the same thing, you will have a lot less difficulty in building your NPN business. You will get quality people in your downlines which will save you TONS of time and money in the long run.

I am currently testing this in NPNDirectorMachine, giving the leads a very quick couple of questions to answer. I am getting lots of responses to it, which is excellent. So.. if you start getting “task results” in your inbox from your NPNDirectorMachine leads, please reply to them RIGHT AWAY – these are the people you want and you need to get in contact with them. I will activate this in the next few days..

For the BASICS on how a marketing funnel works:


Let me know what you think..

– Geoff Stephen