Make any money blogging?

Make money blogging

Hello all..

Make money blogging

With all the interest in our NPN ‘Instant blog’
service, it has been requested that I do a
webinar on “how to write an effective blog
post” without having to be a great writer..

“In internet marketing, the fact is that the
people that blog regularly build the biggest
lists, attract the most people, and generally
make the most long term money

So… if you’re interested in learning the most
important elements of an effective blog post
and how to implement this on your NPN
Instant Blog…

Register for our webinar here:

I hope to see you all in the webinar, it should
be fun..!

– Geoff Stephen
GlobalNPN/Leadskimmer Admin.

19 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog Today

So, is blogging really worth it?

Fact: If you’re not blogging, you’re not marketing.

We all hear about how much money you can earn from blogging, don’t we? We all hear about how important it is to your business. We all hear how much traffic you can generate with a blog…

But, REALLY, is it worth it?

Do I NEED to blog?

In a word.. yes.

But why?

Well, here are some pretty darn good reasons:

It encourages you to keep learning and finding new ideas.
It helps you determine what your audience wants.
It helps you get better search engine rankings.
It makes you think about complex ideas and how to simplify them.
It gets the conversation started.
It keeps you updated and relevant.
It makes for great content to share on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
It helps you build your brand.
It helps you stand out from other marketers.
It helps build your following.
It gives you an avenue to keep in contact with your audience.
It inspires your readers.
It showcases your knowledge in your field.
It encourages your readers to take action.
It may land you speaking engagements, media interviews or job offers.
It gives you and your site credibility.
It gives you a “home base” on the internet
It gets results, income or otherwise
It gives you a way to advertise passively or directly
It is fun, once you start seeing some of the above results!

So, if you don’t have a blog yet, or if you have been avoiding starting one.. Go ahead and start. I guarantee it will be worth it to start. Once you start, you’ll never look back.

Want an easy to use, monetized, cool looking blog? Get one at GlobalNPN.Com..

Have a great day!
– Geoff Stephen

Repurposing Content for Endless Traffic and Leads

So… you have yourself a blog.

And you just wrote a great piece of content that you’re SURE will help your readers get ahead..

So you post your content to your blog, maybe mail your link out to your list.. and you’re done, right?


If that’s all you do with your great content, you are seriously missing out on a lot more traffic and leads for your business.

What you need to learn how to do is to “repurpose” your content.

What that means is to take the content you created, and “repurpose” it to be distributed through other means.

Sure, a blog post is a blog post. But why leave it at that? Why not turn it into as many other types of content that you can? If you leave it as it is.. consider it a waste of your time and talent.

Here’s what I mean…

Take your blog post and ….

[icon_list style=”check”]

  • Turn it into an article and submit it to the main article directories
  • Turn it into a podcast by just reciting what you just wrote
  • Turn it into a youtube or vimeo video
  • Turn it into a youtube video with simple power point slides
  • Turn it into a slide share
  • Turn it into an autoresponder message
  • Turn it into an email broadcast to your list
  • Turn it into a presentation and make a training video on it
  • Turn it into a webinar training
  • Turn it into a ‘free report’ that you give away to help build your list
  • Turn it into an ebook to sell (or part of an ebook)
  • Turn it into a press release
  • Break it up into parts and create more related content..


.. and don’t forget to link everything back to your blog or your capture page and SHARE SHARE SHARE

So there’s a few ideas to get you started.

Just keep creating value for your readers and share your value through as many distribution channels as you can with the time you have available. There’s no need to create a new piece of content for each, just repurpose the content you’ve already created.

The traffic is there, just go and GET IT!

Thanks for reading – LIKE it if you like it 🙂

– Geoff Stephen

2 Quick and Easy ways to Generate an Income Online

Hi guys, how’s your 30-day blogging challenge coming along?

See THIS POST for more information.

Are you actually DOING it, or are you being lazy about it? 😉  I know sometimes it’s difficult to get started and keep yourself motivated (especially if it’s not something you’re familiar with), but this post will hopefully motivate you to get started and to KEEP GOING after you’ve begun..

There are essentially 2 ways that I use, and have used extensively in the past, in order to build a consistently growing business (and income) on the internet. After you read this you might just realize how much you’re over-complicating things..

I mentioned in a previous post that if you know how to make money with email and a sales funnel, you will always be able to make money in this industry. .. And if you don’t know how, everything else you try to do will be SO much more difficult.

So let’s get to it..

What I’ve always looked for in online marketing is ways to sell and recruit in the most automated and quickest way possible. I mean, isn’t that why we do this on the internet? It’s quicker, and automation is right there at our fingertips…

In internet marketing, no matter what excuses you make, there are 2 things you need to do:

  1. Advertise
  2. Create content

What do they do?

Essentially, they take care of the short term,  and the long term aspects of creating wealth online.

Advertising allows you to focus on building your list quickly, and making sales.  Instant traffic, instant leads, instant sales. This is where your cashflow and lead generating is concentrated.

Creating Content is where you focus on the long term aspect of building your business and the relationships connected to your business. This is where “trust” is developed, and where the big, long term money is generated.

Simple: Advertising creates money/cash flow, Creating Content generates long term wealth. Tie them together through social media and you’re laughing.

Now, the first method (Advertising) is usually where people get stuck, right?

Where do I advertise? What do I advertise? How much $$ will it cost me? How much $$ SHOULD it cost me? What results should I expect? How do I know if it’s working?

.. All valid questions.

Actually, the second method (creating content) is a sticking point as well..

How do I create content? What do I write about? How do I setup a blog? How often do I create? How do I deliver it?

All valid questions as well.

So, to make this easy to understand, there are 2 methods that I use that I have been very successful at over the years in creating wealth on the internet that cover Advertising and Content Creation quickly and easily.

  1. Advertising = Solo Ads
  2. Creating Content = Blogging

By far, the easiest, quickest, and “push button-est” way to generate leads cheaply, is running solo ads. Period.

Ultimately, here’s what happens: You create your offer, you run the ad, you get leads, you make money. Most of the time you don’t even have to write the ad yourself! You just give them your URL and in a few days your list gets bigger. If you do it right, it will cost you $0.00. (nothing!).

So if generating hundreds of leads to your contact list every week for FREE sounds good to you, I can provide you with the shortcuts to doing this right.

Hint: Join my list up there in the top left under my picture and I’ll let you know when I put the last 3 “shortcut” videos together on effective solo ad marketing.

On to creating content..

Yep, blogging is the way. Seems obvious and simple but it needs to be done. Your blog is where you focus on building your online presence and your own “brand”. What you’re doing is creating value for your readers which puts you in the position of being the “go-to” person for your area of expertise.

To some of you, this whole blogging thing may seem complicated and time-consuming, but if you know how to do it, it’s really quite simple and doesn’t take that much time at all. And the REWARDS can be massive!

Again: Join my list above and I can get you the RIGHT information on how to “shortcut” this whole process..

So, in a nutshell, those are the 2 ways to generating a huge income on the internet.

Here’s how it all comes together:

You start blogging and running solo ads that are relevant to what you’re talking about on your blog. Your ads generate leads (and sales), and your followups to your list direct people to your blog. Your blog creates value for your list and keeps them interested in what you’re talking about. You make more sales and business connections through your blogging, which of course generates more revenue for you to run more (and bigger) ads. You run more ads, generating more leads to your list, point them to your blog… etc..

Sound confusing?? It might sound that way right now, but it’s really not. Keep it simple and you’ll win.

That’s how I’ve done it for years, and it’s working out pretty good for me 🙂

Questions and comments below..

If this post (or any other of my posts) has been of value to you in any way, please “Like” this post.


– Geoff Stephen

Why you need to have your own blog, on your own domain.

Hello all..

This blog entry is about starting a blog the right way.

Related to my “blogging challenge” post here

Here’s the deal..

There are plenty of services out there where you can start a blog for free, no upfront costs, no monthly fees. There are also services out there that actually charge you a monthly fee so you can blog on THEIR domain – and that one I REALLY don’t get. I mean, why would I give someone my money every month, AND give them all my content at the same time??

That’s like me saying: “Sure I’ll teach you how to play guitar, but let me pay YOU to learn from ME.”

At first you may think that this is a good way to start out in the blogging world, because admittedly it does sound attractive at first, right?

“.. well, it’s free and it sounds like a good way to get my feet wet and see if I like it..”

You have to understand that once you start out the WRONG way in blogging, the more you do it, it gets harder and harder to turn it around the right way. To put it simply, you need to stop blogging on someone else’s domain!

By “blogging on someone else’s domain” I mean if you have a blog that has a URL like these:

Doing it that way is essentially the same as YOU advertising in order to build someone else’s contact list. And we all know how I feel about that.

As an internet marketer, you NEED to have your own presence on the internet. You need to have your OWN blog on your OWN domain. There really is no other way around this, and it’s important.

Question: is this a hobby for you, or is this a business you want to build? That’s the difference.

If you are blogging on someone else’s domain, you’re really just setting yourself up for disaster..

What happens if they delete your posts? What happens if their domain gets slapped by Google and your traffic is gone? What happens if their servers get hacked? What happens if some other blogger on the same domain spams the server out of existence? Well.. too bad for you I guess. There goes all your hard work, there goes your content. It happens. Back to square one. How fun is that?

If you have your own domain, your own blog, YOU are in control of your online presence. YOU own your own content. YOU are in control of the “look” of your blog. YOU can easily move it to a different hosting company if need be. YOU can back up your blog in case of a disaster. And best of all, YOU look professional and attractive to your prospects.

If you host your domain and blog with GlobalNPN we will NEVER expect you to increase our domain’s popularity by blogging on our domains. Your domain is YOURS, and your blog is YOURS. The web hosting is simply a service that we provide to our members to help them build their own brand.

Seriously everyone, do it right the first time. This is one of those things that you will look back on in a year and say, “.. sure wish I’d done this right the first time around..”

That’s it for now, keep on blogging 🙂

If this post helped or was of value to you, please “Like” it and share…


– Geoff Stephen