How to Generate Hundreds of New Leads for Your Business and Convert Them Into NPN Directors on YOUR NPN Team

Hello NPN’ers,

So here’s the plan..

You’re in GlobalNPN, and you want it to be a success… right?

Of course you do.

Here’s what you need (only 3 things):

  1. A high-converting marketing funnel (something to generate leads to your MMPro or Aweber contact lists).
  2. A “funded proposal” system to earn you “one off” commission payments to cover your advertising costs.
  3. An automated way of turning those leads into paying GlobalNPN members in your downline.

NOTE: This entire system HAS to be duplicatable to make sure your recruits can follow exactly what you’re doing – and be successful at it.

Let’s go over those again in a bit more detail..

1. A high-converting marketing funnel..

This is comprised of a capture page that draws in leads so you can market to them in the future by way of your autoresponder followups. It has to be highly effective in order to generate lots of leads into your funnel. Inside your funnel is where you present your offers to your leads… but they have to get in there first.

2. A “funded proposal” system to earn you “one off” commission payments to cover your advertising costs.

Nobody likes to have to pay for their advertising without any immediate returns, right? A funded proposal is what makes you “instant” money inside your marketing funnel. Usually a funded proposal’s function is to earn you enough money to cover your marketing costs while the “deeper” part of your marketing funnel (and you) works on turning those leads into recruits to your primary business (GlobalNPN).

3. An automated way of turning those leads into paying GlobalNPN members in your downline.

Once you get them in your funnel, at some point you need your funnel to work on converting your leads into GlobalNPN members under you. This would be the ultimate goal of your funnel – NPN recruits. This is where you start generating your monthly passive income that you need to have coming in.

And again, this entire process has to be DUPLICATABLE (I’m not even sure if that’s a word:). Regardless, this entire process we just went through needs to be duplicated by your leads, all the way through. ie. they need to access this system and start working it just like you are.

So that’s it. That’s all you need in order to start generating leads, generating income, generating long-term success.

Now. You are very lucky to be a part of GlobalNPN at this time because with the integration of “” into your GlobalNPN backoffice, this ENTIRE process is right here in front of you. This brand new system is going to make it possible for you to overcome those obstacles that are standing in your way – which mainly is the lack of a complete, working marketing funnel, that is 100% duplicatable.

In the past week alone, LeadSkimmer has generated over 3,500 leads for it’s members! These are REAL unique leads that are automatically added to your autoresponder contact list for you to followup with. It also converts leads into either “one-time” commission payments to YOU, or GlobalNPN Director members under YOU – all automatically!

The best part of this system (in my opinion) is the fact that it is the highest-converting marketing funnel that I have ever been involved with. The fact that we’re bringing in almost 1,000 leads per day with this, is proof that this thing is working! Consistently!

LeadSkimmer converts traffic into leads from sources like: Traffic Exchanges, Safelists, Solo Ads, PPC, Facebook, Youtube, .. the list goes on. It converts leads SO QUICKLY right now is proof again that all you need to do is get your affiliate link in front of as many eyeballs as you can – IT WILL CONVERT the traffic into leads! Period.

Listen. I WANT you guys to succeed at this, and I wouldn’t create and recommend something like LeadSkimmer without knowing that it is working, right now, for our NPN members. In fact, ALMOST ALL members of LeadSkimmer that are promoting their link are generating leads for their lists. That is a statistical fact, my friends.

I can’t stress enough that you should at least try it. It will work for you.

Here’s what you need to do:

(Prerequisite: To do this for FREE and get the most out of it, upgrade to NPN Director first)

  1. Go into your NPN backoffice ( ), click on “” in the left menu. Click the link that says “check it out here”, which will take you to LeadSkimmer.
  2. Signup for LeadSkimmer when you get there, it’s easy, and it’s free (don’t forget your username and password you chose).
  3. Go back to your NPN backoffice, again click on “” in the menu, and enter your LeadSkimmer username (email) and upgrade your account for free from there.
  4. Login to LeadSkimmer ( ) and you will be an upgraded member (thanks to NPN).
  5. Watch the videos, read everything, set up your autoresponder, and start promoting your LeadSkimmer affiliate link.

.. and that’s it! You are now an upgraded member of the hottest converting marketing funnel on the internet! And since you joined through GlobalNPN, your leads will see YOUR GlobalNPN affiliate link as an upgrade option in LeadSkimmer – which means if they join and upgrade, they’ll be under you as a Director member in NPN!

It’s easy, it’s quick, and this thing works. If you want to start to see some success in this business, follow the steps I have outlined above – and do it TODAY!

I can NOT make it any easier for you.

I hope to see you in there, generating leads..

Still not sure…??

Check out some of the comments on our Facebook page (and “like” it while you’re there):

Check out my other updates on this:

Check out some of the discussion on our board:

Have a great day!

– Geoff Stephen

LeadSkimmer Update – Dec. 30, 2011 – New Features!

LeadSkimmer Update – Dec. 30, 2011 – New Features!

Hey there, LeadSkimmers!

Quick update for you all before the weekend..

You guys are really keeping me busy 🙂 Our membership has increased by more than 150% in the last 12 hours, as have our upgrades, and an even higher percentage of NPN upgrades through LeadSkimmer. YOU are flyin’. THIS, my friends, is how you start off 2012 on the right foot!

You have to understand how WELL our marketing funnel is working in generating leads for our members (you). Our front capture page has such a high opt-in I’ve honestly never seen anything like it. I keep checking to make sure some high-tech “signup bot” hasn’t taken over.. and believe me it has not. These leads are REAL, and if you are in the business of making money online, these leads are targeted, which is the reason our upgrades are so high as well.

Most of you that are Premium members already know how powerful this thing is. But you Basic (non-upgraded) members are really missing the boat if you’re not promoting this and building your list. Remember, as a Basic member, the list-building aspect of LeadSkimmer is 100% FREE and you can use it as long as you like to explode that contact list of yours!

Login to your LeadSkimmer backoffice right now ( ) and click on “Affiliate Info => Affiliate Links“. There you’ll see your unique affiliate URL that you can start promoting with. There’s even some handy “share” buttons there so you can instantly share your link to Facebook, Twitter, and Google. How easy is THAT? I’ve already seen a bunch of shares out there generating interest… just give it a try, you’ll see..

Ok, on with the updates:

As you know, LeadSkimmer is only a few days old, so I’m constantly updating the backoffice, putting in more features, improving things as we go.

A few things I’d like to mention.

Premium Members:

Please update your Billing Profile with your Alertpay email addres, so I can send your commissions at the end of the month. Obviously this is pretty important, you want to get paid don’t you?

Also, update your personal profile as well since I will be making your contact info available to your referrals so you can help them get started with their LeadSkimming. It’s amazing the results usually are when you just update your profile..

Entry Ads. Premium members get your Entry Ads in there asap. Every time one of your leads logs in to their backoffice, they’ll see your Entry Ad. This can be an excellent “extra money” maker as a great place to advertise your other opportunities/products.

Also. I have updated the “Affiliate Stats” page. You can now see your earnings, your own Premium Referrals, and more. Please check it out.

As I said, I’m updating as we go, so there’s more to come in your backoffice – and I’ll be adding some NEW features to your Premium backoffice that will add a ton of value to your overall system.

My recommendation right now? (after linking your autoresponder) Start promoting your link whether you’re a Premium or Basic member. Just get your link out there and it WILL generate leads for you. Just DO it. It’s up to YOU, nobody’s going to do it for you. Let’s get you some leads and some income before this year is finally over!

Go in your backoffice and view the 2 videos on the member’s home page again. Watch them all the way through. Then watch them again. This is a huge opportunity. Don’t miss out.

That’s it for now, folks.

Oh, one more thing. Please go to our brand new Facebook page and click the “Like” button. I always send out updates through Facebook (more than email), so please connect with us so you don’t miss any.

LeadSkimmer Facebook:

Have a great evening..

– Geoff Stephen
LeadSkimmer Admin.

LeadSkimmer is Now the BEST Way to Generate Leads for your Business. Period.

LeadSkimmer Stats



Here’s the deal. If you want an incredibly fast way to increase your contact list and make 3X more money, you now have access to it in your NPN backoffice..

Although I haven’t even “officially” launched it yet, LeadSkimmer is already generating leads like crazy for those that are using it.

I released it on Christmas Eve (to a few people that knew about it), and we now have well over 1,000 members already! This thing is going crazy, considering this time of year is NOT the best time (historically) for businesses like ours.

If you are wanting to increase your contact lists, earn more commissions, and build your NPN businesses to a much higher level – you NEED to be part of what’s going on here. It’s really quite amazing..

Lead Skimmer is clearly the best way to generate leads online right now. Why?? Because it works. Period.

Here’s what I’ve heard:

“LeadSkimmer is ROCKING in the traffic exchanges! People can’t help but opt-in to this thing. My list is growing literally by the hour!”

“I placed a couple quick ads to some safelists and my Aweber list has increased by 32 leads so far – within 24 hours!”

“This generates confirmed leads FAST, and I’ve already made money from Premium upgrades, plus I made a sale from the EntryAd you get as a premium member..”

This is a screen capture I grabbed of one of our member’s Lead Skimmer stats after one day…

LeadSkimmer Stats

And the best part??..

As a GlobalNPN DIRECTOR member, you are automatically upgraded to “Premium” status in Lead Skimmer! That means you are automatically qualified to start your own lead lines, you are qualified to start earning unlimited payments of $25.00 in commissions, and YOUR NPN affiliate link will be on your prospects “upgrade page” as an upgrade option – which means it will build your NPN downlines as well!

We have  people upgrading every day, and we have people joining NPN under their sponsor’s as well! Which tells me that LeadSkimmer is doing what it should be doing.

and remember, it’s hasn’t even been officially launched yet – so if being in something “at the right time” is important to you, guess what… 😉

This is your ticket to making money online. If you’re struggling to generate leads – this is your solution. If you’re struggling to make money online – this is your best move.

This is what you need to do – TODAY!:

  1. Upgrade to NPN Director from your NPN backoffice
  2. Join LeadSkimmer for FREE through the link in your NPN backoffice (click on “” in the menu).
  3. Update your LeadSkimmer Username in your NPN backoffice to be upgraded to Premium.
  4. Start promoting your LeadSkimmer affiliate link (you’ll see that in your LeadSkimmer backoffice)

Congratulations! You now have the most powerful marketing funnel (and NPN builder) at your fingertips!

We’ll be officially launching in a few days (still tweaking things in the backoffice), and stay tuned for our first LeadSkimmer webinar early next week!

Thanks all, hope to see your successes with LeadSkimmer / GlobalNPN!

– Geoff Stephen


GlobalNPN’s “LeadSkimmer” List Builder Will Be Launched in a Few Days!

Hello NPN’ers

I have to tell you..

I am very excited about the way our LeadSkimmer list builder is shaping up! I’m getting down to the final stages of bringing the site to “live” status. All the programming is done, I just have to hook up all the back end stuff and complete some of the backoffice content and we’re good to go! The countdown has begun..

For those of you that are not aware of this, or if you just haven’t been paying attention, this list builder has the potential to absolutely explode your list (and your monthly income) in a very short time.

What’s this all about? Here are some notable features..

[icon_list style=”check”]

  • Builds your list exponentially, 3X faster than you can now, with REAL opt-in quality leads.
  •  Generates exponentially increasing income through the site, through GlobalNPN, and of course through your list that it’s building for you (at 3X the speed!)
  • It will build your OWN contact lists (not the company’s), supporting Aweber, Getresponse, and NPN’s MMPro contact lists.
  • It’s FREE to use with a complete “no brainer” upgrade option, which allows you to earn through the site OR through GlobalNPN. (ie. you either make a sale, or you get a new Director in your downline!)
  • As an NPN Director (or higher), you will already be qualified as a “Premium” member – no upgrade required for you :).
  • Uses my own proprietary “Skim3” software which takes care of all the automation behind it.
  • Is a quick and painless, “easy-in” marketing funnel that gets leads onto your list immediately, and money into your pocket.


I created this builder mainly for two reasons..

1. To help GlobalNPN members build their lists, and their incomes, faster and bigger.

2. To help non-members build their lists, and introduce them to GlobalNPN (through YOUR links, of course)


This is the youtube version of the front page video, check it out:

Thanks, let me know your thoughts.. I’m thinking Monday or Tuesday..

Are you IN..??

Have a great day!

– Geoff Stephen

How to Make Your Prospects Say “YES!” Every Time By Showing Them How to Get In for FREE!


Have you ever had someone excited to join your business or opportunity, and at the last minute they say “..well, I don’t think I can afford it right now..”, or “I just don’t have the money..“??

Don’t you hate that? After all, it’s only “$x.xx” per month, right? How can they NOT join??

YOU know they’re missing out, THEY probably know they’re missing out as well. After all, they got THIS far didn’t they?

It always comes down to the money, the cost, the “investment”.

Don’t you wish you could say something and just have them join your business without having to think about the money?


Here’s something that works, almost all of the time.

People do things because it makes them feel good. Simple as that. Even if they don’t like doing certain things, they still do them because they know the end result will be positive.

For example, going to work is not pleasurable for most people. But they know that ultimately they’ll get paid and that end result is a positive.

In contrast, people DON’T do certain things because of fear. They’re scared. Not “oh my god, a ghost!” kind of scared, though. Fear. Fear of failure, fear of looking foolish, fear of the unknown.. Fear is the obstacle that we have to overcome in order to get to the good stuff.

Now.. When you present your prospects with having to pay for something, and they back away from the investment, they’re scared. Not unusual.

How do you help them get around that fear?

It’s actually kind of a small (but thick) obstacle, because they know that on the other side of this obstacle is this great business opportunity that you have waiting for them.

So.. how do we get them over/around that obstacle?

You have to make them feel good about it and remove that fear. You need to make them SEE themselves NOW on the other side of that wall, and show them what that looks like. They need to feel comfortable with what they’re about to do – and they need to feel comfortable with you as they’re sponsor. Since we’re at the “join” point, we can assume they’re comfortable with YOU already.

Let’s assume your product/opportunity costs roughly $40.00 (ie. NPN Director). Which we all know isn’t much money considering what running a business can “normally” cost, right?

Here’s what you tell them..

Tell them to put it on their credit card. Simple, right? Yes, but obviously there has to be more than that.

You need to explain why, and this will get them over their fear.

Let’s be honest, they really don’t want to PAY any money up front. Or at least they’d PREFER to not pay anything at all. The fear is based on paying money RIGHT NOW. Today. Out of their pocket.

They also want to make money and be in profit as soon as possible. The fear is also that they won’t be successful at this. Fear of failure.

If they use their credit card, these fears can be overcome. Seriously. It’s how you explain it to them.

If they put that $40 on their credit card, they haven’t actually PAID anything yet. The bank has, in fact, given ( or loaned ) them the money to get started right now. With a credit card, that payment is not “out of pocket”. Your prospect knows that they have 30-45 days to get that money back to their bank. They know it, but YOU have to explain that to them. They’ve GOT the money, their bank has already made it available to them. Again, YOU have to explain this to them, otherwise they won’t see over the obstacle.

You could say they are getting a FREE trial period during which they can check out the products, the marketing materials, the community etc..

Psychologically if you explain that to them successfully, they will talk THEMSELVES into paying for your opportunity. They know they WANT to, they just have to make it okay inside their head.

Once this fear has been overcome, the rest is a LOT easier.

The other big fear they need to overcome is that they won’t be successful at this. They won’t make any money. Fair enough.

First, you need to make sure they understand that, by using their credit card, they have a 30-45 day FREE trial period in which to see some positive results with regards to making money.

Here’s where your leadership and your team’s leadership comes in.

As part of your presentation to your prospect, you need to make them feel comfortable about how YOU’RE going to help them succeed in this thing. Remember, you’re a good sponsor, right?? You need to make your prospect SEE what it’s going to like having you as their upline. Do NOT just leave them to figure it out themselves.

Explain to them that, during their 30-45 days, you will help them get all set up with their backoffice tools and profile pages, you will provide them with the best advertising resources, you will introduce them to YOUR uplines, you will get them on Skype to begin creating a solid relationship, you will connect with them on Facebook, you will give them access to your team’s training website, you will follow up with them every 2 days to guide them through and keep them motivated.. you, you, you.

Explain to them that YOU will help them get their first 2 referrals by helping them invite new people to your team’s (or company’s) webinars. New prospects NEED to hear this stuff. Don’t tell them you’ll do it all FOR them, though. They need to be able to see themselves doing all this. They need to be able to tell THEMSELVES, “Yes, this is what I want to do, and I will be good at it!

… and don’t just tell them, make sure you actually DO it! (rather important point there!)

So, what have we done here..?

We have helped your prospect overcome the 2 biggest fears that new people have when they are presented with a new opportunity like yours:

#1. Having to pay out of pocket.

#2. Not being successful.

Essentially, what they should be thinking at this point is:

I have a FREE trial membership to this great company, and during that FREE trial, I have great support and resources to get me started towards getting in profit quickly!

Congratulations, you have a new recruit.

Remember, selling (sponsoring) is making people want what you are selling, and then making people comfortable with what they’re buying.

YOU have to make them SEE it, because most likely they will just see the obstacles that stand in their way… and you’ve just lost a sale.

NOTE: Share this post with your sponsor, and your uplines. They need to be in on this too!

Focus your advertising on helping your prospects overcome these fears and make some money!

What do you think? Comments below…

Go here and “Like” this page to get connected:


Geoff’s Skype: geoffstephen

Have a great day!

Geoff Stephen