How To Get Support From Your MLM Sponsor

Hi all.

scared sponsor

When we decide to join a new opportunity or business, we want to make the best impression on the people we are going to be working with, don’t we?

I mean, you want to get help and support from both your sponsor and your company, so the impression they get of you can determine what kind of support you’re going to get.

What you DON’T want to do is start off on the wrong foot and get on someone’s bad side.

Trust me, as an owner of an MLM company, I’ve heard them all – both good and bad.

If you want your sponsor and uplines to IGNORE you and hope you quit sooner than later, here are a few things you can say to them:

1. “Well, I hope YOUR system is the one that actually works for me..”

Any time someone says “I hope..” means they want something but don’t want to work for it. Your sponsor isn’t going to spoon-feed you. They’re there to help but don’t expect them to do the work for you.

2. “I’ll give it a couple months and see what happens…”

What this really means is “I hope this works..” (see #1 above), and “If something better comes along next week, I’m outta here!”. Why would your sponsor want to help you if you have no plans of actually trying to make it work??

3. “I’ll bring in my HUGE downline IF you listen to my suggestions and treat ME like a heavy hitter!”

Yeah sure. Heard that one before. I’ve dealt with lots of “heavy hitters” that didn’t even know how to swing the bat. If you truly could do what you claim, you shouldn’t have to publicly claim that you can do it, right? ie. Prove it!

4. “I don’t have a lot of spare time, but this is all AUTOMATED, right?”

Yeah sure, just click the “easy” button and go back to your video games. If you don’t have a lot of spare time, why are you starting a business? Successful people in this business work VERY hard.

I’m sure there are more “gems” like these, but I hope you’re getting the point here.

Now if you genuinely want support from your sponsor, here are some things you can say to get their attention in a more positive way:

1. “What do you suggest I do on a daily basis?”

Your sponsor (and the company) want to know that you’re “teachable” and can follow instructions. This also shows that you’re willing to learn and take on new tasks. A schedule or plan is important to ensuring that you’re consistently working your business.

2. “When can we get on the phone/skype to discuss our plans?”

Communication is the most important part of this business. The fact that you’re willing to get on the phone on a regular basis goes a long way, especially in the “online” industry. Make the call!

3. “Here’s what I did today to build my business..”

Not only does this show that you’re actually DOING something every day, you may even be giving your sponsor good ideas for building their business as well.

4. “Check out my daily task list, is there anything you would suggest I change?”

Again, show your sponsor that you are ready to go and are at least beginning to put a plan in action. Action makes money. They will pay attention.

Get the idea? Don’t expect support if you’re not willing to take responsibility for your own actions.

My suggestion right now?? Contact your sponsor and start formulating a plan. Even if you don’t really know what you’re doing, make contact and ask for help. The simple exchange of ideas between you can put you on the right track. Contact them, and make a solid committment to following up with them in a few days (make an appointment), and on a regular basis.

After all, you want to be successful in this don’t you?


– Geoff Stephen

P.S. If you’ve heard any other communications (good or bad) please SHARE them in the comments below..

.. and if you enjoyed, or benefitted from, this post.. please click “LIKE” to share it. Thanks!

The Formula for Making A TON of Money Online

Hello all.

Ok, I know (if you’ve been around this industry for any length of time) you’ve probably heard lots of “Magic Formulas/Strategies/Blueprints” for making money online. Everybody has the best/quickest/easiest way to do things.

There are Blogging Strategies, Social Media Strategies, Youtube Strategies, TE Strategies, Webinar Strategies, SEO Strategies… and the list goes on.

Know what? They’re all good, and they’re all important to be familiar with.

Wanna know what my “Secret Strategy” is??


When it comes down to it, all of those “secret” strategies I mentioned above are “additions” to what is really going on here.

They’re all based on a simple 5-step “system”, and this is the foundation underneath pretty much all internet marketing..

  1. Collect
  2. Communicate
  3. Qualify
  4. Close
  5. Copy (Go back to #2 and repeat..)

Well.. ok, it’s not really a “system”. But it IS a process. It’s a process that you should know, and it’s a process that you should follow and focus on.

In fact, before you try and market anything online, consider how you’ve decided to market your product, and then compare it to the 5-step process above. Does your marketing plan follow it? If not, I strongly recommend you integrate those 5 steps into your marketing before you decide to go for it.

I’d like to stress how important these steps are. Put it this way. You can make some money without following those steps. You can make millions by consistently following them. No, I’m not exaggerating.

Let’s go into a bit more detail:

1. Collect

Your first focus should be generating leads for your business (or prospecting). Lead generation and building your contact list is your primary focus. If this is NOT your primary focus, fix it.

2. Communicate

Once you have begun to generate leads (collect) and build your list, you need to develop a good business relationship with your list. Communication is huge in this business, and if you’re not providing ‘value’ to your list on a consistent basis, you will, quite simply, not make much money (if any).  Social media should be a big part of this step.

3. Qualify

This step can become a bit more ‘involved’ as it has to do with considering what to offer your lists. Qualification involves testing, re-testing, split-testing, and a bit of ‘guessing’ thrown in as well. Through your communication you should know who your market is, and who is on your list. If you don’t, it will be very difficult to be successful at recruiting someone into your MLM when all they want to do is be an affiliate marketer.

4. Close

The close is where you get paid. Here is where you make the sale and convert your prospects into buyers.

5. Copy (Go back to #2 and repeat..)

This step, for some reason, is forgotten or ignored by a lot of marketers. Some marketers stop after they’ve “closed” someone, thinking that “well, they bought something from me, now I can forget about them..”. WRONG! Fact: If someone buys from you, they’re a heck of a lot more likely to buy from you again. Don’t let them get away, keep them in your funnel. Communicate, re-qualify them, sell them something bigger! Don’t stop just because a sale has been made..

So, in a nutshell, there is your “secret moneymaking formula”. Write them down, and consider how you’re going to integrate those 5 steps into your own marketing plan.

That, my friends, is how you DO it. Now go get rich 😉

– Geoff Stephen

Why you need to have your own blog, on your own domain.

Hello all..

This blog entry is about starting a blog the right way.

Related to my “blogging challenge” post here

Here’s the deal..

There are plenty of services out there where you can start a blog for free, no upfront costs, no monthly fees. There are also services out there that actually charge you a monthly fee so you can blog on THEIR domain – and that one I REALLY don’t get. I mean, why would I give someone my money every month, AND give them all my content at the same time??

That’s like me saying: “Sure I’ll teach you how to play guitar, but let me pay YOU to learn from ME.”

At first you may think that this is a good way to start out in the blogging world, because admittedly it does sound attractive at first, right?

“.. well, it’s free and it sounds like a good way to get my feet wet and see if I like it..”

You have to understand that once you start out the WRONG way in blogging, the more you do it, it gets harder and harder to turn it around the right way. To put it simply, you need to stop blogging on someone else’s domain!

By “blogging on someone else’s domain” I mean if you have a blog that has a URL like these:

Doing it that way is essentially the same as YOU advertising in order to build someone else’s contact list. And we all know how I feel about that.

As an internet marketer, you NEED to have your own presence on the internet. You need to have your OWN blog on your OWN domain. There really is no other way around this, and it’s important.

Question: is this a hobby for you, or is this a business you want to build? That’s the difference.

If you are blogging on someone else’s domain, you’re really just setting yourself up for disaster..

What happens if they delete your posts? What happens if their domain gets slapped by Google and your traffic is gone? What happens if their servers get hacked? What happens if some other blogger on the same domain spams the server out of existence? Well.. too bad for you I guess. There goes all your hard work, there goes your content. It happens. Back to square one. How fun is that?

If you have your own domain, your own blog, YOU are in control of your online presence. YOU own your own content. YOU are in control of the “look” of your blog. YOU can easily move it to a different hosting company if need be. YOU can back up your blog in case of a disaster. And best of all, YOU look professional and attractive to your prospects.

If you host your domain and blog with GlobalNPN we will NEVER expect you to increase our domain’s popularity by blogging on our domains. Your domain is YOURS, and your blog is YOURS. The web hosting is simply a service that we provide to our members to help them build their own brand.

Seriously everyone, do it right the first time. This is one of those things that you will look back on in a year and say, “.. sure wish I’d done this right the first time around..”

That’s it for now, keep on blogging 🙂

If this post helped or was of value to you, please “Like” it and share…


– Geoff Stephen

The 30 Day Blogging Challenge – Are you up for it?

Hello all..

I would say “Happy Friday” to you but if you run your own business like I do… weekends are never really “weekends”. Not that I’m complaining 🙂

Okay, I have a challenge for you..

As most of us know, an essential part of our online presence is our blogs. Right? And in order to be productive in your blogging, you need to follow the “C.C.C.” rule:

Constantly Create Content”

Hey, that’s not bad considering I just made that up now. lol

Seriously though, the content you create on your blog is not only important for your blog traffic, it’s also a very important part of your list building as well. Yes, yes it is.

You always need to be providing value to your list, and you blog content is an incredibly easy way to deliver it. As many of you know, most emails I send out will point you to my blog to get the complete message. Very rarely do I deliver a complete email message in an email (go figure) – I always give them the “gist” of it, then say “go here to get the rest..” and off they go to my blog. You can say so much more on a blog than you can in an email, and you can deliver it better, brand yourself, get feedback, and really put your personality into your message.

Right, so here’s your challenge

In my opinion, you should be delivering content to your list – via your blog – 3-5 times per week.. MINIMUM. And if you want to put numbers to it, focus about 30% of it on marketing a product, the rest is just valuable content.

My challenge is for you to create 5 blog posts per week for the next 30 days.

Blog posts that are relevent to whatever you’re currently marketing of course. 5 posts per week for a month is 20 blog posts in total. Sounds like a lot but really all we’re talking about is 1 hour per day for 5 out of 7 days.

Note: If you’re feeling particularly creative you could do all 5 in one day, then all you have to do is post them on the approprate days. It’s up to you.

Honestly that’s not a lot of time, but blogs last forever so what you’re doing is creating content that you can use over and over again to provide value to your list.

What do you think? Can you do it? Will you do it? … or will you let it go, once again searching for an “easier way”?

As always, it’s up to you of course..

Oh and by the way, I’m challenging myself to do this as well. It’s not easy when you have other businesses to run but I’m up for it.

Let me know if you do this and I’d be happy to come over and comment or give suggestions..

So.. Happy Friday! Hit me up on Facebook if you like:

– Geoff Stephen

P.S. I have a new product coming out soon that will show you step by step how to build your list by 100-500 new (high quality) leads per week… for $0.00 using solo ads. Sound good?

Learn These 2 Marketing Skills and Never Have to Worry About Money Again

Hello all..

You know, it often amazes me when I see people struggling in online marketing for the simple fact that they’re spending all their spare time trying to find that elusive “cutting edge” strategy or product that’s going to make them super rich.

It amazes me because when you break it down, there are only 2 skills (or methods) you really need to concentrate on in order to see success in online marketing.  Yes, only 2.

In fact, if you can be proficient at these 2 skills, you will NEVER go broke, and you will always have money coming in, and you will always be building your business. Seriously.

If you are one of those people that is looking around right now for that magic product or training that somehow “redefines” how marketing is done… you need to stop right now.

There’s nothing wrong with the training you’re searching for, nothing wrong with new products, but the foundation of your entire online business sits on these 2 skills. If you don’t have these skills, nothing else matters and nothing else will make you money.

What are these 2 skills?

.. are you ready?

Drumroll please…

Here they are:

#1. Email marketing

#2. Sales funnels

What?? That’s it?? THAT’S the magic formula??

Yup. Awesomely “ground breaking”, right? Cutting-edge, too! 😉

Here’s what it comes down to..

In online marketing, if you can be successful at selling via email and through your sales funnels, you will ALWAYS be able to make money online. Seriously. BUT, if you DON’T know how to sell via email and with your sales funnels, you will have a LOT of difficulty being successful at ANY other aspect of this business. Fact.

These 2 skills ARE the foundation of your online business existence. If they’re not… well.. you need to change your focus.

But Geoff.. what about traffic? Don’t I always need new traffic coming in??

Yes and No. Yes you need traffic to convert to leads, of course. No because if you’ve been building your list for a while, if you don’t have traffic you can still promote and sell to your list. You see, traffic generation is just a supplementary skill that allows you to generate more leads to market to via email. It’s not something you need to have if you already have a list. See what I mean?

The foundation of an online marketing business is your list, and your ability to build your list, and your ability to sell to your list. You build your list (and make sales) with your sales funnel. Anything else you do is just a layer on TOP of your foundation.

Yes, it’s simple. And maybe it sounds boring to you, but this is where it’s at. There is nothing wrong with new marketing methods and shiny new marketing “toys”, but if your foundation isn’t there, none of that will matter.

Amazing Secret Marketing Tip: Don’t overcomplicate things. This stuff is simple. Keep it that way.

Lean these 2 skills “first”, and focus on them until you can make money consistently. Once you do that you can do anything else you want in this business because you know you can make money at it. Don’t get distracted. Take this advice, it’s the advice I wish I had when I first started out.

That’s it! Hope this was helpfull. Let me know in the comments below, or on Facebook.

Oh, and join my list (opt-in under my picture on the left)  and you’ll be the first to know about the training I’m producing on this subject! I’m a nice guy so let me know you’re there. lol

– Geoff Stephen