Are You Building a Business or a Hobby?

Hey guys,

Here is a question I asked myself back when I started out in internet marketing years ago..

Did I want to run a business, or did I just want to do it as a ‘hobby’.

You see, there’s a huge difference between the two, in how you decide to run your online business.

Basically there are two ways to consider how you really want this whole online business thing to turn out. But this is really important because it’s a choice you need to make sooner than later when you’re thinking about starting an online business for yourself.

Here are your choices:

  1. Build a business, create long term wealth.
  2. Sell stuff online as a hobby.

You can either seriously build your business, focus on creating long term wealth, create a foundation that will enable you to sell ‘any’ product or service based on the brand you’ve created for yourself.

.. or..

You can just ‘sell stuff online’.  Be a faceless, nameless, anonymous affiliate and focus on getting traffic to your affiliate links. Nothing more, nothing less.

Now, there’s honestly nothing wrong with choosing either option. But you should make this choice as soon as you can, otherwise you’ll be forever stuck in ‘limbo’ without any real path to follow.

You have to understand there are big differences between these two choices..

Building a business and focusing on creating long term wealth is a LOT of HARD work. But the pros far outweigh the cons. You’ll be building something you can be proud of, something you can stand behind and something that can realistically generate millions of dollars in sales, and something that generates true passive long term income.. It sounds great (and it is) but you have to be COMMITTED to following through. Not for months, for years.

On the other hand, if you just want to ‘sell stuff online’.. Yes, you can make a lot of money doing this as well, however you have to realize that if you traffic stops (if YOU stop), your sales will too. And once your sales stop, you’ll be right back where you started..

There are two paths you can follow, and I can help you with both, but YOU have to choose and ACCEPT the reality of the choices you make. ie. If you don’t choose to build a solid brand and business, don’t expect to HAVE a business.

That’s all, just make a choice so you can follow through with what that choice is.

Have a great day!

– Geoff.

 P.S. If this information is helpful, please comment below, “LIKE” it on facebook, and opt in to my list in the sidebar.


GlobalNPN Instant Blog is Ready for You

Hello all,

As of early this morning, our brand new “NPN Instant Blog” system is up and running!

That’s right, with a click of your mouse you can have a completely branded blog instantly created for you from your GlobalNPN backoffice.

… all you have to do is click the ‘setup’ button, log in, and start blogging.

This is by far the easiest blog setup you’ll ever experience, it’s all done for you.

In your NPN backoffice, under “Products and Tools” in the top menu, click on “NPN Instant Blog”… (it’s available to ALL our members)

To setup your blog, just click on the big red button, then login. There will be instructions and videos in your Instant Blog Dashboard soon for you to follow.

Your blog is completely branded to you, your NPN profile, and your GlobalNPN links and capture pages.

You literally can just blog and share..

Imagine how much VALUE this system is adding to your NPN business, and it will continue to add value as you use your blog to promote yourself, your knowledge, and your business!

That’s it! Have fun!

– Geoff Stephen

P.S. Yes, there will probably be minor bugs that I’ll need to work out (as with any new product), but feel free to let me know if you see anything not working right).

P.P.S. Please “like” this post on facebook and comment below..

Repurposing Content for Endless Traffic and Leads

So… you have yourself a blog.

And you just wrote a great piece of content that you’re SURE will help your readers get ahead..

So you post your content to your blog, maybe mail your link out to your list.. and you’re done, right?


If that’s all you do with your great content, you are seriously missing out on a lot more traffic and leads for your business.

What you need to learn how to do is to “repurpose” your content.

What that means is to take the content you created, and “repurpose” it to be distributed through other means.

Sure, a blog post is a blog post. But why leave it at that? Why not turn it into as many other types of content that you can? If you leave it as it is.. consider it a waste of your time and talent.

Here’s what I mean…

Take your blog post and ….

[icon_list style=”check”]

  • Turn it into an article and submit it to the main article directories
  • Turn it into a podcast by just reciting what you just wrote
  • Turn it into a youtube or vimeo video
  • Turn it into a youtube video with simple power point slides
  • Turn it into a slide share
  • Turn it into an autoresponder message
  • Turn it into an email broadcast to your list
  • Turn it into a presentation and make a training video on it
  • Turn it into a webinar training
  • Turn it into a ‘free report’ that you give away to help build your list
  • Turn it into an ebook to sell (or part of an ebook)
  • Turn it into a press release
  • Break it up into parts and create more related content..


.. and don’t forget to link everything back to your blog or your capture page and SHARE SHARE SHARE

So there’s a few ideas to get you started.

Just keep creating value for your readers and share your value through as many distribution channels as you can with the time you have available. There’s no need to create a new piece of content for each, just repurpose the content you’ve already created.

The traffic is there, just go and GET IT!

Thanks for reading – LIKE it if you like it 🙂

– Geoff Stephen

New Backoffice

Hello NPN’ers,

If you haven’t yet checked it out, you all have a brand new NPN backoffice! Thank you for all the positive feedback I’ve received over the past 24 hours 🙂

What you will see in your backoffice is what I am building your new products and training into. 

There will be ongoing improvements, new training, and regular webinars to help you out with your marketing.

As of this post there are still some things to be integrated into the backoffice and I’m working to ensure it happens asap.

If you have any questions or if something in the backoffice isn’t working, please open a support ticket and I’ll get to it as soon as I can.

Unfortunately I couldn’t move all of the profile images over to the new system, so if you could all upload a new profile pic to your backoffice that would be great.

Click on “Add/Edit Profile Picture” under the “MyGlobalNPN” heading in the navigation menu.


– Geoff

Backoffice Update

Hello NPN’ers,

Quick note to let you know that the new backoffice
design should be operational before the end of this
weekend! Yay!

Thank you for your patience on this. An update of
this magnitude is more involved than you probably realize.

Our backoffice is massive, with almost 1,000 pages
and scripts that keep everything running (yes, seriously),
this update is more than just “changing the background”
and the font color (contrary to what some people may
have told you).

The over-all design makes everything back there a
lot simpler and easier to navigate… which also makes
it easier to add new features without cluttering everything
up (like our new forthcoming products)..

Also, the capture pages and free report should all have
the new pricing on them now and the banners will be
updated so you won’t have to change your links. If I miss
something don’t worry it will get fixed.

Thanks again, more soon. Back at it..