This is the Real Secret to Ultimate Success in Internet Marketing

Ok everyone. Wake up call here..71293-hard-work-pays2

Wanna know the REAL secret to ultimate success?

I’ll give you a hint..

It starts with “hard” and ends with “work“.

As long as you fully understand that much, I’d be happy to help you with the rest.

That’s it…

If YOU are willing to put in the work, the time, and the occasional 18 hour days, you’re already miles ahead than most people in this business who refuse to look beyond the hype and the false promises, and see it for what it is. It’s a business. Plain and simple. Work it like a business and you WILL see the rewards (and they are fantastic!). Work it like a hobby and it will just end up costing you money.

Ask anyone that has seen big time success in their business (any business) and they’ll tell you that it wasn’t easy. It’s a LOT of work and a LOT of time.

However.. if you truly believe in what you do, and if you truly have a passion for what you do.. it’s not “work”, is it?

If you really LOVE what this business brings to your life:

..It’s fun, it’s challenging, it’s frustrating, it’s rewarding, it’s tough, it’s funny, it’s painful, it’s costly, it’s golden, it’s lucrative, it’s life-changing.

.. and it’s amazing.

Again, as long as you acknowledge that..  NO.. wait.. as long as you EMBRACE that…

I am right there beside you to share my knowledge and experience with you and get you to where you deserve to be.

If you don’t acknowledge the challenges, and the effort required, that’s okay, success isn’t for everyone. I understand that. You may not be ready for it right now. But someday you might. Just let me know when you get to that point of clarity where your passion for success has taken priority over everything else… then we’ll talk.

Success awaits.

Thanks for reading.

– Geoff

6 Blog Headline Examples That Actually Work

How to create compelling headlines for your blog

How to create compelling headlines for your blog

Hi guys,

Most of us know that your blog headline is the most important factor in getting people to read your blog post.  It is ‘statistically’ important. When you write a blog post, generally speaking, only 2 out of 10 will actually get past

your headline and read the rest of your post. That is how important your headline is. Yet it amazes me how many people disregard this and don’t put any real thought into creating a compelling headline.

This is true in any kind of headline… blog posts, article titles, facebook posts, twitter updates.. the headline is where it’s at.


So without further discussion, here are 6 examples of different types of headlines that you can use to draw your reader deeper into what your message is..

1. The “Get What You Want” Headline

Example: “The Secret To Getting More Leads Online..!”

2. The “Crystal Ball” Headline

Example: “11 Predictions on the Future of Social Media Marketing..”

3. The “Problems and Fears” Headline

Example “Get Rid of Your Credit Card Debt Once and For All”

4. The “Fact, Fiction, Truth and Lies” Headline

Example: “Little Known Ways To Generate Targeted Leads Using Facebook!”

5. The “How To” Headline

Example: “How To Quickly Increase Your Online Income..”

6. The “Best or Worst” Headline

Example: “The 10 Worst Blogging Mistakes that Will Kill Your Blog”

Take those examples, play with them, make them fit your content. Use them as a guide to making your headlines better than just ‘average’. Go for it..

Make sure you take the time to create a compelling headline, for whatever piece of content you’re creating.  It will pay off for you. Tests have shown that a good headline will increase your conversion rate by up to 72% or more in getting people to read your content… and I would say THAT makes it worth the extra time you need to come up with something great.

What sort of headline works for you? If you have any additional examples, please comment below…!


– Geoff Stephen


Simplicity Rules Internet Marketing

Hey all,

I did a webinar last night with VaNessa Duplessie, Greg Gomez III, and Taigh Smyth. We talked a lot about how ‘simplicity’ is key in creating your business presence online.

We are also putting on a workshop in Seattle on the weekend of Dec. 7-9. If you are truly interested in getting the knowledge and tools you need to succeed in this business, and if you love small workshop environments as much as I do, I’d recommend coming to our event. As I said, it will be a small group (less than 100) which means lots of one-on-one time with myself and the other instructors. This means less talking and more “doing” and “learning”..

You can find out more here: (tell them I referred you!)

Here’s the replay of the webinar:

Here’s a rough draft of what I spoke about:

I want talk about simplicity.

My tip ultimately here is to keep things simple and not overcomplicate things, but still be effective in your delivery, whether online or offline… Simplicity rules internet marketing. Now I don’t mean keeping things simple because you don’t know any better, or because you just don’t know how to make things more complicated. I’m talking about the realization that keeping things simple is something that you need to do deliberately, and not just because you don’t want to work any harder. It’s actually quite difficult, and it takes a lot of practice, to be simple and effective.

And to accomplish this is to force yourself to limit the amount of information that you want to convey without limiting it’s value. And if you do this, what you’ll find is that you literally force the creativity out you. If you put limits and restrictions on yourself you kind of become more creative and more resourceful, almost by default.

When restrictions are placed in a creative process and when information is limited, creativity thrives as we’re forced to think outside of the box that having too much information actually places us inside of.

Think: twitter 140 char limit. They give you 140 characters to convey your message, and only 140 characters to effectively convey your message and invoke the reader’s curiosity etc… It’s not easy. But people have become incredibly creative when using twitter, and lot of programming time has gone into creating things like URL shorteners.. so it would all fit in that 140 characters.

Twitter could have said “Ok, we’ll give you 240 characters now”. But that would have taken away the uniqueness of it and it would have made it too easy to put your message out, and it would have become less effective.

The same can be said about creating headlines, blog titles, email subject lines. Even when doing things like making videos or audios. Finding the simplest way to convey your message, and do it effectively.

Simplicity is where our foundation needs to lie within. Once we have that foundation and the mindset that surrounds it,  we can then start to bend our minds around what is needed to take it to the next level and to start thinking more creatively.

That’s why focus and simplicity is so important. Once you understand the simple processes that we do as Internet marketers, you can start to realize where your own personality and creativity needs to kick in.

Let me know if you find this helpful, maybe I’ll see you in Seattle…

– Geoff.

The Secret to Writing Profitable Autoresponder Messages

So what’s the secret to writing profitable autoresponder messages and followups?

If you’ve ever had trouble writing good autoresponder messages, or if you just don’t have the time to try and write a whole new sequence of followup emails that you can send to your list…

Here’s a little ‘secret’ that will enable you to create great autoresponder content without you having to think up a whole new angle on what to write..

It’s simple and it’s what most marketers do in order to save time and money (and therefore make more money and have more time:)

If you’ve been in online marketing for any length of time, you have probably signed up to receive other marketer’s messages, right? You’ve opted in to get your hands on whatever the ‘free offer’ is, and you’ve willingly put your name and email into a capture form of some kind.

So. what do you do after you’ve accessed their free offer? Do you unsubscribe from their list because you don’t want to receive their messages? Do you just ignore any further autoresponder messages you get – maybe because you find them annoying?

I sure hope not.

If you don’t read these messages coming to you, that tells me you’re not really interested in being successful in this business.

I’m not trying to put you down by saying that, but I’m saying that you’re throwing away perfectly good content before you even see what it is.

What I do when I receive marketing emails from other marketers, is save them on my computer. I might not read them right away, but I save them to a folder specifically designated for this type of thing.

If I receive a series of emails from a company or marketer, I save them to an individual folder to keep them organized and in order.

Then what?

Then when I need an idea for an email series or followup..

I go to my ‘swipe folder’ and grab a few emails that are similar to what I’m looking for..

And then I simply re-write them to make them work for what I’m promoting.

Simple, right?


Now before you go off and start copying other people’s work, it’s important to note that you CANNOT simply copy and paste other people’s work (unless they give you permission). What I do is use what other’s have written, to create the structure, and to create unique content that works for me.

One of the keys to success in internet marketing is to learn what more successful marketers are doing, and then do THAT (it’s called modeling yourself after someone else). What I’m talking about here is part of doing that. We’re not blatantly copying other marketer’s work, we’re taking it, learning from it, and re-purposing it to fit our needs.

You see, being a good internet marketer isn’t really about actually being a great copywriter. It’s not about being a ‘brilliant mind’.

It’s about BEING RESOURCEFUL. More than anything else in this crazy business, being resourceful will make you rich – faster.

So next time you think about emailing me (or your sponsor) to ask for help because you can’t think of anything to write in your autoresponder followup messages..

Check your ‘swipe folder’ and then show me what you CAN do, as opposed to what you CAN’T do.

This process will save you a TON of time, and a TON of frustration. Being resourceful will get your freedom back.

That’s it for now, please comment below if this helps you out at all.

See ya.

– Geoff Stephen

P.S. This is something I’m going to be showing you EXACTLY how to do at our upcoming workshop. If you’re interested in getting some REAL one-on-one training, click here to check it out.

19 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog Today

So, is blogging really worth it?

Fact: If you’re not blogging, you’re not marketing.

We all hear about how much money you can earn from blogging, don’t we? We all hear about how important it is to your business. We all hear how much traffic you can generate with a blog…

But, REALLY, is it worth it?

Do I NEED to blog?

In a word.. yes.

But why?

Well, here are some pretty darn good reasons:

It encourages you to keep learning and finding new ideas.
It helps you determine what your audience wants.
It helps you get better search engine rankings.
It makes you think about complex ideas and how to simplify them.
It gets the conversation started.
It keeps you updated and relevant.
It makes for great content to share on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, etc.
It helps you build your brand.
It helps you stand out from other marketers.
It helps build your following.
It gives you an avenue to keep in contact with your audience.
It inspires your readers.
It showcases your knowledge in your field.
It encourages your readers to take action.
It may land you speaking engagements, media interviews or job offers.
It gives you and your site credibility.
It gives you a “home base” on the internet
It gets results, income or otherwise
It gives you a way to advertise passively or directly
It is fun, once you start seeing some of the above results!

So, if you don’t have a blog yet, or if you have been avoiding starting one.. Go ahead and start. I guarantee it will be worth it to start. Once you start, you’ll never look back.

Want an easy to use, monetized, cool looking blog? Get one at GlobalNPN.Com..

Have a great day!
– Geoff Stephen