Global NPN – Wow, this is going to be cool!

Hello NPN’ers,

I hope everyone is having a great start to this month. School’s back in session, the leaves will be falling soon… which can only mean one thing! Sales will soar and we will all be making more money – this is the ‘best’ time of year to be an internet marketer (at least in my experience:) so let’s all make the most of it, shall we?!? Christmas is coming..

I have a couple things to bring to your attention in this update:

Well, she's excited, ain't she?

First off, I am sooo excited to be bringing in 2 more fantastic products to your NPN backoffice! Some of you may have noticed that it seems I’ve been hiding out under a rock for the past month (sorry ’bout that).. well, that’s what I call going into “programming mode”. Every so often I do that… hold the phones, hide out in my office, pour some crazy coffee.. and write code. I know, sounds exciting, huh? It’s how I get stuff done and I’ve been getting a lot done.

So, what are these great new products?? Well.. I can’t tell you, until they’re done. lol. Sorry, but I’ve been working REALLY HARD on these new integrations and I’m busting at the seams trying to keep them to myself.

One of the products ties in with the (soon to be completed) “Goal Setting” training in your dm training modules. The other product will enable you to get your messages out in a way that we have NEVER done before in GlobalNPN.

These are both “from the ground up” systems, which means they are created by me and are completely integrated into your NPN backoffice. They’re also very “sticky“, which means they will improve long term retention rates.

[note]There is one thing I CAN tell you for certain, these products will easily DOUBLE the current ‘value’ of your NPN membership. Which, of course, means you will make more sales as these new products are being pushed out there. More money for you. Sound good?[/note]

I’ve looked at the other programs out there that are similar to GlobalNPN, and NONE of them have these products. Stick around…

So… when?? Well, one of the products I was going to roll out tomorrow (and I probably still could) but there’s a few key features that I need to add before I’d call it ‘complete’. (Beta testers, anyone?) So look for these happening over the next week!

Did I say it’s a GREAT time to be in NPN?? If you’re NOT currently a member, now is the right time my friend..

Okay, now that I’ve got that off my chest..

One more thing. A few of you have noted that there was a bit of a mix-up in the carryover calculations this month. Admittedly I believe I carried over the wrong month, doh!. Don’t worry, I’m aware of it and any discrepencies will be cleared up before payday (by the 15th). Thanks for your patience.

Have a great week!

Please comment below..

– Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN Payday Update – Wanna make more money?

Hello NPN’ers,

All commissions have been paid for July’s earnings, and wow! you all had a really good month! I see commissions getting bigger and bigger for many of you each time I run my payouts. Very cool. In MLM, persistence always wins, and you guys are proof of that.

=> while we’re on the subject, please please please post that you are making money here: (the universe will appreciate the good karma)

This last month has been incredibly busy for me on the internet marketing front. There is SO much opportunity out there in our industry right now, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be excited every single day to be in this business! I know I am. Internet marketing is awesome and I want to bring you all into some other stuff that I’m doing (if that’s okay with you).

My goal, as it has been from the start of NPN, is to provide you with every opportunity that I can to help you make money online. I have been brainstorming and planning like crazy for new ideas in order to make GlobalNPN more profitable for it’s members (YOU).

Mainly, I have been busy testing out new marketing funnel strategies that accomplish these main things:

  1. generate quality opt-in leads
  2. generate instant income right away
  3. qualify prospects as MLM’ers willing to invest
  4. upsell to GlobalNPN (Directormachine in particular)
  5. and backsell affiliate products via autoresponder


Yep, that's me with my recent ClickBank checks.. This is why I love this crazy business!


What I have right now is absolutely money-rockin‘ as far as the above goals.

My next plan is to integrate what I’m doing into YOUR NPN membership. In other words I want to provide you all with what I’m doing so you can duplicate my success. Would that work for you?? I hope so. To be honest I could just keep it all to myself but that wouldn’t be like me, would it šŸ˜‰

Don’t go anywhere,Ā  the value of your NPN membership will continue to rise. You’re in the right place. šŸ™‚

As usual, your great comments are always welcome below, I really like hearing from you! Let me know you’re alive!

And “Like” it if you like it!

Have a good one!

– Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN Facebook Page – click and “like”

Geoff’s Facebook Page – click and “like”


Manual Sponsor Re-assignment Process and More Updates..

Hello NPN’ers,

New Sponsor Placement Process:

The sponsor re-assignment option is now active in your NPN backoffice!

This means you can choose your latest referrals (joined within 48 hrs), and assign them to a different sponsor in your downline. This is excellent news for those of you that are building in a ‘team build’ or have a reason for being able to give your referrals to someone in your downline. It is similar to how the RDS works, except that you are doing the placement yourself manually.

In your backoffice, click on “My Current Stats” to go to your affiliate stats page. Then click the link above your stats that says “Re-assign Sponsorship”. From there you can go through the process of re-assigning your referral to a new sponsor. Please read the FAQ and watch the video there to familiarize yourself with the process before you begin. The changes you make cannot be reversed, so make sure you are sure of what you’re doing…

Question: What is “best practice” when moving someone like this?
Answer: It is recommended that you only move your referrals under one of your other personal referrals. That way if the new sponsor quits, your original referral will compress back to you. If you move your referral under someone that is not sponsored by you, you may risk losing them from your downline in the future. The choice is yours.

Here is the video tutorial on Youtube (the backoffice version is better):

Message Board Changes:

Please re-visit our message board, I have made some changes to the forum. We now have a “General Marketing Discussion” forum and I have merged a couple of the other forums into “Community Support”. Lots of people (outside of NPN) see this board so feel free to start, or join in on, any discussion.. And please welcome any new members that have taken the time to introduce themselves! ..I look forward to seeing you there.

Login to your NPN backoffice and click on “NPN Discussion Forum” to get to the message board area.

A “Top 5” Tips of the Day:

  1. Download our NPN toolbar and make it a habit of logging in to your NPN backoffice on a daily basis!
  2. Check our message board every day and contribute to the community
  3. “Like” our NPN Facebook Page and contribute:
  4. Follow on our Twitter:
  5. Connect with me directly on Facebook:

.. and contact your uplines today!

Have a great day!

– Geoff Stephen

Global NPN – Double your Downline this month?

Hello NPN’ers,

Member Placement Update:

I will be implementing a new placement process in the next few days where you’ll be able to re-assign the sponsor (and upline) of your personal referrals. It will work like this: When you sponsor a new (paid) member into GlobalNPN, you can take that referral and give them to one of your other downline members, manually, from your backoffice. You will have a certain timeframe in which to do this (ie. 24 hrs.) and you’ll be able to do this once per referral.

** yes the referral bonus would go to the new sponsor, like the RDS **

What makes this so great?

Well.. This is great news for those of you that are doing a “team build” situation, where you need to make sure that certain people in your group get their referrals. You will now be able to assign the sponsor yourself to your new referrals.

This will also give you the opportunity to help (reward) those people in your downline that are putting in the most effort for you. (ie. You can ensure your new referrals aren’t going to that “deadbeat” in your 2nd level anymore)

This will give you the opportunity to build more strategically than the current RDS system can. Yes, the RDS works fine as it is but now you have a little bit more control over how things work out.

Cool, huh? Let me know what you think.

So, here’s a challenge for you for this month..

The biggest online marketing season is almost upon us, so let’s get a flying start!

My challenge to you is that everyone in NPN sponsors 1 new person this month (or more of course). Sponsors this is aimed at you. It is up to you to motivate yourself and your downlines to get this done. 1 New Referral Each. If you can do this, your downline will double in size. Simple as that, and the Power of 1 makes it that much more attractive. 1 new referral each month = double your downline. Of course you can take advantage of the new placement process I mentioned above to help out your team, and they can do the same. Duplicate it. Call your team. Email your team. Facebook your team. Get going!

Think you can do it? I think you can, just FOCUS on that goal for this month, and make it happen. (hint: eCertificates work wonders for duplication)

P.S. In the near future I will *probably* have a process to re-assign uplines only (you keep the ref bonus). Not as attractive in my opinion since you’re only passing down $.50, but some of you may like it.

P.P.S. While you’re at it, please “Like” my new Facebook page here so I can shorten my URL (thanks!) šŸ˜›

Discussion on this entry can be found here:


– Geoff Stephen


What do I Blog About?

Hello. This is about being stuck.

I was going to update one of my blogs the other day and I realized that I had absolutely nothing to write about. Well, I suppose thereā€™s always lots to write about but at that moment I was drawing a complete and utter blank. I had nothing.

That got me to thinking.. What do other bloggers do when they have nothing to blog about? How do you get past that initial ā€œblank stare into the computer monitorā€ stage?

It took me some time, and a whole lot of thinking, before I realized that a while ago I had found that I already had a solution to this problem.blogkey

I like to write blogs that have to do with teaching someone how to do something. I like educating people on the stuff that I know. I find it much more valuable (especially in my industry) to give instructional information as opposed to just spewing my opinions on some related subjects. Although I find that a lot of people respect my opinion on some things, itā€™s just more fun when someone actually learns something from what youā€™re talking about.

I also like learning how to do things myself. Iā€™m in a constant state of ā€œgimme something new to learn todayā€. One of the great things about the Internet is that any information that youā€™re looking for is there right in front of you, or at least just a few clicks away. ANY information. Iā€™m pretty good at absorbing information really quickly and the internet is ideal for someone that speed-reads like I do.

So.. anyways.. how do I think of something to write on my blog?

It has become apparent to me that the most thorough way to learn how to do something is to teach someone else how to do it. I know that sounds kinda backwards since technically you canā€™t teach something if you donā€™t know it yourself, but this is a different angle.

What Iā€™m talking about is how I find something new to blog about..

I simply think of something that I want to learn how to do. Whatever it is, doesnā€™t matter at this point. Something that I donā€™t know how to do, but want to learn. Whether itā€™s how to use Twitter for marketing, or how to climb a tree, itā€™s something I need to know how to do.

After Iā€™ve considered that for a while, the rest is research. I take my desire to learn something, then I take it to Google and compile enough information until I reckon Iā€™ve got a little more than I need in order to learn it myself. Note: I donā€™t ā€œcopyā€ other peopleā€™s work, I just gather information.

So at this point I have a bunch of information. I donā€™t actually know what Iā€™m doing as of yet but I think I have enough information to learn something. NOW hereā€™s where the real learning actually comes into play. I now have to force myself to TEACH someone else how to do what Iā€™m learning how to do. Teaching someone how to do it is how I learn how to do it. Trust me, it works.

Itā€™s kinda like when you were back in high school and you had to make a presentation on some event of historical significance that you knew nothing about. Sure you could get all the information and make all the notes that you wanted, but you never actually knew what you were talking about until you had to explain and describe it to the class. Heck I still know a lot more about the Battle of Hastings in 1066 than I do of any other ā€˜battleā€™… because I had to do a presentation on it back in the 7th grade.

Ok, back to blogging..

Now since Iā€™ve got all my information in place, all I have to do is explain it to someone else in the same way that I would like it explained to me. I teach myself by teaching others. See what I mean? Of course I use my own writing style, adding my own thoughts and opinions, and it comes out as a well-written instructional article… about something I didnā€™t know myself as of this morning.

So after reading what I just wrote it kinda sounds like a long drawn-out process that takes hours and hours and really sounds pretty boring. Donā€™t take it that way. This is just a process that I use in order to find something interesting (to me) to blog about. It does not have to take a lot of time or, honestly, a lot of effort. And if itā€™s something you want to learn, it wonā€™t be boring.. right?

So if you ever find yourself at a loss when thinking of something to blog about, try what I do… you might just learn something;)

Well..What do you think? Would this work for you? What do YOU do in this situation??

Let us know in the comments below..

– Geoff.