Product Name Change – Please Update

This is an important FYI to all our members.

Due to a legal (trademark) issue, we have changed the name of our “List Marketer Professional” product. It is now called the “NPN Mail Marketer Pro”. The product is exactly the same, the service is exactly the same, just the name is different.

That said, if you have any advertising out there that refers to our product being called “List Marketer Professional”, please update the reference to the new product name as soon as you can to avoid any conflicting information.

Also, if you see any reference to the “old” name on our website that I may have missed, please let me know 🙂

Thanks for taking care of that, I will do the same on my end.

– Geoff.

Traffic & Hosting & New Websites, oh my!

Hello NPN’ers,

Firstly, we’ve had a TON of new people joining us over the past few weeks, so a big welcome to all those folks. Good to have you here! And of course congrats to all of you that are working hard at promoting your NPN business and building on your successes! It’s almost payday.. and it will be another big one.

If you’re unsure as to how paydays work here at NPN, please read this knowledge base article:

In this update:

1. Free Traffic
2. Website Hosting
3. New Website

1. Free Traffic!

We have struck a bit of a deal for you with Revisitors. We have arranged to get all of our members some free targeted traffic to the website/capture page of your choice. In your NPN backoffice, click on the link in the menu that says “Free Targeted Traffic” (under Promotional) and you’ll be able to set up a free traffic campaign from there. Please read that page for recommendations. … this offer might not last that long so go and get your free traffic campaign started today!

2. NPN Hosting:

Our web hosting service is almost ready to launch. Hopefully within the next few days you’ll be able to host your websites with us at no extra cost as long as you’re a Director Level member or higher. You will be able to purchase new domain names through us, or you can just switch your current domain over to our hosting servers. I’m working on streamlining the whole process to make things really easy for all of you, whether you’re an experienced marketer or someone that has very little technical know-how. The hosting packages will vary depending on what NPN membership level you’re at, and those details will be released soon.

3. New NPN Website:

We have a brand new website being completed right now that I think everyone should be excited about. The new design and graphics will carry through to some new capture pages as well. When it’s done I’ll be doing some testing on it myself to make sure all is good. Stay tuned.

That’s it for now..

My tip of the day: Always stay one membership level higher than your referrals. Lead, don’t wait for someone else to lead you.

– Geoff Stephen

NPN Hosting and More News

Hello NPN’ers,

First of all, a big welcome to all our new members, thanks for joining us!

I have a some very exciting updates for you all for the upcoming month..

1. NPN Web Hosting

Another way NPN is becoming the “complete solution” for all eMarketers, we’ve decided to step things up and give you something that will hugely increase your sales and, in particular, drastically improve member retention.

Yes, NPN will offer domain hosting for our Director Level (or higher) members! After you have purchased a domain (from any registrar), you will be able to host that domain on your NPN Hosting account (.com, .net, .org, .ws ..etc) at NO extra cost on top of your usual NPN membership fee. If you already own a domain and host it elsewhere, moving it to our server is very easy as well. This will be a “full service” hosting account with some great “extra goodies” to make everything much easier for those of you that aren’t familiar with the technical side of web hosting. On top of the latest control panel, we’ll have an online website builder with hundreds of templates that you can use to set up your own website in a matter of minutes. Plus we’ll have around 50 website scripts that you can auto-install in about 3 clicks of your mouse – including: blogs, message boards, classifieds, shopping carts etc.. And of course you’ll have your own email accounts via pop3 or webmail, ftp access to play with as well.

For those of you that have a hosting account now, saving money by moving your sites to our servers will be quick and easy. If you don’t have a web hosting account, initial set up is quick and automated.

My recommendation is to upgrade to the NPN DIRECTOR level or higher before the end of the month so you can immediately take advantage of these new features and get your online business off the ground!

2. New Site Design

I am in the process of doing a re-design of our main website ( New graphics, layout, capture pages etc. should drastically improve conversions across the board. As welll I’ll be tweaking the backoffice to make it more user-friendly and easier to work with.

3. 100,000 Members

This is more of an FYI to let you know that we’ve finally broken the 100,000 member mark! Yes, more than 100,000 people have joined NPN since it’s inception (and we started from “1”). This is a big milestone for me and I’m happy we’ve finally reached it. Next stop… 1 Million 😉


As soon as I can make this possible, NPN is going to be making monthly contributions to an organization called Heifer International ( It’s an excellent organization that I’ve been personally involved with over the last few years. The way they help people is amazing, check it out.. My plan is to match the monthly bonus payments that YOU earn, and donate that amount to Again this is more of an FYI… none of this will come out of your commissions (don’t panic), I’m doing this out of my own pocket, because I think it matters.

I kind of have an issue with people that make a lot of money, but don’t do any good with it. The fact is, our industry (online marketing) sees millions and millions of dollars going through it every month, yet I NEVER see online companies like NPN, or individuals doing anything with that money to help people that really need it – at least not publicly. I’m not saying that nobody out there does any good, I’m just saying that our industry needs to show it a little (a lot) more.

Plus… maybe it will help grow your business faster if your prospects know that if they join at an upgraded level they’ll be helping out someone that needs it a heck of a lot more than they do.

That’s it for now..

Feel free to comment below.

These new features should be up and ready go by the 1st of February, stick around…!!

– Geoff Stephen

Welcome to NPN in 2010

Hello NPN’ers!

Welcome to NPN-2010.

First of all, I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I appreciate all the kind wishes that many of you sent my way.

Now down to business.. Some of you may not be aware of this, but 2010 will mark the 5th anniversary of The NPN. Doesn’t seem like a long time but it’s probably worth around 20 “internet years”. There has been a LOT of changes in internet marketing since we launched. Just as an example… The NPN was launched 2 months after Youtube’s inception back in early 2005… and think of what youtube’s done since then in creating an online presence for us.

The year of 2009 will be noted as the year that our Ladder System really started to change people’s lives for the better… at least for the people that saw the benefits and really went for it. The Ladder System took NPN from being just a “ten dollar program” to being an unlimited (and still unmatched) income opportunity that continues to attract everyone from emarketing newbies to long-time experienced marketers.

So what does 2010 hold for us? This year will be a year of growth and expansion for NPN as a company. Expansion into other areas of online services and products to continue the ongoing process of becoming every eMarketers “home” program. Everything will gradually become more simplified, yet we’ll become the “all under one roof” resource for all things emarketing (moreso than we are today). From Autoresponders to Web Hosting, from Branding to Live Training. Plus a very special incentive program that will help those in the rest of the world that are less fortunate than us.

I don’t care how many ‘programs’ you join this year, they will come and go just like always, but WE will always be here. There are still people that re-join NPN and tell me “I originally joined NPN back in 2006 and now I’m kicking myself because I didn’t stay!”.

Here’s my advice to you. Since this is the beginning of the year, you will probably be bombarded with the usual ads claiming that their program will be the “new” magic silver bullet that will make everyone rich. Remember that the word “new” frequently also means “high risk”, and also remember that most new programs will be gone after a few months. Not all of them, but most of them. Go ahead and join them if you like, but remember that NPN provides you with the tools that you need to succeed in THOSE businesses as well. Don’t be one of the people that I’ll talk to next year wishing that they’d stuck around in NPN instead of hopping to the next salespitch.

Stick around, you’ll be glad you did. Just ask the people that have been here for years 🙂

I have lots of things planned for NPN in the coming months that will knock your socks off. Count on it. The year 2010 is gonna be fun!

Comments below are welcome..

– Geoff