Be a Good Sponsor by Being a Good Leader

Hello NPN’ers,

I’ve recently had some concerns from members not getting good advice or information from their sponsors. Please listen to the video (audio) below for my take on being a good sponsor..


Text Version:
[toggle title=”Click Here for the (rough) text version..” style=”fancy”]I see this happening quite a bit in internet marketing..

One of our members will go to their sponsor with a question, and either their sponsor will ignore them because they don’t know the answer… or they’ll give them some answer that is probably bogus information that they have no idea whether it’s accurate or not, or they just answer with something because they feel they have to give them an answer – because they’re the sponsor.

If your referral asks you for help or advice. Don’t think that you have to have an answer for them – especially if you don’t know the right answer. You job as a leader is to help your team find the answers to the questions they have. For example, if they ask you what’s the best way to get word out about my business on facebook. Don’t give them some answer that you have no idea whether it works or not.

Your answer, as their leader, should be, “you know, facebook isn’t my area of expertise, let me find out what I can for you so I can point you in the right direction. I know a couple people that have been really successful with that type of marketing, let me do some research and get back to you.”

You don’t have to have the answers, but you need to assist in finding solutions. As you can imagine, I get lots of marketing questions from lots of different people, all with different skill sets and experience. And honestly i don’t have the answers to a lot of their questions, a lot of them I do, but with many of the questions, I might not be the right person to ask… but one thing I’m good at is I’m very proficient at finding solutions for people. So if I can’t answer a question directly, I can spend some time researching, and then I can point them in the right direction so they can find their answers themselves.

So I can do some research and answer their question this way, “I’m not the right person to ask, but check out this guy’s blog, he’s really knowledgable in what you’re trying to do and he has some great ideas and can point you towards some great resources that will help you accomplish what you’re trying to do.” or I can take it one step further and reply with “I did some checking for you, and here’s what I found out and this might answer your question..” and then I give them the information. It depends on what it is of course.

But the point is, that is part of how you lead and manage people. I used to manage an IT department at my former job, and this is a huge part of management as well. I suppose now I manage, or take part in managing thousands of pepole online. You don’t have to have the answers, and most of us don’t have all the answers, and you shouldn’t try to make it seem like you have all the answers. But you need to get good at helping people find solutions.

I guess it’s the difference between a supervisor and a manager. A supervisor is the person that should have all the answers because they’re the person that has done your job for a lot longer, so they should know. A manager doesn’t know all the answers, but knows where you should go to find out where to get the answers. It’s about finding solutions.

What do you think your referrals will appreciate more: Giving them some sort of a quick “off the cuff” answer that probably isn’t true, and you yourself have no idea whether it’s valuable information or not… or admitting you don’t really know, but being able to point your referral in the direction that will get them the right answer. What do you think is more valuable, particularly in the long run (which is what we’re all here for).

If you can provide leadership in that way, you will be able to build an organization that will stick around, and will appreciate the help and leadership that you’re able to provide.

So if you get a question that you don’t know the answer to from one of your referrals. Tell them “I’m not sure, but I will contact my sponsor, because I know she might have the answer or can point us in the right direction..”

If you do it that way, you’ll also be learning what the answer is yourself. So if you help someone find the answer, you will have the solution as well.

So that’s my advice for today..

Be a good sponsor by being a good leader.

I really hope this information has been of some value to you and your team and have yourselves a great day.[/toggle]

Thanks, have a great day! Feel free to comment..

– Geoff Stephen

Global NPN – Wow, this is going to be cool!

Hello NPN’ers,

I hope everyone is having a great start to this month. School’s back in session, the leaves will be falling soon… which can only mean one thing! Sales will soar and we will all be making more money – this is the ‘best’ time of year to be an internet marketer (at least in my experience:) so let’s all make the most of it, shall we?!? Christmas is coming..

I have a couple things to bring to your attention in this update:

Well, she's excited, ain't she?

First off, I am sooo excited to be bringing in 2 more fantastic products to your NPN backoffice! Some of you may have noticed that it seems I’ve been hiding out under a rock for the past month (sorry ’bout that).. well, that’s what I call going into “programming mode”. Every so often I do that… hold the phones, hide out in my office, pour some crazy coffee.. and write code. I know, sounds exciting, huh? It’s how I get stuff done and I’ve been getting a lot done.

So, what are these great new products?? Well.. I can’t tell you, until they’re done. lol. Sorry, but I’ve been working REALLY HARD on these new integrations and I’m busting at the seams trying to keep them to myself.

One of the products ties in with the (soon to be completed) “Goal Setting” training in your dm training modules. The other product will enable you to get your messages out in a way that we have NEVER done before in GlobalNPN.

These are both “from the ground up” systems, which means they are created by me and are completely integrated into your NPN backoffice. They’re also very “sticky“, which means they will improve long term retention rates.

[note]There is one thing I CAN tell you for certain, these products will easily DOUBLE the current ‘value’ of your NPN membership. Which, of course, means you will make more sales as these new products are being pushed out there. More money for you. Sound good?[/note]

I’ve looked at the other programs out there that are similar to GlobalNPN, and NONE of them have these products. Stick around…

So… when?? Well, one of the products I was going to roll out tomorrow (and I probably still could) but there’s a few key features that I need to add before I’d call it ‘complete’. (Beta testers, anyone?) So look for these happening over the next week!

Did I say it’s a GREAT time to be in NPN?? If you’re NOT currently a member, now is the right time my friend..

Okay, now that I’ve got that off my chest..

One more thing. A few of you have noted that there was a bit of a mix-up in the carryover calculations this month. Admittedly I believe I carried over the wrong month, doh!. Don’t worry, I’m aware of it and any discrepencies will be cleared up before payday (by the 15th). Thanks for your patience.

Have a great week!

Please comment below..

– Geoff Stephen

What’s up NPN’ers? I need your suggestions.

As I said in one of my previous updates ( ), I am working on implementing a system where our members will be able to generate more income both with GlobalNPN and outside of NPN.

One of the things I’m doing is adding an autoresponder series on top of what we already have that will generate sales up to a year from the time they opt-in. The sales go to you, of course. I have the letters almost ready to go, but I’d like your input on something.

What I’m looking for are clickbank or paydotcom products that you think would be attractive to your leads. Simple enough. These will be included in many of the outgoing letters to your leads throughout the year long series. I have a list of products that I plan on promoting for you, but I’d like to hear suggestions in case I have missed any that would fit in.

Just an FYI, this series will last an entire year and the sales will go to you as long as you are a paying member of GlobalNPN.

The series itself will be an extension of the letters we already have going out on your behalf from opt-ins via our ‘plug-n-play’ capture pages. The series will promote affiliate products on your behalf, as well as your GlobalNPN links throughout the year. I’m also building new sales funnels that will increase your earnings as well.

So…. if you have any product suggestions please submit them via the comments below.  (Note that is not a place for you to advertise, affiliate links will not be accepted)

Thanks I look forward to your input..

– Geoff Stephen

11 Tips for Creating Email Subject Lines that Work (and 1 bonus tip)

Hello NPN’ers,

Email marketing is a very competitive business, and writing email subject lines that increase your open rates can be the “win or lose” determining factor in your email campaigns.

Below I have compiled a quick list of tips and ideas that can help you be more successful in your email marketing. I hope you get some value from what I have to share…

1. Short and sweet

A subject line needs to be short and to the point. Generally keep it under 50 characters. Remember your content is in the email body, it doesn’t need to be in the subject line too.

2. Use numbers and counts

This is an often used tactic that creates interest in the reader. People love to read “top” lists because they’re easy to read, and quick to digest. I’d recommend your list be less than 15 and more than 4. Odd numbers seem to work better. ie. 7 or 13 works better than 8 or 10.

Example: “Top 7 ways to get free leads”

3. Actionable subject lines

Use action words to intensify your subject line. You need your reader to take action now, not sometime whenever they feel like it.

Example: “..Get my free report NOW”

4. “friend” subject lines

These work well to get emails opened, but you have to be careful as they are often deemed to be misleading. Use them, but use them sparingly.

Example: “hey it’s me again”, or “did you get this?”

5. Personalize

Personalizing your subject lines is kind of debatable whether it works or not. Some people say to always personalize your subject lines, but honestly I’m not sure if it’s a good thing, or even necessary. Only your own testing will tell you whether they work for you or not.

Example: “{firstname}, get my free report now!”

6. Don’t mislead

You could say this is common sense, but there are still many people that do this out of desperation. Being misleading in your subject lines can result in a lot of unsubscribes from your list, so be careful. Basically, if you feel you have to be misleading, your content or probably isn’t worth buying anyways.

7. Test and re-test

Yep, this is an important one. Email marketing is all about testing. In fact, every time you send out an email, you are testing what you’re doing. Keep track of all your emails and your subject lines. Your autoresponder system should be able to give you the stats you need with regards to the interest you’re generating with your emails. Look at open rates and clickthrough rates for each subject line you use.

8. Use controversy

Quite often being a little bit “controversial” in your subject lines can increase your open rates, but make sure you’re not misleading people at the same time. Generate more interest by creating the “wow, I really gotta read this one!” curiosity in your email list.

Example:  “This could make some people very angry…”

9. Answer a question:

If you know your market, and what type of people are on your email list, you should be able to determine what questions they might have. A question in the subject line can make your readers curious enough that they’ll want to find the answer by opening your email.

Example: “Is Making a living from your computer really possible?”

10. The “how to” subject line

Everyone wants to learn how to do something, especially if it benefits them in any way. Give them a simple “How to…” subject line in your emails and if they’re interested in the topic they’ll certainly want to read the rest of your email message.

Example:  “How to write subject lines that always get attention.”

11. Don’t use “re:”, “fwd:”, “confirm your subscription”, “payment received” etc.

This ties in to being misleading in your subject. All this does is anger your reader and they will click the unsubscribe link in your email, guaranteed.

12 (bonus tip). Specifics Really Work!

Using specific numbers or results can improve your email open rates drastically. Use odd numbers, or odd times to create more curiosity.

Example: “How to get 67 free hot leads by dinner time!”

If you keep it interesting and keep providing valuable information to your readers, you will be successful in your marketing campaigns. Remember to be consistent with when you send your emails out as well, you need to train your list to know when you’ll be sending out your updates.

That’s it from me, have a great day!

Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN Payday Update – Wanna make more money?

Hello NPN’ers,

All commissions have been paid for July’s earnings, and wow! you all had a really good month! I see commissions getting bigger and bigger for many of you each time I run my payouts. Very cool. In MLM, persistence always wins, and you guys are proof of that.

=> while we’re on the subject, please please please post that you are making money here: (the universe will appreciate the good karma)

This last month has been incredibly busy for me on the internet marketing front. There is SO much opportunity out there in our industry right now, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be excited every single day to be in this business! I know I am. Internet marketing is awesome and I want to bring you all into some other stuff that I’m doing (if that’s okay with you).

My goal, as it has been from the start of NPN, is to provide you with every opportunity that I can to help you make money online. I have been brainstorming and planning like crazy for new ideas in order to make GlobalNPN more profitable for it’s members (YOU).

Mainly, I have been busy testing out new marketing funnel strategies that accomplish these main things:

  1. generate quality opt-in leads
  2. generate instant income right away
  3. qualify prospects as MLM’ers willing to invest
  4. upsell to GlobalNPN (Directormachine in particular)
  5. and backsell affiliate products via autoresponder


Yep, that's me with my recent ClickBank checks.. This is why I love this crazy business!


What I have right now is absolutely money-rockin‘ as far as the above goals.

My next plan is to integrate what I’m doing into YOUR NPN membership. In other words I want to provide you all with what I’m doing so you can duplicate my success. Would that work for you?? I hope so. To be honest I could just keep it all to myself but that wouldn’t be like me, would it 😉

Don’t go anywhere,  the value of your NPN membership will continue to rise. You’re in the right place. 🙂

As usual, your great comments are always welcome below, I really like hearing from you! Let me know you’re alive!

And “Like” it if you like it!

Have a good one!

– Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN Facebook Page – click and “like”

Geoff’s Facebook Page – click and “like”