What happened to Payza?

Hello all.



As some of you may already know, Payza has recently updated their user agreement and acceptable use policies.

Here is their update on their blog:


The most notable part being this in their “Activities Not Allowed” section:

“Selling of Unregistered/Unlicensed Stocks, bonds, securities, options, futures, or investments in any entity or property, including (but not limited to) corporations and partnerships or sole proprietorship, are prohibited:

  • Solicitation, marketing campaign, direct selling or any other comparative effort will be considered a violation of the User Agreement. If you are registered or licensed to take such action, you may be requested to present documentation demonstrating authority to do so from a Securities Exchange Commission, Commodities Futures Trading Commission or other equal and comparative agency.”

What this is saying is that they won’t deal with HYIP’s or pyramids or ponzi’s anymore. Any of those so-called “investment” sites.

Obviously we are not one of those sites, we are not similar in any way to those sites. GlobalNPN is a real business. However Payza will probably group us all under the same category of high-risk mlm. I’ve seen it before. It’s not their fault, it’s the credit card companies that have these policies.

So… how does this affect GlobalNPN and LeadSkimmer??

Well, it won’t affect the way we do business and it won’t affect our payout structure. And it certainly will NOT affect you being able to receive commissions for your GlobalNPN business.

There seems to be some misconception that if Payza won’t do business with us, we will cease to exist. I’m not sure why but some people think that’s the case.


People that use Payza to pay for their NPN membership accounts for less than 20% of our entire membership. ie. not many NPN’ers use Payza. Why? Because we already have an easier way to pay and get paid.

GlobalNPN does it’s own 100% secure credit card processing through our own merchant accounts and banks (it’s what real businesses do). We accept payment with Visa or Mastercard directly. NO third party processor is involved. Payza or any other processor isn’t even in the picture. They’re not necessary in our case.

As far as paying commissions, again we have our own re-loadable debit card that you can order for FREE from your NPN backoffice. And every month we simply load your commissions right onto your debit card, and you can use it like any other Mastercard, or withdraw your funds from any ATM around the world, completely global. You can even pay for your NPN membership with that debit Mastercard. It doesn’t get any easier. No payza involved.

Another feature that’s really convenient with regards to your debit card is that you (or anyone else) can load funds onto your card. They just need your card number and they can go to the Payoneer website and put money right onto your card.

So.. what’s next?

Here’s the scenario.

IF Payza decides that they won’t do business with us because of their policies, no big deal. It doesn’t affect our business.

So what will be happening is this:

For GlobalNPN and LeadSkimmer, you will have the option of getting paid onto your GlobalNPN debit card, or you can request a paper check in US funds that we will mail to you.

Personally I’d rather not use any online payment processor because of the amount of fraud that goes through them, and because in our case they’re not really necessary. But if need be, we will hook up with a different processor that can satisfy our long term needs for our businesses.

So those are my thoughts based on what I know. I’ve heard that Payza’s policies go into affect on July 20th, which I can’t confirm because I haven’t heard from them either way.

Back to business as usual.

Any questions let me know.

– Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN Simplified

Hello NPNers,

I thought I would bring you up to date on what’s coming up soon with your GlobalNPN membership..

As you know, the way we do business on the internet is always changing and always evolving into different things. Essentially, technology moves very fast and if you don’t keep up, you get left behind. Simple as that.

Business processes online change as well. What worked yesterday (or last year) may not work today so we have to continually change the processes behind how our business works in order to stay relevant and productive. Software changes, payment methods change, downline structures change, and business costs change as well. GlobalNPN has been online since 2005 and we’ve always tried to ‘keep up with the times’.

The goal has always been to maintain a sustainable business model throughout the years while providing a premium value, service, and opportunity to online marketers. We have always achieved this goal.

Over the past few years, making money online has not become easier, but it has become ‘simpler’.ย  For example, previously it was much more difficult to create your own blog.ย  You had to know how to upload files, create databases, and have some technical knowledge. Today it’s point, click, and you have a blog. The same can be said about most other aspects of marketing as well. Unfortunately people tend to think that marketing and making money is simpler now too. It’s not. You still have to know how marketing works, and how to sell, and how to recruit.

As I said, it’s simpler but not easier.

So.. on with the updates..

We have always tried to make GlobalNPN the best over-all opportunity available, for both new marketers and experienced marketers as well. Personally I believe it still is ๐Ÿ™‚

What needs to be done now is to make it simpler. Simpler to understand, simpler to use, simpler to set up. And simpler to make money with.

We’ll call this the “simplification” of GlobalNPN..

Part 1: “Look and Feel”

1. New Backoffice

Our backoffice has always had a TON of information in it. All good, all relevant information. However, the biggest issue people have after they join is, “Too much information! Too complicated! Where’s the “easy” button??”.ย  Some get overloaded with our information and then they get distracted, because some people are lazy and don’t actually want to do the ‘work’ associated with running a business. The backoffice is being “simplified”.ย  Same great information, easier navigation.

2. New Website

I’ve been experimenting with all sorts of designs while re-doing our main website. I’ve created new sites, and completely scrapped them. Again this comes down to delivering information on what’s inside while keeping it simple on the outside. Not an easy task. What is coming will change the ‘look & feel’ of GlobalNPN. Very cool.

3. New Products / More Training

This is going to be a bit of an ‘out with the old, in with the new’ situation. Simpler, more refined, more value for your membership dollar. Regular training via video and live webinars.

4. New Promotional

Brand new funnels are being created for NPN that you will be able to use to both build your own contact lists, and promote your NPN business. New capture pages, new sales funnels. Awesome.


There is tons of new content and products coming to your backoffice by way of our PLR archive that we’ll be building for you. Your referrals will join for this reason ALONE when it’s promoted higher up on our new website.

Part 2: “The Opportunity”

1. The “Flex” Downline

A lot of consideration has gone into how our downline matrix works, and if it’s the best thing for our members from a “big picture” point of view. In MLM, the ‘forced matrix’ is really only attractive because of it’s spillover potential. Unfortunately, automated placement usually doesn’t put YOUR downline where it needs to be – or where YOU want it to be to get the most from your organization. Think about this.. wouldn’t it be great to have the ability to ‘place’ your new referrals wherever YOU want in your downline? I mean, you earn a 100% matching bonus on all your referrals, wouldn’t you want to be able to MAXIMIZE that potential right away and not have to wait for it to fill in itself?? I know I would.. If you run a team or are planning to do a team build, you’ll love me for this ๐Ÿ˜‰

2. Simplified Membership Level Structure

Back in 2005 when we launched, we had just one membership level. A year later, I extended the membership to 5 levels (Pro, Plus, Director, Silver, Gold Platinum), and it was massively successful. Now, we’re simplifying it. Over the last few years I’ve seen where the money is made, where the money is lost, and what the most attractive situation is to the most people. Most importantly (yes, for you) I’ve seen what the most productive structure would be for the company, with respect to continuing to be sustainable for the long term. In order to continue to provide a high level of product, service, and support, and with respect to the thousands of dollars every month it costs to run GlobalNPN, a couple changes should be made….

Nothing is written in stone on this structure yet, but the proposal is to combine products, services, and costs into 3 simple membership levels: PRO, DIRECTOR, and GOLD. This would allow us to provide more value to each of these 3 levels, making them easier to distinguish between. The PRO level would see the MOST increase in products and services. The DIRECTOR levels cost and commission structure would essentially stay the same as that is our most popular level to join at. There would be slight changes to the costs and commissions at the PRO level in consideration of the value we’re adding in combining it with the PLUS level.

… and that’s about it! There will be more updates on this as we progress.

ย Updates are slated to be complete by August 8th.

I believe I said a while back that 2012 would be a ‘transitional’ year for GlobalNPN, this is a VERY exciting time..!

==> Discussion for this topic is here on our message board <==


– Geoff Stephen


4 Free Tools For Creating Awesome Websites

Hi guys,

Today I’d like to provide you with four free tools I’ve found that might be of use to you when doing internet marketing related websites and salespages.

The first one is called the Ultimate Graphics Creator.

It allows you to create very professional looking headlines, ‘buy now’ buttons, money back guarantee boxes, and purchase boxes. It’s free and really easy to use:



The next one is a free EBook Cover creator called “My eCover Maker”.

With this you can make very high quality eBook covers for your salespages/squeezepages. If you’re not good with Photoshop, this might be the tool you’re looking for.



This next one is something I’ve used quite a bit when determining what different color schemes I should be using on a page or a site. It allows you to mix and match colors and combinations of colors to see which ones work together and which ones do not. Good for those of you that need new ideas for color combos on your websites.



One more.. The simplest one that I’ve used the most. Need to convert the color that you actually want into an HTML color code? Use this:



There you go ๐Ÿ™‚ Hope this helps you out today. If this was useful to you, please click the Facebook “LIKE” button to show some love..


– Geoff Stephen

P.S. I did this post on banner creators a while back, check it out here.

The “Secret” Stuff that NPN Members Get (and will be getting MORE of..) *update: Leadskimmer members too!*

Hey all.

I have begun to add more value to your membership in GlobalNPN..

*update: this now applies to Leadskimmer members too!*

(this is all leading up to our new website/backoffice/products..)

I have just uploaded over 135 Megabytes of products, downloads, and content that are FREE for you to use as you like!

Director Level (or higher) members can download these by clicking on “Bonus Downloads” in the menu in your NPN backoffice. (under ‘NPN Products’)

So what is all this stuff?

These are downloadable products that are licensed as “PLR”, which means you can download them and use them however you like.

Here is a listing of what is currently there for you – (click here).

Here are some of the things you can do with them…

[YES] Can be edited.
[YES] Can put your name as the author.
[YES] Can be broken down into articles.
[YES] Can be used as web or e-zine content.
[YES] Can be used as video or audio content.
[YES] Can be added into membership sites.
[YES] Can be re-sold in any format.
[YES] Can be re-packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a free bonus.
[YES] Can be given away (in any format).
[YES] Can be sold on auction sites.
[YES] Can offer (Master) Resell Rights.
[YES] Can resell Private Label Rights.
[YES] Can be published offline.

If you’re looking for products you can give away to build your list, or if you’re looking for content ideas for your blogs/articles/videos, or if you’re looking for something you can sell, you’ll find it here. Use them as-is, or copy and paste any of the content from these products and use it as your own, whatever you like! Many of them come complete with their own built-in sales funnel pages (squeeze pages, landing pages etc.)

.. and there’s more coming!

A couple of important points:

  1. These downloads are available to DIRECTOR level members of GlobalNPN (or higher). Upgrade today to get immediate access to your downloads!
  2. I will be adding more (and better) content like this every single month for our Directors.

This is information has yet to be added to any promotional materials for GlobalNPN. ie. not on our website. However, our new website will have this information promoted as added value to the membership.

So… Go for it! Click on “Bonus Downloads” in the menu in your NPN backoffice and you will see them there.

Sound good? Please comment..

Have a great weekend!

– Geoff Stephen

P.S. You’re welcome ๐Ÿ˜‰


Does LeadSkimmer Convert?

Hi guys,

Just thought I’d let you in on a very interesting statistic..

I had a question this morning from one of our members asking if LeadSkimmer members ever upgrade to GlobalNPN through their backoffice. So I did a little bit of research on what the latest conversion ratios were.

I have everything programmed in Leadskimmer and GobalNPN to ensure that we can tell where our signups are coming from.

What I looked for was the percentage of Leadskimmer members that joined GlobalNPN through their LeadSkimmer backoffice, and then upgraded to GlobalNPN (at the Director level).

What I found was that we have a conversion ratio of a whopping 16%!

What that means is that 16% of everyone that joined NPN through their sponsor’s LeadSkimmer backoffice upgraded to Director in NPN! Nice!

So, what we have here, folks, is a very efficient sales funnel.

LeadSkimmer itself has 3 ways to earn money:

  1. LeadSkimmer Premium Upgrade commissions
  2. Sales from Entry Ads
  3. Your own followup to your Leadskimmer leads.

..And throw GlobalNPN into the mix and you have…

  • your upfront one-time commissions PLUS..
  • your back end recurring income stream… all built in.

Remember that your leadskimmer leads get added to YOUR contact list, so if you have anything else to market to them, that’s more money for you.

In a nutshell, this works. Nothing I have ever done has converted traffic into leads better than the Leadskimmer capture page. Nothing.

BUT you have to DO it.

Here are some of my own stats that I’ve tested through:

  • LeadSkimmer free leads to LeadSkimmer Premium or GlobalNPN Upgrade: 13%
  • GlobalNPN free join (from Leadskimmer backoffice), to GlobalNPN Director upgrade: 21%

For those of you that don’t know much about conversion rates. Those are good ๐Ÿ˜‰

If your own conversion rates aren’t as good, it’s simply the result of the quality of the traffic you’re throwing at it.

Here are a couple points to remember when promoting LeadSkimmer:

  1. If your traffic isn’t converting into leads, you need to find a different (better) traffic source. If this is the case, DON’T keep pounding it with the same non-converting traffic, move on..
  2. If your leads aren’t upgrading (or doing anything), the problem could be with your followup, but if this is the case it’s usually your lead source (see item #1). “Garbage in, garbage out.”

So get out there and start promoting your LeadSkimmer affiliate link. Just do it. It works.

– Geoff Stephen