How to Earn 1 Dollar Per Subscriber

Hello all..

Have you ever heard this statistical target:

“You should be earning $1.00 per month for every subscriber you have on your list”?

I know you’ve probably heard that one..

But is it true?

Or more importantly..

Is it possible? Is it realistic?

The simple answer is: yes.

BUT, you have to understand how that all works out, mathematically speaking.

The deal is, if you have 1,000 people on your contact list, you should be aiming to earn $1,000 per month from that list. And if you have 5,000 people on your list, you should be aiming to earn $5,000 monthly from that list. Simple enough, right?

Actually it’s fairly easy to understand once you know what you have to do. And it’s something you SHOULD be aiming for.

So let’s take a look at how that works, based on what you’re promoting – because it’s based on how much you earn per sale… and it doesn’t matter how many people you have on your list.

We’ll use GlobalNPN’s Director level commission structure for this example.

As a Director, you will earn $25.00 per referral every month. You also earn other commissions but we’ll focus on the referral bonus for this example.

Let’s assume you have 500 people on your list. So… we want to find out what we need to do to earn $500 per month.

If we earn $25 for each referral, that means we need to make 20 sales, right? 20 X $25 = $500.00

But as I’ve said time and time again, we don’t want to focus on the fact that we need to make 20 sales because for many people that’s an overwhelming thought. We want to focus on percentages instead because it makes more sense and it’s less stressful to work towards. (focusing on sales numbers sucks;)


We need to make 20 sales, and with a list of 500 subscribers, that’s a conversion rate of only 4%!

Now, since we’re talking in percentages, it doesn’t matter what size your list is, the 4% stays the same.

If you have a list of 10,000 subscribers and you want to make $10,000 per month, (and we’re using the GlobalNPN example of earning $25 per sale), the 4% conversion rate is still the same!

So I’ll ask you this:

Which task is easier on your brain, and which sounds more realistic:

  1. I need to make 20 sales this month
  2. I need to convert at just 4%.

 For me the choice is simple. I’d much rather think about converting 4% than having to count how many actual sales I have to make. Do you agree?

It’s kind of like playing a numbers game as opposed to trying to sell individual products. Yes you’re still selling products, but the thought process is quite different. It makes the results sound a lot more attainable and realistic. It’s a mindset thing.

… Back to earning $1.00 per subscriber..

I guess my point is that it’s actually a very good result to shoot for. Not only does it force you to play the numbers, but it re-enforces the fact that your marketing focus should be on building your list – not on recruiting or selling.

Here’s your assignment: Figure out your target conversion percentage. What will get you to $1.00 per subscriber?

 Comments below..


– Geoff Stephen

 P.S. if this helps you at all, please “LIKE”, Tweet, and share this page 🙂

3 Secret Emotional Triggers that will Persuade Your Audience to Open, Click, and Buy!

Hello all..

I’d like to tell you about a powerful but elusive emotional state that you can tap into, to increase traffic, click-throughs, and conversions. The stuff that draws ’em in and makes ’em buy!

If used properly, your reader/visitor can be drawn in, and will give you their complete attention right through your call to action.

The “emotional state” I’m referring to is:


Yes, curiosity, that thing that keeps us glued to TV shows, movies, books, and websites.

So how do we trigger this curiosity strongly enough to get your customers to take action, click on a link, buy your product?

The key to writing curiosity-based headlines and email subject lines is to write from a place that goes against what your reader actually believes to be true, but keep it realistic as well.

It’s called “violating expectations“. You need to challenge what your reader believes.

Here’s one for an example:

“How to make more money by generating more sales!”

Well, duh. This headline just makes sense by itself. It doesn’t leave anything to the imagination, does it? Sure it might generate a bit of curiosity, but it doesn’t really jump out and make me want to learn more..

Try it this way:

“Increase your sales by 84%, in just 15 minutes per day!”

What does this headline do that the first one did not? It “violates expectations” by suggesting some small behavioral change (15 minutes) can drastically increase what your realistic expectations might be.

Now, unfortunately it isn’t that easy. Your headline also has to violate the right expectations based on who your reader is.

You have to try and focus in on, and highlight, a gap in your reader’s knowledge, and of course it has to be something they’re interested in.

Like this:

“These 2 inexperienced bloggers are making more $$ in a month than YOU do in a year! Here’s their 3-step profit system..”

This headline claims that bloggers with little experience can be hugely successful. If YOU are a blogger, it also suggests that THEY know something that you don’t know… and it promises an easy solution to fixing this problem that you have.

One important thing to remember is that most people tend to believe that they know more than they actually do. So when trying to grab their curiosity, you need to indicate that the information you have is something they have never heard of.

So when a headline reads:

“The 5 best list-building strategies that will explode your business..”

It would make the reader more curious if you said something like:

“5 weird and underhanded list-exploding methods that are so lucrative you’ll feel guilty using them!”

Which one do you think would make your prospects more curious?? Which one would they click on?

See what I mean?

Being able to trigger one’s curiosity is a powerful thing. If you practice and get good at it, you’ll be surprised how much it will improve your business (and your sales). Sometimes it will literally take hours for me to get the right copy done for something as simple as an email subject line! But in the end it’s worth it. If you’re wondering why nobody is opening your emails, check your subject lines for curiosity triggers.

So in a nutshell, remember these 3 things..

  1. Violate their expectations
  2. Zero in on a “gap” in their knowledge
  3. Make it seem there’s NO way they’ve heard of your information before

That’s how you do it. Have fun. Play with the words for a while until it sounds awesome when you read it back to yourself. This is a competitive business and this skill will keep you ahead of the game.

If this post has helped you out in any way, please click “LIKE”. Thanks!

Have a great day!

– Geoff Stephen

2 Ways To Become An Expert in Online Marketing

Hello all..

Have you ever heard that in order to become successful online you have to present yourself as the “expert” in whatever it is you’re selling online??

I hear it all the time… and I also SAY it all the time, because it’s important.

Unfortunately this is one thing that de-motivates people from going forward in their online business..

“‘What? I’m not an expert!”

“Why would they believe me if I’m not an expert??”

“How can I be thought of as an expert if I don’t consider MYSELF an expert??”

So therein lies the “catch 22”, right?

You can’t sell more because you’re not considered an expert. You can’t be considered an expert until you sell more..


So.. how do we get around this? It’s easier than you think..

Well, first we need to consider what an “expert” actually is, specifically in internet marketing.

You are an “expert” in this business when: You know something that someone else doesn’t know yet (and wants to know).

Yup, that’s it.. well almost..

You’re an “expert” if you can teach that person how to do that “something” that they don’t know.

First example, if you know how to install a wordpress blog, that’s a service you can promote to those that want to know how to install a wordpress blog. In that case you are the “expert” because you’re the go-to guy/gal for that particular service.

Get it? Seriously. It’s a basic part of marketing. Your job is to find (or be) the solution to a problem that others are having, and let them know that you have it.

So the 2 ways to become an expert in online marketing:

1. Learn something new and find people that don’t know what you just learned.

2. Teach something you already know to those that don’t know it.

Don’t underestimate the things you already know. Fact: You have knowledge that other people do not (we all do).  It could be anything and doesn’t have to do with internet marketing.

Example: If you know how to fix lawnmowers and can guide people through the process in an easy step by step fashion, you can make money with that information. (I don’t know how to fix lawnmowers but some days I’d sure like to know how :))

So.. become an expert on something (you probably already are), and sell it!

Have a great day!

– Geoff Stephen

Are you trying? I hope not!


I received a message from a new GlobalNPN member this morning.

They told me that they have been “trying” to make money online for about a year now without being very successful, and that they “hope” that this one will work for them and they’ll give it a “try” for a while to see how it goes…. blah blah blah..

One thing came to my mind: He won’t succeed.. at anything.


Because he has already failed, before he’s even started.

Yeah, it’s a mindset thing.

He has put himself in a constant state of “trying“. And if you’re always “trying“, you will always be “trying“. In other words, “trying” means you haven’t succeeded yet, and if you’re constantly “trying“, you will always be at the point of “trying” but not succeeding.

Do you hear what I’m saying?

He also said that he “hopes” this one works for him. Well, same thing. If you’re always “hoping“, you’ll always be “hoping” and never succeeding.

Really I see this every day…

“I hope he joins my downline..”

“I’ll try to make that work..”

“I hope I can make this stick..”

“I hope this ad works, and if it doesn’t I’ll keep trying..”

If you think that way, that’s how you’ll be. That’s where you’ll be.

Make the shift!

Stop putting yourself in a constant state of “trying and hoping“. It doesn’t work.

Succeed. Put your mind in the state of having already achieved the success you want. Put yourself there. If you’re already there in your mind, reality will follow.

I know that sounds kinda hokey, but it works. At least it does for me. If I put myself (mentally) in the place that I want to be, things will start to fall into place until I get there.

That was part of my presentation at the No Excuses 3 Event in Las Vegas, you can get the video of my presentation here.

It’s up to you of course, but a negative mind will always put you in a negative space.

.. and that’s a real drag. 🙂

So make it happen.

– Geoff.

2 Quick and Easy ways to Generate an Income Online

Hi guys, how’s your 30-day blogging challenge coming along?

See THIS POST for more information.

Are you actually DOING it, or are you being lazy about it? 😉  I know sometimes it’s difficult to get started and keep yourself motivated (especially if it’s not something you’re familiar with), but this post will hopefully motivate you to get started and to KEEP GOING after you’ve begun..

There are essentially 2 ways that I use, and have used extensively in the past, in order to build a consistently growing business (and income) on the internet. After you read this you might just realize how much you’re over-complicating things..

I mentioned in a previous post that if you know how to make money with email and a sales funnel, you will always be able to make money in this industry. .. And if you don’t know how, everything else you try to do will be SO much more difficult.

So let’s get to it..

What I’ve always looked for in online marketing is ways to sell and recruit in the most automated and quickest way possible. I mean, isn’t that why we do this on the internet? It’s quicker, and automation is right there at our fingertips…

In internet marketing, no matter what excuses you make, there are 2 things you need to do:

  1. Advertise
  2. Create content

What do they do?

Essentially, they take care of the short term,  and the long term aspects of creating wealth online.

Advertising allows you to focus on building your list quickly, and making sales.  Instant traffic, instant leads, instant sales. This is where your cashflow and lead generating is concentrated.

Creating Content is where you focus on the long term aspect of building your business and the relationships connected to your business. This is where “trust” is developed, and where the big, long term money is generated.

Simple: Advertising creates money/cash flow, Creating Content generates long term wealth. Tie them together through social media and you’re laughing.

Now, the first method (Advertising) is usually where people get stuck, right?

Where do I advertise? What do I advertise? How much $$ will it cost me? How much $$ SHOULD it cost me? What results should I expect? How do I know if it’s working?

.. All valid questions.

Actually, the second method (creating content) is a sticking point as well..

How do I create content? What do I write about? How do I setup a blog? How often do I create? How do I deliver it?

All valid questions as well.

So, to make this easy to understand, there are 2 methods that I use that I have been very successful at over the years in creating wealth on the internet that cover Advertising and Content Creation quickly and easily.

  1. Advertising = Solo Ads
  2. Creating Content = Blogging

By far, the easiest, quickest, and “push button-est” way to generate leads cheaply, is running solo ads. Period.

Ultimately, here’s what happens: You create your offer, you run the ad, you get leads, you make money. Most of the time you don’t even have to write the ad yourself! You just give them your URL and in a few days your list gets bigger. If you do it right, it will cost you $0.00. (nothing!).

So if generating hundreds of leads to your contact list every week for FREE sounds good to you, I can provide you with the shortcuts to doing this right.

Hint: Join my list up there in the top left under my picture and I’ll let you know when I put the last 3 “shortcut” videos together on effective solo ad marketing.

On to creating content..

Yep, blogging is the way. Seems obvious and simple but it needs to be done. Your blog is where you focus on building your online presence and your own “brand”. What you’re doing is creating value for your readers which puts you in the position of being the “go-to” person for your area of expertise.

To some of you, this whole blogging thing may seem complicated and time-consuming, but if you know how to do it, it’s really quite simple and doesn’t take that much time at all. And the REWARDS can be massive!

Again: Join my list above and I can get you the RIGHT information on how to “shortcut” this whole process..

So, in a nutshell, those are the 2 ways to generating a huge income on the internet.

Here’s how it all comes together:

You start blogging and running solo ads that are relevant to what you’re talking about on your blog. Your ads generate leads (and sales), and your followups to your list direct people to your blog. Your blog creates value for your list and keeps them interested in what you’re talking about. You make more sales and business connections through your blogging, which of course generates more revenue for you to run more (and bigger) ads. You run more ads, generating more leads to your list, point them to your blog… etc..

Sound confusing?? It might sound that way right now, but it’s really not. Keep it simple and you’ll win.

That’s how I’ve done it for years, and it’s working out pretty good for me 🙂

Questions and comments below..

If this post (or any other of my posts) has been of value to you in any way, please “Like” this post.


– Geoff Stephen