Webinars That Get Results for Marketers

Hey all,

So we had our first “NPN Gold/Executive” webinar on Thursday evening.

It was awesome.

“Off the hook”, even.

We had a great group of individuals participating in incredibly valuable brainstorming sessions and idea-generating conversations.

I laid out the “curriculum” for our webinars and we jumped right at it and started to dig in to the tasks that lay ahead.

What I’m doing is taking them through my 5-step lead funnel process that starts at the very beginning, and goes all the way to where we look back on what we’ve done, how to improve on it, and where we go from there..

This is probably the most valuable teaching I’ve done in a loooong time.

This is NOT just me talking through some powerpoint presentation, telling the attendees what they should be doing (boring and lame)..

It is LIVE, “over the shoulder” training that is designed to show how to DO (and how not to do)  successful online marketing.

Here’s what one attendee posted on Facebook:

It is attendee participation (much of our webinar was discussion and brainstorming), and it is attendee accountability (you have to DO it if you want it).

I could go on, but basically here’s the deal..

The people that come to these webinars and participate, ARE GOING TO MAKE MONEY.

The correct way.

If you want this (and you should), simply upgrade your GlobalNPN account to the “Gold” level and you’ll receive a private invitation to the next webinar.

Do you want to be mediocre? Or do you want to build a business that will provide the lifestyle you really WANT it to provide..

Up to you. Some have already chosen.

Here’s a few minutes of our webinar where we were starting to lay out the plans…

Please “LIKE” and comment below if you’re ready to be one of our “Executive” members..

Or if you have no clue what I’m talking about..

Hit me up on facebook: https://facebook.com/geoffstephen
or email me at: geoffishere@gmail.com


– Geoff Stephen

If you lose the last game of the season, nobody gives a sh*t.


..aaaannnndd.. I’m back.

I was out of town this past weekend, my son’s AAA baseball team (unexpectedly) made it to our Provincial Championship tournament, so I’ve been out of the loop for a few days.

They were complete underdogs that managed to win a wild card spot to the tournament. Good for them but it was tough playing the top teams on the hottest weekend of the year (so far).


When we got home I thought I was finally done with baseball for the season.

Apparently not.

I turned on Netflix hoping to find that one great movie I haven’t seen yet, and instead went on to watch one of my favourite movies.. which happens to be about baseball.

It’s called “Moneyball” and it’s a great sports movie, and if you’re into sports movies like me, you should book some time to watch it.

There’s a quote from the movie that has always stuck with me, because it rings true in all sports, and in life, it basically says, “Nobody remembers you, nothing matters, if you lose the last game of the season”.

The actual quote, from Brad Pitt’s character Billy Beane, I believe, is: “If you lose the last game of the season, nobody gives a sh*t.”

The quote makes total sense in professional sports. Nobody remembers 2nd place.

… and in life, I interpret it as this..

You either win, or you don’t win.

You either get what you want, or you don’t get what you want.

However, in life, there is no “last game of the season”.

You can’t just say “Oh, well, better luck next year, I guess it wasn’t meant to be..”

Life (and business) is full of a continuous stream of challenges that need to be met head on, but here’s the thing..

The only way to not succeed is if you give up.

Let me repeat that..

The “ONLY” way to NOT succeed is if you give up.

There is no failure.

Therefore, there are only 2 options:
1. Succeeding.
2. Giving up.

Every challenge you face is the “last game of the season”.

And that game has to be played over and over again until you WIN that game.

The only way to lose is if you give up, because if you keep going, you will eventually find a way to win, it’s inevitable.

So.. whatcha gonna do?

Become a Gold level GlobalNPN member, learn from me and some of the best in the industry, get the right tools for success, and win the game.. every time.

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below, and don’t forget to “LIKE” this article.

And be sure to opt in to receive my emails by filling out the big ol’ form on the right side of this page.


– Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN “Executive” Mastery – Level up!

Hey there,

I sent this message to my own personal NPN referrals a couple days ago and the response was pretty massive..

So I decided to let the whole membership in on this.

However, I NEED to know if you’re “IN” and want to make this happen for you over the next few months (and going forward)- with my help, or if you’d rather just stay mediocre..

This was the email:


Please read it all, it’s important.

What I’d like to offer you, is an exclusive learning
opportunity that I’ve never really offered
before, that will increase your business in a
big way over the next few months..

What I’m offering to all Executive level
members, in addition to your Executive NPN
member access, is an ongoing “over the
shoulder” look at how to successfully
generate leads and sell online.

I’ll be doing bi-weekly (every 2 weeks)
webinars where I’ll show you the exact
marketing I’m doing, the tools I’m
using, the funnels I’m creating, and the
results I’m getting.

What I’ll do is a complete overview of
“why” my marketing is working, and
why my marketing might NOT be working, and
what I’d do to correct it in the future.
Very valuable stuff.

Basically I’ll be doing ALL the testing
FOR you, BEFORE you have to spend a dime on
your own advertising. I’ll be taking
most of the guesswork out of running your own
ad campaigns.

How valuable is THAT to you?

For all the advertising I’m doing, I
will also provide you with downloadable
versions of the funnels I’m using, and
the exact emails I’m sending.

I’ll be covering things like:

– Squeeze page design
– Sales funnel creation
– Copywriting
– Traffic generation
– Conversion optimization
– Tracking
– Email copy and followups
– + anything else that we think of along the

You will also have access to me via email to
review whatever marketing you’re doing
so you can get the opinion of a very
experienced marketer to make sure you’re
on the right track.

And of course I’ll show you how I’m
doing all of this with our GlobalNPN tools so
you can duplicate what I’m doing (and of
course putting your own spin on it).

This entire process is to turn as many
passionate NPN’ers into marketing
leaders as I can, on an ongoing basis. And in
turn, pass this training down the ranks into
your teams..

I will be starting this soon, so you
have a chance to get your account upgraded.

For starters, I’m going to try to keep
this as exclusive as possible to make sure I
can help more people and not wear myself too

All you have to do to be part of this is
ensure you are a paid Executive level member
in GlobalNPN.

Now, before we start this, I need to ensure
you are committed to learning and sticking
with this. People that refuse to put in the
time and the effort required to be successful
in this business can’t be a part of this.

My business partners and I regularly charge
upwards of $1,500 (per month) for this type
of training, for good reason, so just know
that this is an insanely good opportunity for
you to grow your business in a BIG way.. if
you decide that this is what you want.

I’m willing to work hard for you, only
if you’re willing to work hard for
yourself. If you’re “IN”, you’ll get my 15
years of online experience to learn from.

If the commitment level is there from our
group (ie. you!), we will jump in and get
started asap.

If the commitment level is NOT there, this
will not happen and I will focus my energy on
training my own clients on a one-on-one

So.. I need to know if you’re into pursuing
this as a Executive Level NPN member and getting
the “proven” information you need in order to
become a leader and succeed massively in your
online business.

All you have to do is comment below and say “Yes, I want this”.

Then immediately email me directly at: geoffishere@gmail.com
.. and I’ll let you know how to get in on this training.

If you do I will get back to you
with further instructions on how this will

So..  “LIKE” and comment below if you’re IN.


– Geoff Stephen

P.S. Now’s the time..

What is your risk threshold?


My question for you today is something you should seriously consider before you decide that you want to make “lots of money, quickly” online.

I know everybody wants to make lots of money, I mean that’s why we’re all in business, right?


As with anything that can yield extraordinary results, there is risk involved.

And your results are a direct outcome of how much you’re willing to risk in order to get ahead, faster.

.. lack of results? Same thing.

Here’s a few questions to consider..

  • Would you pay someone $100 once to teach you how to earn $100 per month?
  • Would you pay someone $500 once to teach you how to earn $500 per month?
  • Would you pay someone $1000 once to teach you how to earn $1000 per month?
  • Would you pay someone $5000 once to teach you how to earn $5000 per month?
  • How about $10,000? Hell yeah.

“Most” people aren’t willing to risk anything, yet they are determined to somehow make a good living with that in mind..

It doesn’t work that way.

And I’m not only talking about making that elusive “6 figure income”. I’m talking about running a business and learning how to make it happen quickly for yourself.

Taking risks goes hand in hand with running your own business.

But.. there’s a big difference between taking “risks” and taking “calculated risks”.

The difference between risk takers and calculated risk takers is the difference between failure and success.

Risk takers bet it all on one roll of the dice. If they fail, they fail spectacularly and in such a way that they DON’T live to fight another day. They literally go out in a blaze of attempted glory.

… kind of like buying lottery tickets.

Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, take risks that are “calculated”, so actually they’re not really “risky” at all.

Why? Because they’re calculated. They’re researched. They’re realistic. And they’re  always steps towards something bigger.

So which one are you?

Are you a risk taker, or an entrepreneur?

Please “COMMENT” below if you have an opinion, and “LIKE” this article.

And now my call to action..

If you’re willing to invest in your business and get on the right track the FIRST time, and jump WAY ahead of 90% of everyone in your industry..

Let me know when we can chat and we can get you started..

It’s time to decide to start doing things right.

Email me at: geoffishere@gmail.com
With the subject: “I have DECIDED!“
..And tell me a bit about yourself, where you’re at with your business, where you’d like to be, and how soon you’d like to get started.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

– Geoff Stephen

NPN Video Hosting – New Option

Hey NPN’ers,

Quick FYI to let you know that if you are a “Gold” level member, you now have the option of switching the watermarked NPN logo on or off for your uploaded videos.


If for whatever reason you don’t want your NPN link and the NPN logo to display in your NPN hosted videos, you can now turn it on or off for each individual video you upload.

This option is located at the bottom of your “edit video” page for each video.


There are more options coming to the video hosting (and other tools), so stay tuned.

That’s it for today..

“LIKE” and comment below..

– Geoff.