What is your risk threshold?


My question for you today is something you should seriously consider before you decide that you want to make “lots of money, quickly” online.

I know everybody wants to make lots of money, I mean that’s why we’re all in business, right?


As with anything that can yield extraordinary results, there is risk involved.

And your results are a direct outcome of how much you’re willing to risk in order to get ahead, faster.

.. lack of results? Same thing.

Here’s a few questions to consider..

  • Would you pay someone $100 once to teach you how to earn $100 per month?
  • Would you pay someone $500 once to teach you how to earn $500 per month?
  • Would you pay someone $1000 once to teach you how to earn $1000 per month?
  • Would you pay someone $5000 once to teach you how to earn $5000 per month?
  • How about $10,000? Hell yeah.

“Most” people aren’t willing to risk anything, yet they are determined to somehow make a good living with that in mind..

It doesn’t work that way.

And I’m not only talking about making that elusive “6 figure income”. I’m talking about running a business and learning how to make it happen quickly for yourself.

Taking risks goes hand in hand with running your own business.

But.. there’s a big difference between taking “risks” and taking “calculated risks”.

The difference between risk takers and calculated risk takers is the difference between failure and success.

Risk takers bet it all on one roll of the dice. If they fail, they fail spectacularly and in such a way that they DON’T live to fight another day. They literally go out in a blaze of attempted glory.

… kind of like buying lottery tickets.

Entrepreneurs, on the other hand, take risks that are “calculated”, so actually they’re not really “risky” at all.

Why? Because they’re calculated. They’re researched. They’re realistic. And they’re  always steps towards something bigger.

So which one are you?

Are you a risk taker, or an entrepreneur?

Please “COMMENT” below if you have an opinion, and “LIKE” this article.

And now my call to action..

If you’re willing to invest in your business and get on the right track the FIRST time, and jump WAY ahead of 90% of everyone in your industry..

Let me know when we can chat and we can get you started..

It’s time to decide to start doing things right.

Email me at: geoffishere@gmail.com
With the subject: “I have DECIDED!“
..And tell me a bit about yourself, where you’re at with your business, where you’d like to be, and how soon you’d like to get started.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

– Geoff Stephen