How to Make More Money with GlobalNPN in 7 Days

Hello NPN’ers,

I have a rather important update for you that is going to help you make more money with your GlobalNPN business, and also automate your business more as well.

First, before you read any more, you NEED to be on my next webinar, so register here:

I spoke before about changing a few things about NPN in order to make it better for our affiliates. I also ran my ideas past a number of marketers that I respect and trust – both NPN members and non-NPN members.

They all said “go for it!” when I asked them if they thought it was a good business move.1trial

So here’s what is going to happen…

This is going to labelled a “special promotion” because we’ll be testing it to make sure all is good.

I am implementing a “$1.00, 7-day trial” membership for ALL new signups in GlobalNPN.

So… all new members will have an “all access” membership that will give them “Gold-level access” to all our tools and training, for 7 days, for $1.00.

After the 7 days, their membership will auto-upgrade to the Gold level, UNLESS they optin to a lower level from their backoffice within the 7 days (or to cancel all together of course). If they decide on a lower level, their access will be reduced to the product package of that lower level after the 7 days.

Awesome so far? Yup 🙂

Now here’s the cool part..

As soon as they join and pay their $1.00, we will put them through a “fast start” 10-day training program, which will introduce them to GlobalNPN, and walk them through beginner levels of internet marketing as well. At the end of 10 days they will have the basic knowledge to get started with GlobalNPN, have a solid foundational knowledge of internet marketing, and how to advertise the $1.00 trial.

So.. we have a 7-day trial with a 10-day Fast Start training program. (yes, do the math, there’s a reason)

More awesome so far? Yup 🙂

Now here’s the REALLY cool part..

Our followup call center service will now be “included” in our new $147 NPN Gold membership! No extra charge for the call center (and the price of NPN Gold will NOT change for our current members, ever! You’re locked in if you’re in now).

The focus of the call center will shift slightly, and will focus on contacting all of your $1.00 trial members and ensure they know what NPN is all about, to welcome them to NPN, and to make SURE they follow through with our 10-day Fast Start training (and continuing on as a paying member).

So to sum up what I just said..

  • GlobalNPN will be $1.00 for all new members.
  • All new $1.00 members have a 7-day trial period to use all of our tools as much as they want – at the Gold level.
  • We will have a 10-day Fast Start training program that all new members will have to complete.
  • Our call center will contact your $1.00 trial members on the phone to welcome them and ensure that they are following our 10-day training program, and they will also “help” your new members decide to stay on as paying members.
  • The $1.00 trial will upgrade them after 7 days to the Gold Level unless otherwise requested by that trial member.

When they upgrade, you get paid of course as per our compensation plan.

So that’s it. Awesome, right?

Think about promoting this, and how attractive it will be. All the tools and training you need to start making money on the internet, for $1.00. Plus you will have people from our call center call your signups for you to help them decide to stay, and to make sure they stay. Plus the training to help them get started fast in generating leads and getting signups.

… and all you have to do is sell our entire membership package for $1.00.

I will be doing a webinar this Friday evening to present this information to you again

PLEASE feel free to invite your own people to this webinar, previous downlines, anyone you like… this will change a lot of lives, and it starts very soon!

Register here:

Please “like” this post and feel free to comment below!


– Geoff Stephen


3 page, 6 figure funnel

Good morning, marketers!

Do you ever start your day without a plan of action? (I hate that)

Sometimes you need a swift kick in your a** just to get moving. I get that. I experience that.

And sometimes what you need is a process to follow that walks you through the steps needed in order to accomplish that “something” you need to get done.

So if you’re looking for something to do, I have a step-by-step plan for promoting your GlobalNPN business.

(and you’ll see how easy this can be, putting it together)

BUT, I need to know if you’re interested in learning this, otherwise I’ll put my efforts elsewhere.

Fair enough?


I’ve done live workshop trainings like these before and I call it my “3 page, 6 figure funnel”… because that’s what it is, and what it can end up being.

What we’re going to do is this:

  1. Create a video review “offer” of one of your GlobalNPN products (specifically, the NPN Multi-Ad Tracker),
  2. Create a squeeze page for it to build your list, with a redirect to your GlobalNPN sales page.
  3. Then create a couple email followups to get you started on your autoresponder sequence.
  4. Then promote your offer via a purchased solo ad (or any method you choose).

… and what’s really cool is.. we’ll do all of this using ONLY your GlobalNPN products (you don’t have to, of course, but how can you sell a product you don’t use? ;))

Sound good?

Are you up for it?


Sound complicated?

Maybe, but not really. I’m going to walk you through the entire process.

This training will take place over the next few days (starting tomorrow), and you’ll only be able to access it if you optin to my list.

I only want people that WANT to get this training, which is why I’d like you to opt in. You will receive the training information/links via email.

If you don’t want this training, then don’t opt in – simple.

NOTE: if you DO opt in, please comment below that you have.

Here is the link to the opt in form:


This could be awesome for you 🙂


– Geoff Stephen


How to Increase Opt in Rates to 80%

Hey NPN’ers,

Here is a free video training I did a while ago on how to increase your optin rates with a few simple steps.

The sales funnel that I used in the video regularly gets me “at least” a 40-60% optin rate when running solo ads, sometimes higher depending on the list etc.

I used the video itself as the free offer to get optins, with the squeeze page you’ll see in the video.



To see the actual squeeze page and funnel, go here:

Let me know if this is helpful to you..

Any comments feel free to post below..

– Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN’s Done For You Marketing Systems

Hey NPN’ers,

Just about ready to roll with our new systems that are going to massively impact your online businesses!

Watch this video and let me know what you think in the comments below..

And if you want to use this video to promote these new systems, use this link:

NOTE: Change the “123456” to your own NPN ID# before sending this link to anyone.

That’s it for now.

Click “like” and please comment below..

– Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN Admin.


Global NPN Can Help You Lose Weight

How GlobalNPN can help you lose weight!

lose weight

Seriously, Geoff? GlobalNPN can help you lose weight?

Yes… read on..

Let’s get started..

Many people have difficulty in defining what the “best” selling point of GlobalNPN is.

What we have is a set of marketing tools. Excellent tools that can help you get better results in your online marketing.

Most of us know and realize that about our systems.

We have email tools, tracking tools, time management tools, video and audio marketing tools, screen capture tools, blog systems, web hosting, and the list goes on..

But there’s only so many ways to say “get this awesome set of tools”.

Sure that’ll work for some people but it’s not really a very pursuasive way to market our tools.

What you need to do is dig a little deeper.

Dig deep into the “benefits” of having access to GlobalNPN’s systems.

Think about it.. what are the benefits?

I’m not talking about the features. Features don’t sell, benefits DO. Benefits are what the features provide.

So.. what are the benefits of GlobalNPN?

There are literally hundreds of benefits that you can tap into when marketing our product.

Let’s think about that..

Maybe think about it this way:

What do I GET out of being a GlobalNPN member?


  • I save thousands of dollars per year on autoresponder systems, hosting, tracking, etc.. (more money in your pocket)
  • I can earn thousands of dollars per year re-selling the GlobalNPN systems (more money in your pocket)
  • I spend less time with less tools, because GlobalNPN is “all under one roof” (more time freedom)
  • I save money.. so I can spend that money on improving my lifestyle (higher quality of life)
  • I earn money.. so I can spend more money on improving my lifestyle (higher quality of life)
  • Because I save money and earn money, I can spend more time doing what I want to do (time freedom / lifestyle / quality of life)
  • I have more money, and I have more time. I can eat better, go to the gym and focus on improving my health
  • I can lose weight, feel better about myself, and be healthier. 

==> There you go. GlobalNPN can help you lose weight! 🙂

Sure it’s a bit of a stretch.

But think about it from a marketing point of view.

If you focus on the benefits, stemming from the save money / make money / convenience perspective, you have unlimited benefits to pull from.

It’s all how you frame it.

Remember: Benefits.. not features. Nobody buys features unless they know what the benefits are.

Be creative and dig a little deeper into how you market your Global NPN products.

It’s hardly ever about the money – it’s about what that money can provide.

That’s it for now

Click “LIKE” and share this post 🙂


– Geoff Stephen