Hello all.
As some of you may already know, Payza has recently updated their user agreement and acceptable use policies.

Here is their update on their blog:
The most notable part being this in their “Activities Not Allowed” section:
“Selling of Unregistered/Unlicensed Stocks, bonds, securities, options, futures, or investments in any entity or property, including (but not limited to) corporations and partnerships or sole proprietorship, are prohibited:
- Solicitation, marketing campaign, direct selling or any other comparative effort will be considered a violation of the User Agreement. If you are registered or licensed to take such action, you may be requested to present documentation demonstrating authority to do so from a Securities Exchange Commission, Commodities Futures Trading Commission or other equal and comparative agency.”
What this is saying is that they won’t deal with HYIP’s or pyramids or ponzi’s anymore. Any of those so-called “investment” sites.
Obviously we are not one of those sites, we are not similar in any way to those sites. GlobalNPN is a real business. However Payza will probably group us all under the same category of high-risk mlm. I’ve seen it before. It’s not their fault, it’s the credit card companies that have these policies.
So… how does this affect GlobalNPN and LeadSkimmer??
Well, it won’t affect the way we do business and it won’t affect our payout structure. And it certainly will NOT affect you being able to receive commissions for your GlobalNPN business.
There seems to be some misconception that if Payza won’t do business with us, we will cease to exist. I’m not sure why but some people think that’s the case.
People that use Payza to pay for their NPN membership accounts for less than 20% of our entire membership. ie. not many NPN’ers use Payza. Why? Because we already have an easier way to pay and get paid.
GlobalNPN does it’s own 100% secure credit card processing through our own merchant accounts and banks (it’s what real businesses do). We accept payment with Visa or Mastercard directly. NO third party processor is involved. Payza or any other processor isn’t even in the picture. They’re not necessary in our case.
As far as paying commissions, again we have our own re-loadable debit card that you can order for FREE from your NPN backoffice. And every month we simply load your commissions right onto your debit card, and you can use it like any other Mastercard, or withdraw your funds from any ATM around the world, completely global. You can even pay for your NPN membership with that debit Mastercard. It doesn’t get any easier. No payza involved.

Another feature that’s really convenient with regards to your debit card is that you (or anyone else) can load funds onto your card. They just need your card number and they can go to the Payoneer website and put money right onto your card.
So.. what’s next?
Here’s the scenario.
IF Payza decides that they won’t do business with us because of their policies, no big deal. It doesn’t affect our business.
So what will be happening is this:
For GlobalNPN and LeadSkimmer, you will have the option of getting paid onto your GlobalNPN debit card, or you can request a paper check in US funds that we will mail to you.
Personally I’d rather not use any online payment processor because of the amount of fraud that goes through them, and because in our case they’re not really necessary. But if need be, we will hook up with a different processor that can satisfy our long term needs for our businesses.
So those are my thoughts based on what I know. I’ve heard that Payza’s policies go into affect on July 20th, which I can’t confirm because I haven’t heard from them either way.
Back to business as usual.
Any questions let me know.
– Geoff Stephen