So… you have yourself a blog.
And you just wrote a great piece of content that you’re SURE will help your readers get ahead..
So you post your content to your blog, maybe mail your link out to your list.. and you’re done, right?
If that’s all you do with your great content, you are seriously missing out on a lot more traffic and leads for your business.
What you need to learn how to do is to “repurpose” your content.
What that means is to take the content you created, and “repurpose” it to be distributed through other means.
Sure, a blog post is a blog post. But why leave it at that? Why not turn it into as many other types of content that you can? If you leave it as it is.. consider it a waste of your time and talent.
Here’s what I mean…
Take your blog post and ….
[icon_list style=”check”]
- Turn it into an article and submit it to the main article directories
- Turn it into a podcast by just reciting what you just wrote
- Turn it into a youtube or vimeo video
- Turn it into a youtube video with simple power point slides
- Turn it into a slide share
- Turn it into an autoresponder message
- Turn it into an email broadcast to your list
- Turn it into a presentation and make a training video on it
- Turn it into a webinar training
- Turn it into a ‘free report’ that you give away to help build your list
- Turn it into an ebook to sell (or part of an ebook)
- Turn it into a press release
- Break it up into parts and create more related content..
.. and don’t forget to link everything back to your blog or your capture page and SHARE SHARE SHARE
So there’s a few ideas to get you started.
Just keep creating value for your readers and share your value through as many distribution channels as you can with the time you have available. There’s no need to create a new piece of content for each, just repurpose the content you’ve already created.
The traffic is there, just go and GET IT!
Thanks for reading – LIKE it if you like it 🙂
– Geoff Stephen
As always, so inspiring to read what you have to say Geoff. Thanks for sharing such great information.
Best Regards
Thanks Ulf.
Wow, thanks for opening my eyes to ways to maximize my created content. Great post Geoff.
Glad it’s helpful Steven.
Great stuff Geoff Stephen
Here is what I do
I take an article and separate out each of the 10 sub-titled paragraphs.
Then I take the 10 sub-titles and companion paragraphs and use them for my blog posts for the next 5 days.
I post 1 in the morning and another in the evening Mon-Friday.
I ping my blog twice per week.
Then I take it two steps further.
Then I use the sub-titles as Twitter posts with links back to your blog.
Then I use the sub-title and the first one or two sentences of each paragraph as Facebook posts with links back to your blog.
This simple strategy will give you 2 blog posts, 2 Twitter posts and 2 Facebook posts every day for 5 days. Just make sure to spread these out over the course of the day.
Cool. Thanks for sharing that Craig.
Everyone has (or should have) their own way of distributing their content.
It’s not difficult and you can make single piece of content go a long way..
Excellent advice, Geoff. Yes, there is so much to do with one blog when it is great content.
Yes, even if the content is not so good 🙂
Once you have created your content, there’s lots more work still to do..
Great information as usual Geoff! These methods really do work!