$10 Cash Back Bonus Extended!

Hello NPN’ers,

This is a quick but important note that by popular demand, our “$10 Cash Back” bonus for upgrading has been extended until the end of February!

A LOT of our members have taken advantage of this offer and they’re ALL getting paid this payday, so be sure to check it out in your NPN backoffice.

Upgrade and GET PAID. This is a great way to jumpstart your Director membership!

In case you missed it last month, login to your NPN Backoffice and click on “Pssst.. Want $10 for FREE?” in the left menu in your backoffice. Now is the time..

Have a great day!

– Geoff.

What do I Blog About?

Hello. This is about being stuck.

I was going to update one of my blogs the other day and I realized that I had absolutely nothing to write about. Well, I suppose there’s always lots to write about but at that moment I was drawing a complete and utter blank. I had nothing.

That got me to thinking.. What do other bloggers do when they have nothing to blog about? How do you get past that initial “blank stare into the computer monitor” stage?

It took me some time, and a whole lot of thinking, before I realized that a while ago I had found that I already had a solution to this problem.blogkey

I like to write blogs that have to do with teaching someone how to do something. I like educating people on the stuff that I know. I find it much more valuable (especially in my industry) to give instructional information as opposed to just spewing my opinions on some related subjects. Although I find that a lot of people respect my opinion on some things, it’s just more fun when someone actually learns something from what you’re talking about.

I also like learning how to do things myself. I’m in a constant state of “gimme something new to learn today”. One of the great things about the Internet is that any information that you’re looking for is there right in front of you, or at least just a few clicks away. ANY information. I’m pretty good at absorbing information really quickly and the internet is ideal for someone that speed-reads like I do.

So.. anyways.. how do I think of something to write on my blog?

It has become apparent to me that the most thorough way to learn how to do something is to teach someone else how to do it. I know that sounds kinda backwards since technically you can’t teach something if you don’t know it yourself, but this is a different angle.

What I’m talking about is how I find something new to blog about..

I simply think of something that I want to learn how to do. Whatever it is, doesn’t matter at this point. Something that I don’t know how to do, but want to learn. Whether it’s how to use Twitter for marketing, or how to climb a tree, it’s something I need to know how to do.

After I’ve considered that for a while, the rest is research. I take my desire to learn something, then I take it to Google and compile enough information until I reckon I’ve got a little more than I need in order to learn it myself. Note: I don’t “copy” other people’s work, I just gather information.

So at this point I have a bunch of information. I don’t actually know what I’m doing as of yet but I think I have enough information to learn something. NOW here’s where the real learning actually comes into play. I now have to force myself to TEACH someone else how to do what I’m learning how to do. Teaching someone how to do it is how I learn how to do it. Trust me, it works.

It’s kinda like when you were back in high school and you had to make a presentation on some event of historical significance that you knew nothing about. Sure you could get all the information and make all the notes that you wanted, but you never actually knew what you were talking about until you had to explain and describe it to the class. Heck I still know a lot more about the Battle of Hastings in 1066 than I do of any other ‘battle’… because I had to do a presentation on it back in the 7th grade.

Ok, back to blogging..

Now since I’ve got all my information in place, all I have to do is explain it to someone else in the same way that I would like it explained to me. I teach myself by teaching others. See what I mean? Of course I use my own writing style, adding my own thoughts and opinions, and it comes out as a well-written instructional article… about something I didn’t know myself as of this morning.

So after reading what I just wrote it kinda sounds like a long drawn-out process that takes hours and hours and really sounds pretty boring. Don’t take it that way. This is just a process that I use in order to find something interesting (to me) to blog about. It does not have to take a lot of time or, honestly, a lot of effort. And if it’s something you want to learn, it won’t be boring.. right?

So if you ever find yourself at a loss when thinking of something to blog about, try what I do… you might just learn something;)

Well..What do you think? Would this work for you? What do YOU do in this situation??

Let us know in the comments below..

– Geoff.

Welcome to NPN in 2010

Hello NPN’ers!

Welcome to NPN-2010.

First of all, I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I appreciate all the kind wishes that many of you sent my way.

Now down to business.. Some of you may not be aware of this, but 2010 will mark the 5th anniversary of The NPN. Doesn’t seem like a long time but it’s probably worth around 20 “internet years”. There has been a LOT of changes in internet marketing since we launched. Just as an example… The NPN was launched 2 months after Youtube’s inception back in early 2005… and think of what youtube’s done since then in creating an online presence for us.

The year of 2009 will be noted as the year that our Ladder System really started to change people’s lives for the better… at least for the people that saw the benefits and really went for it. The Ladder System took NPN from being just a “ten dollar program” to being an unlimited (and still unmatched) income opportunity that continues to attract everyone from emarketing newbies to long-time experienced marketers.

So what does 2010 hold for us? This year will be a year of growth and expansion for NPN as a company. Expansion into other areas of online services and products to continue the ongoing process of becoming every eMarketers “home” program. Everything will gradually become more simplified, yet we’ll become the “all under one roof” resource for all things emarketing (moreso than we are today). From Autoresponders to Web Hosting, from Branding to Live Training. Plus a very special incentive program that will help those in the rest of the world that are less fortunate than us.

I don’t care how many ‘programs’ you join this year, they will come and go just like always, but WE will always be here. There are still people that re-join NPN and tell me “I originally joined NPN back in 2006 and now I’m kicking myself because I didn’t stay!”.

Here’s my advice to you. Since this is the beginning of the year, you will probably be bombarded with the usual ads claiming that their program will be the “new” magic silver bullet that will make everyone rich. Remember that the word “new” frequently also means “high risk”, and also remember that most new programs will be gone after a few months. Not all of them, but most of them. Go ahead and join them if you like, but remember that NPN provides you with the tools that you need to succeed in THOSE businesses as well. Don’t be one of the people that I’ll talk to next year wishing that they’d stuck around in NPN instead of hopping to the next salespitch.

Stick around, you’ll be glad you did. Just ask the people that have been here for years 🙂

I have lots of things planned for NPN in the coming months that will knock your socks off. Count on it. The year 2010 is gonna be fun!

Comments below are welcome..

– Geoff

If You Do This You Will Make Money on the Internet

Online marketing is not difficult, it’s not “too hard”. It’s easy BUT.. you actually have to go out and do it to start making money online.

Do this every day or every few days or at least every week.

If you do this every day you will make money on the internet.

  1. Find a keyword/keyphrase and then research related keywords and content
  2. Work it into an article, spin* it 3 or 4 times, and submit it.
  3. Make a related video and submit it.
  4. Write a related blog post.
  5. Work your article into a press release and submit it.
  6. Create a simple 4-8 page website with good relevant content, and submit it.
  7. Social network your content (facebook, twitter, myspace, etc)
  8. Bookmark your content (digg.com, delicious.com etc.)
  9. Write a classified ad and submit it
  10. Start again at the top of this list..

Sound like a lot of work? Well, it is. It’s called marketing. But once you find your ‘groove’ it becomes easy and much quicker. Soon you’ll have your own system at work. Keep doing it. Keep doing it. Keep doing it. Do NOT do it once and wait to see if you make any money. Just keep doing it…

Don’t complain if  your article doesn’t get any traffic.

Don’t complain if your video didn’t get any hits.

Don’t complain.  Just go and find out how to do it better. Then do it again!

This is how you make long-term passive income the “free traffic” way.

Here are some more general marketing tips that I share with other people (off the top of my head):

  • Make your blog your central “hub” site. This is you, this is your brand.
  • Use GlobalNPN‘s capture pages (or create your own with the capture page creator)
  • Use GlobalNPN’s List Marketer Pro. for your list building if you want your messages to be delivered.
  • FOCUS on creating quality, relevant content
  • FOCUS on presenting yourself as the expert (even if you’re not)
  • FOCUS on building your list of prospects for GlobalNPN.
  • Look at what the successful people are doing, and copy it (the methods not the content)
  • Always use capture pages or capture forms.
  • Subscribe to this blog right now and comment below.
  • Become a “fan” of GlobalNPN on facebook right now and comment.
  • Don’t spam.

Have Fun. Oh, and DO IT!

– Geoff.