How to Fight Overwhelm in 5 Simple Steps

Here’s what happens…

You have some grand plan to accomplish a ton of work today, or this week, or even this month.

All you have to do is “start”, and follow the directions that may have been given to you in order to accomplish these tasks.

Easy, right?

Well.. for some, yes.

For others, impossible.

Because once you start, there are a thousand distractions, you feel the pull from every direction, and after a while it seems like you’ve ventured down a completely different path than you originally planned.



Too much information, otherwise known as “information overload”.

We’ve all experienced it at one time or another.

So how do we get around this?

How do we get through it?

How do we make it go away?

Here are 5 helpful steps to get you over this time-management hurdle..

  • 1. Get it out of your head and down on paper (or onto your screen).

Grab a pen, or use an online task manager, and just start writing notes on what you have to do. No particular order, just get it out of your head and you won’t have to worry about it taking up space in your brain anymore.

  • 2. Prioritize and group your tasks

Look at your tasks, decide what’s important and what you “want” to do first. Prioritize based on what you LIKE doing and what you’d most enjoy getting off your plate.

  • 3. Take action and do the easy stuff first.

Dig in. Since you prioritized your tasks based on what you WANT to do first, those should be the easiest to get done. It’s much easier finishing tasks you enjoy doing as opposed to the tougher ones (even if they’re more important). As long as you’re taking action you’re on the right track.

  • 4. Stay focused (on the current task) until complete

Do it, complete it. Don’t do half of one task while doing half of another task, otherwise you’d end up back in the world of overwhelm. Don’t do another task until you’ve completed (and checked off) the previous task.

  • 5. Celebrate.

Check that sh*t off your list. Give yourself a pat on the back. Being able to check your tasks off a list is the reason task lists exist. Every completed task deserves a small reward. Celebrate the fact that you’re moving forward, and that you know how to KEEP moving forward.

Repeat the above steps until your tasks have been checked off your list.

Easy, right? Kind of. You just have to do it – and keep doing it.

The tool I use on a daily basis to keep all my task management on task, is called the TomorrowList, and it’s part of GlobalNPN‘s suite of marketing tools.

I use it because it’s a simple, non-complicated, task manager that is super quick to set up, create tasks, make notes, and get stuff done.. which is what we want, right?


You can get access to this tool from your GlobalNPN backoffice.

Let me know if this article helped you out by clicking “LIKE” and leaving me a comment below..

– Geoff Stephen

Your “Traffic” is backwards

Hey all,

A quick post about traffic..

When people ask me, “What are some quality traffic sources?”

Here’s my answer..

You’re thinking of “traffic”.. backwards.

The best way to promote an online business is not to just throw traffic at it and hope that someone buys.

Ideally you build your own sales funnels, branding yourself as the ‘go to’ person (or service) in your niche.

You build your contact lists through promoting your own sales funnels, focusing on helping people solve a specific problem that they’re facing in their business.

When the people on your list learn that you are a person to trust, all you have to do is recommend your product to your list based on how it will benefit them.

(Note: Nobody wants to buy your product. What they want is a solution to their problem, and you need to provide that for them.)

  • Tell them where they are now and how it sucks (explain their pain to them).
  • Tell them where they would be if they bought your product (how much better off they’d be).
  • Tell them where they’ll be in the future if they don’t buy your product (what they’re missing out on).
  • Tell them how to buy your product now.

Sounds difficult?

It’s not, but it does take time, effort, patience, and money.

Bottom line:

Don’t buy traffic just because someone is selling it. Learn how to generate your own traffic, build your lists, promote to your lists.

The highest quality traffic will ALWAYS be the traffic you get from your OWN lists.

It’s how to do it correctly, and it’s also what I’m teaching in our Executive webinars every week.

Geoff Stephen

Don’t trip over the hamster wheel on the way out


Ever wonder why some people “get it”, while others are content to blindly try to “hamster wheel” their way to success?

Me too.

But I kind of don’t care.

I’m not trying to be mean, just honest.

It’s NOT that I don’t want to help people succeed.. I mean that’s a big part of what I’ve done successfully for the past 15 years.

It IS that I work with people whose tire-kicking days are over.

I work with people that commit to success. They have decided to be successful. As opposed to those that “hope” for success.

Many of the people that I’ve helped, feel the same way, because that’s also something I teach.

You need to commit to success, decide to be successful, and invest time and money into your business.

(Note: I said your “business”, not your hobby. Big difference.)

How much do you have to invest?

How about less than $5 per day? Yeah, that’s all.

There are people participating in my training, using our tools, that are PULLING AHEAD of you on a daily basis.

They’re leaving you behind. Way behind.

Fortunately it doesn’t have to be that way for you.

I have a solution that works.

It’s kind of simple.

Step 1. You learn what you need to do, how to do it, when to do it..
Step 2. You use the tools you need to accomplish step 1.
Step 3. You STAY focused, and implement what you’ve learned.

I will teach you Step 1. I will give you what’s included in Step 2.

Step 3 is up to you. But once you’re working Steps 1 & 2, the rest kinda comes naturally and Step 3 transforms into what’s called common sense.

Again, less than $5 per day.

Now, watch this video right through to the end.

This guy (Derrick) GETS IT.

He also never misses one of my Exectutive webinars (and he explains why in this video):

If you’re ready for success, comment below or contact me directly at:

Now is the time to jump.

You ready?

Let’s go.

Click “LIKE” and comment below if you’re ready to climb down off that hamster wheel.. Don’t be shy.

  • Geoff Stephen

Webinars That Get Results for Marketers

Hey all,

So we had our first “NPN Gold/Executive” webinar on Thursday evening.

It was awesome.

“Off the hook”, even.

We had a great group of individuals participating in incredibly valuable brainstorming sessions and idea-generating conversations.

I laid out the “curriculum” for our webinars and we jumped right at it and started to dig in to the tasks that lay ahead.

What I’m doing is taking them through my 5-step lead funnel process that starts at the very beginning, and goes all the way to where we look back on what we’ve done, how to improve on it, and where we go from there..

This is probably the most valuable teaching I’ve done in a loooong time.

This is NOT just me talking through some powerpoint presentation, telling the attendees what they should be doing (boring and lame)..

It is LIVE, “over the shoulder” training that is designed to show how to DO (and how not to do)  successful online marketing.

Here’s what one attendee posted on Facebook:

It is attendee participation (much of our webinar was discussion and brainstorming), and it is attendee accountability (you have to DO it if you want it).

I could go on, but basically here’s the deal..

The people that come to these webinars and participate, ARE GOING TO MAKE MONEY.

The correct way.

If you want this (and you should), simply upgrade your GlobalNPN account to the “Gold” level and you’ll receive a private invitation to the next webinar.

Do you want to be mediocre? Or do you want to build a business that will provide the lifestyle you really WANT it to provide..

Up to you. Some have already chosen.

Here’s a few minutes of our webinar where we were starting to lay out the plans…

Please “LIKE” and comment below if you’re ready to be one of our “Executive” members..

Or if you have no clue what I’m talking about..

Hit me up on facebook:
or email me at:


– Geoff Stephen