Your “Traffic” is backwards

Hey all,

A quick post about traffic..

When people ask me, “What are some quality traffic sources?”

Here’s my answer..

You’re thinking of “traffic”.. backwards.

The best way to promote an online business is not to just throw traffic at it and hope that someone buys.

Ideally you build your own sales funnels, branding yourself as the ‘go to’ person (or service) in your niche.

You build your contact lists through promoting your own sales funnels, focusing on helping people solve a specific problem that they’re facing in their business.

When the people on your list learn that you are a person to trust, all you have to do is recommend your product to your list based on how it will benefit them.

(Note: Nobody wants to buy your product. What they want is a solution to their problem, and you need to provide that for them.)

  • Tell them where they are now and how it sucks (explain their pain to them).
  • Tell them where they would be if they bought your product (how much better off they’d be).
  • Tell them where they’ll be in the future if they don’t buy your product (what they’re missing out on).
  • Tell them how to buy your product now.

Sounds difficult?

It’s not, but it does take time, effort, patience, and money.

Bottom line:

Don’t buy traffic just because someone is selling it. Learn how to generate your own traffic, build your lists, promote to your lists.

The highest quality traffic will ALWAYS be the traffic you get from your OWN lists.

It’s how to do it correctly, and it’s also what I’m teaching in our Executive webinars every week.

Geoff Stephen

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