Get on Page 1 of Google – Today!

If you’re interested in getting ranked highly in Google, VERY quickly, you need to check this out. is a site where you can submit articles, and quick pages that are called ‘bookmarks’. As an experiment, I wanted to bring up my rankings for one of my blog posts called “GlobalNPN Hosting is LIVE!” on my NPN blog site. I am targeting the keyphrase “Globalnpn Hosting”. I also have a youtube video explaining how to setup your NPN hosting account in your backoffice – this video has a link back to my blog post as well.

A Xomba bookmark is simply a page you can create at that contains a link to whatever site you’re linking to, and a short description of that site. If you keyword your bookmark correctly, it will jump right up to the top in the rankings on Google.

So… I created 2 Xomba bookmarks. One that linked back to my blog article, and one that linked to my Youtube video.

What happend was.. within 10 minutes both of my xomba bookmarks were ranked on the first page of Google for the search “Globalnpn Hosting”. Plus, this brought both my main blog page and the “Hosting” blog post to the top as well. And it also brought my Youtube video right up underneath!

So, as you can see in the video, the top 5 rankings in Google for “GlobalNPN Hosting” are mine, at least for now ;).

I have also done this in the past getting high rankings for other blogs I have. What is fun about this is how quick it was. Literally within 15 minutes after posting my bookmarks I had the top 5.

Here are the two bookmarks:

That’s it, feel free to comment below..

Have a great day!

– Geoff

GlobalNPN – Upgrade Calculator Overview Video

Hello NPN’ers,

Quick Update!

This brand new tool in your NPN backoffice can make it much easier to create short term goals for your NPN business. This calculator will tell you how much you need to do in order to get to the income you want.

By the way, did you know that in order to reach the “Power of 1” goal of just 1 referral per month, all you need is to average just 1 opt-in lead per day!?! Perhaps you’re making this whole thing out to be more difficult than it really is…

Please watch this video for an overview of the product and how it can drastically improve the growth of your NPN business?

Comments anyone??

Thanks, have a great day!
– Geoff.

NPN’s New WebAudioNOW! Product!

Hello NPN’ers,

I’d like to introduce you all to a brand new product, which is now in your NPN backoffice.

It’s called the NPN’s Web Audio NOW! System, and it will allow you to easily and quickly embed audio onto your website/blog/salespages etc.. It’s as simple as uploading an mp3 file from your computer, and copy & pasting the html code we give you onto your own website.

This system is ideal for adding to your website, such things as:

  • Audio tesimonials
  • Your own informational audio
  • Conference call recordings
  • Audio Blogs etc..

    Any .mp3 that you have permission to use (or have recorded yourself) can now be quickly added to your own websites.

    In your NPN backoffice, click on “WebAudioNOW!” in the left menu, go to the FAQ and get all the information..

    Here’s a video overview:

    Feel free to comment below…

    – Geoff

  • How to download your leads from your NPN leads manager

    Hello NPN’ers,

    A few of you have asked that you be able to broadcast to the prospects that you have generated in your NPN Leads Manager. A few more of you have asked about having a bit more control of the leads you have generated. Unfortunately due to potential spam abuse issues I can’t bulk email those leads from your backoffice. Basically, anything that CAN be abused, WILL be abused. I won’t go there again.

    However, I have added a handy new feature to your Leads Manager that will allow you to download your leads right to a .csv file on your computer. Each tab in the Leads Manager now has a link at the top where you can choose to download those specific leads, and I’ve also added a link where you can choose to just download all your leads into one .csv file.

    What this does for you is give you complete control over your own leads! Once they’re downloaded onto your computer, it’s up to you what you want to do with them. You can import them into the MultiSponder Elite, or into the NPN EZMailer, or to any other system that allows .csv imports of leads.

    Ultimately if you want total control over your own lists, simply use the tools that we make available to you! Use the NPN Mail Marketer PRO in your backoffice to build your lists. Set up your own capture pages with the NPN Capture Page Creator, use the NPN Multi-Ad Tracker to keep track of all your hits. Host all your capture pages with your NPN Power Hosting Account… Use the tools! That’s what GlobalNPN is there for. 🙂

    Here’s a quick video of how to download your leads:

    Thanks! Have a great day!

    Comments are always welcome!

    – Geoff.

    GlobalNPN Hosting is LIVE

    After a short ‘testing’ period, NPN hosting is now officially live.

    As most of you probably know (but some of you might not), all NPN DIRECTOR level members or higher receive an NPN Power Hosting account free with their NPN membership. This is a ‘full featured’ multi-domain hosting account where you can setup your own salespages, websites, blogs, message boards etc.. all within the GlobalNPN system!

    Successful marketers know that if you’re not hosting your own ‘stuff’, you’re not doing it right. You can have all the marketing tools in the world (which we provide anyways 😉 , but in order to complete the package, you need to have your own domain with your own hosting. With our hosting services, EVERYTHING you need to be a successful online marketer is now included in your NPN membership. No need to go anywhere else, it’s all here.

    My Recommendation: UPGRADE TO DIRECTOR TODAY.. and get your hosting all setup. This is a long-term business opportunity, and having your own domains and websites ensures that your prospects see you as someone they can trust, far into the future (otherwise, they may think you’re “just another affiliate..”) – Take the Lead!

    In your NPN backoffice menu, there is a heading called “NPN Hosting”. All the information is there, please review it. Click on “Hosting FAQ” and watch the video to see how easy and quick it is to set up your hosting account.

    Feel free to leave comments below with your thoughts on this great new service!

    Thanks, have a great day!
    – Geoff