If You Do This You Will Make Money on the Internet

Online marketing is not difficult, it’s not “too hard”. It’s easy BUT.. you actually have to go out and do it to start making money online.

Do this every day or every few days or at least every week.

If you do this every day you will make money on the internet.

  1. Find a keyword/keyphrase and then research related keywords and content
  2. Work it into an article, spin* it 3 or 4 times, and submit it.
  3. Make a related video and submit it.
  4. Write a related blog post.
  5. Work your article into a press release and submit it.
  6. Create a simple 4-8 page website with good relevant content, and submit it.
  7. Social network your content (facebook, twitter, myspace, etc)
  8. Bookmark your content (digg.com, delicious.com etc.)
  9. Write a classified ad and submit it
  10. Start again at the top of this list..

Sound like a lot of work? Well, it is. It’s called marketing. But once you find your ‘groove’ it becomes easy and much quicker. Soon you’ll have your own system at work. Keep doing it. Keep doing it. Keep doing it. Do NOT do it once and wait to see if you make any money. Just keep doing it…

Don’t complain if  your article doesn’t get any traffic.

Don’t complain if your video didn’t get any hits.

Don’t complain.  Just go and find out how to do it better. Then do it again!

This is how you make long-term passive income the “free traffic” way.

Here are some more general marketing tips that I share with other people (off the top of my head):

  • Make your blog your central “hub” site. This is you, this is your brand.
  • Use GlobalNPN‘s capture pages (or create your own with the capture page creator)
  • Use GlobalNPN’s List Marketer Pro. for your list building if you want your messages to be delivered.
  • FOCUS on creating quality, relevant content
  • FOCUS on presenting yourself as the expert (even if you’re not)
  • FOCUS on building your list of prospects for GlobalNPN.
  • Look at what the successful people are doing, and copy it (the methods not the content)
  • Always use capture pages or capture forms.
  • Subscribe to this blog right now and comment below.
  • Become a “fan” of GlobalNPN on facebook right now and comment.
  • Don’t spam.

Have Fun. Oh, and DO IT!

– Geoff.

How to Get the Best Keywords from Google for Free

There are many people who will tell you that SEO (search engine optimization) is some highly technical, secretive way of getting high Google rankings through relatively unknown tricks and underhanded methods. What a bunch of crap.

The fact is, if you’re looking for keywords and phrases that are related to the keyword you’re targeting, Google will tell you exactly what you should include in your content pages. There’s no tricks, just search, observe, and keep track.

In the video I’m showing you the top 3 ways that I get keywords from Google, FOR Google, that work for me. Everyone has their own methods, these are the 3 that work for my content creation. You might have other ways of doing the same thing. If you do, then stick with what works for YOU.

I don’t use any keyword tools or fancy software. I just search and keep track of what Google spits out at me. It works and gets me highly ranked for the phrases I target, and also for the phrases that I don’t directly target but are relevant just the same.

People often forget that Google’s job is to provide it’s users with the most relevant content to what they’re searching for. If you’re not providing it, you won’t get any traffic from Google, simple as that. Write good content first, then edit it and ensure you have content relevant to your theme.

Have fun, it’s the internet!

Please leave your comments below… Thanks!

– Geoff.

Youtube Top 10 Video in 42 Minutes

I made a really quick video test to prove how easy it is to get a decently ranked video on Youtube for the keyword or keyphrase you are aiming for. I did some keyword research through Google, found keyphrases that were related to my main keyphrase, wrote a very brief article for the video description, wrote a keyworded video title, added tags, uploaded the video and in less than 42 minutes I was in the top 10 for my keyword. Bada-bing bada-boom.

To be honest the whole process took around a half hour – from keyword research to uploading the video.

I didn’t do this to prove that I make great videos. I did this to prove that it ain’t rocket science and that relevant keywords can be found and used in very little time.

If you know how to do it and where to look. Google does a pretty good job of telling you exactly what they’re looking for with regards to the keyword you’re targeting. No expensive keyword tools, no special knowledge, just a few quick searches and some notable observations. I know this is Youtube, but the same principles are in effect.

If you ask, Google will tell you what they want. Give them what they want and they’ll give you what you want.

Feel free to comment below..

Have a great day.
– Geoff.

QOD: Why can’t I pay after I’ve made money with your program?

From the depths of Geoff’s GlobalNPN.com support ticket archives..

Question of the day:
Why can’t I pay after I’ve made money with your program? I don’t want to pay first.

Answer: Well, I suppose this would all come down to mindset. Think about it.

“I don’t want to pay until my referrals pay and I make a commission, then I’ll decide if I want to pay.”

Chances are your referrals would have the same mindset as you, which means they won’t pay either until they’ve referred some paying members.. but then THOSE people would do the same thing… not pay until THEY’RE making money. Do you see a pattern here? I do. The end result: NOBODY is paying, and NOBODY is making any money.

Remember, you’re not paying for the program. You’re paying for the products that the company is selling. The affiliate ‘program’ is attached to the product. It’s up to you if you want to make money by reselling the products. But you’re not going to get ‘real’ products for free.

How about this: I’ll offer you a job at my company, but I won’t actually pay you until you’ve proven that my company will benefit from having you as an employee. You can work for free for me for a month or so, then I’ll decide. Still interested in the job? … didn’t think so.

You need to be willing to invest in your business, in yourself, in your knowledge, your education, and your skills. If you’re not willing to do this, you’re not right for this industry and you should keep working for someone else.

If you want it, you’ll do what it takes to succeed. If you’ve got it in you, you WILL be successful.

Have a great day,
– Geoff

Is this just another one of those schemes where the people at the top make all the money

Hello all,

Here’s an email I got the other day, word for word:

“Is this just another one of those schemes where the people at the top make all the money and the rest of us make nothing??”

I actually get that question quite frequently and it kinda bothers me that these people don’t research the issue themselves, instead of sending an email to the owner of the company and basically asking if they’re running some sort of pyramid “scheme”. It’s sort of funny if you think about it that way.

I mean how am I supposed to reply?.. “Yes you’re correct, Joe, you won’t make anything if you join my scheme.. but thanks for asking. Click here to join!”

I suppose I could just delete the message, but I’ll answer it anyways based on the business I’m involved in..

First let’s look at one part of this question:
Do the people at the top make all the money in this business?

The simple answer to this is: probably, but not necessarily.

The people at the top are at the top for one reason. They deserve it. They’ve obviously earned the opportunity to be at the top, and the company would only have these people at the top if it was beneficial to the growth of the organization. No new company or any company would want someone at the top of the organization if the company couldn’t benefit in a big way from their skills or experience.

Now the question again:
Is this just another one of those schemes where the people at the top make all the money and the rest of us make nothing??

Well the great thing about network marketing is that it is designed specifically to give everyone the same opportunity to build an income. The fact is, your success is 100% dependant on your efforts and your abilities. In companies where you are an employee, your salary is capped at whatever salary you are earning, which means your income is limited. In network marketing there is no limit to how much you can earn, and anyone can do it and everyone has the same opportunity. A network marketing company won’t pay you more just because you’re a doctor or a lawyer. The company won’t pay you more if you have a college degree, or a PHD, or any kind of education that may otherwise put you at an advantage. The company won’t pay you more based on your work experience.

Again, network marketing success is based on your efforts 100%. No favoritism, no office politics, no corporate b.s. If you want it you can have it, and nothing is stopping you from succeeding (except for you of course).

Do the people at the top make more money? Yeah probably, because they’ve earned it. Look at any corporation or company, does the CEO make more than the managers, supervisors, and workers? Of course they do.

But in network marketing, the people at the bottom have the same opportunity as everyone else. I’ve been in mlm companies where I was near the top and I had some people 10, 15 levels below me that were making more than me. That’s the great thing about this industry.

Back to the question again:
Is this just another one of those schemes where the people at the top make all the money and the rest of us make nothing??

Well put it this way, if you do nothing, then of course you’ll make nothing.

Perhaps ask yourself this question: If you were your boss, and based on your desire, work ethic, and effort, how much are you worth to the company? In other words, How much do you want to pay yourself? That part is up to you.

Have a great day,
– Geoff.