NPN Update – Calling all NPN’ers!

Calling all NPN’ers!

I have a favour to ask of you all…

I’m putting together a video compilation of member testimonials for NPN to use on our new website. I’m looking for a quick testimonial about GlobalNPN, the products, the backoffice, the training, the support, the Admin (me), or whatever you want. Just a simple 10 second clip would suffice.

Please watch the video for what I’m talking about:

You may notice I did not edit this video, just left it “raw” and as-is. That’s the kind of video I’m looking for.

Something like:

“Hi, my name is [___] from [____] and I make money every month with Globalnpn. You cannot miss this opportunity!”


“Hey there, my name is[___] from [____] and my online business simply could not survive without the top-notch marketing tools that GlobalNPN provides. You can’t find this stuff anywhere else!”


“Hi this is [____] from [____] and I just want to say how much I appreciate the work that Geoff has put into NPN over the years. He runs an open and honest business, and is always available to the NPN membership! You can trust NPN”

Something LIKE that. Please be original and don’t just say what I’ve written above..

This video will prove to your prospects that real people are behind NPN, and real people are satisfied with the service and opportunity that NPN provides. We live in a time of ‘social marketing’ and nothing is more powerful than video testimonials from real people.

Are you up for it? Of course you are! 😉 All you need is a webcam and 10-15 seconds of your day.

Since I’d like to get our website up asap, and have it completely complete, I need to have this done as soon as I can. So if you can do this video, the quicker the better 😉

How to submit a video to Geoff:

After creating your video, you can either upload it to youtube and give me the link, or you can send me the video file directly. If you want to send it to me, please contact me first at or via Skype ID: geoffstephen  to arrange the best way to transfer the file to me. If you upload it to youtube, and if you don’t want anyone seeing it, you can make your youtube video ‘unlisted’ so nobody would be able to see it unless they had the exact link to the video.

I’d really appreciate this and it would make your NPN website much more ‘real’ and sellable to the masses… especially if you’re one of the ones in the video!

Thanks all! Look forward to seeing you soon..

– Geoff

What happens in Vegas..

Hello NPN’ers,

1. First a ‘new website’ update..

I appreciate all the excitement over the new Global NPN website features that I described in my last update. However, to answer your question: No, as of right now I don’t have a date when the new site will be live. I still have much work to do on it all and to announce a launch date at this time would just be irresponsible.  I will keep everyone updated as things progress and get closer, and yes I’ll have a date soon but not at this time. I won’t launch anything that’s not complete. Thanks for your patience and if you have any more suggestions on what you’d like to see (or not see) on our main website please don’t hesitate to message me.

2. Anyone want to meet in Las Vegas?

On another note, I’m planning on flying down to the “No Excuses II Summit” in Las Vegas at the end of April. It should be a really fun, and a really big, conference. I didn’t go to the last one but I heard it was excellent. It’s a “no pitch” event which means it’s all information that can apply to what you’re doing in online business. There will be lots of speakers, some of the biggest names in the industry teaching what they know best. Events like this can be a great place to network and meet the industry pro’s, and lots of ‘up and coming’ leaders as well. Really it’s just fun (and educational) to hang out with a bunch of people that have the same goals and aspirations as you do, and that you can exchange ideas and contact information with.

I’d like to meet some of you in person, so if you would like to meet up with me go ahead and purchase your No Excuses Summit Ticket and then shoot me an email so we can exchange contact info and meet up while we are there.  It’s going to be a lot of fun – bring your camera!

Check it out here:

That’s all for now, have a great weekend.

– Geoff.

NPN Update – RE: Alertpay issues

Hello NPN’ers,

(This applies to NPN members paying their subscription through Alertpay with their MasterCard. This does NOT apply to you if you’re paying with your Visa or MasterCard directly through NPN.)

It has come to my attention that Alertpay is currently having issues processing transactions through MasterCard.

Although I don’t know the reason why, I do know that it could be affecting your NPN subscriptions. It appears that any subscription that is automatically set to be paid with Mastercard is simply not being processed. It is keeping the subscription active but the payment is not being sent by Alertpay.

However, our system will downgrade you if you haven’t made your subscription payment within 30 days of your previous payment. Obviously if alertpay isn’t running the payments through, you’re getting downgraded by us in the NPN system even if your subscription is active, and you won’t be able to promote your links or login to your NPN backoffice. This is not a smart move by Alertpay.

Regardless, here is your solution to keep your NPN account active:

Log in to your Alertpay account and cancel your current NPN subscription. Then login to your current NPN backoffice, select your upgrade level, and start a new subscription using your payment method of choice.

You can use:

  1. Your Alertpay account balance.
  2. Visa/Amex through Alertpay.
  3. MasterCard directly through NPN (no fees)
  4. Visa directly through NPN (no fees)

Please take care of this A.S.A.P. so you don’t lose your NPN position/downlines.

Please note that you CAN pay for your NPN subscription using either your Visa OR Mastercard directly through GlobalNPN (not through alertpay). There is NO problem processing MasterCard when paying this way. Since we do our own processing specific to NPN, we do NOT have any of the issues Alertpay has, or may have in the future.



– Geoff.

$10 Cash Back Bonus Extended!

Hello NPN’ers,

This is a quick but important note that by popular demand, our “$10 Cash Back” bonus for upgrading has been extended until the end of February!

A LOT of our members have taken advantage of this offer and they’re ALL getting paid this payday, so be sure to check it out in your NPN backoffice.

Upgrade and GET PAID. This is a great way to jumpstart your Director membership!

In case you missed it last month, login to your NPN Backoffice and click on “Pssst.. Want $10 for FREE?” in the left menu in your backoffice. Now is the time..

Have a great day!

– Geoff.

REMINDER! Your $10 is waiting..

Hello NPN’ers,

This is a reminder that there’s only 1 week left in January, which means there’s only 7 days left to claim your $10 FREE for upgrading to Director level!

Click on “Psst.. Want $10 FREE??” in your NPN backoffice and follow the instructions (if you qualify).

For more information, read this post here.

In order to qualify to receive the $10 bonus:
1. Your subscription payment at the DIRECTOR (or higher) level must be received before the end of January 31st, 2011.
2. You must have an active DIRECTOR (or higher) subscription at the time of our next commission payday.
3. You must have sent the email request as noted above within 48 hours of your upgrade.
4. You must be upgrading from a PRO or PLUS level account during the current month. This promotion does not apply to new NPN accounts or previously upgraded accounts.

Are you going for it?? What’s stopping you..

That’s it for now, have a great day!

– Geoff Stephen

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