The “New” GlobalNPN

Hello all..

For those of you that haven’t noticed, our new website is up and looking great!

.. and YES you can start promoting it. Just make sure you’re using the exact links provided in your backoffice (ie.

The site has only been up for a couple days but I have noticed one thing. It’s converting really, really well. Lots of new signups, lots of new paid members, lots of new “test drivers”.

I should mention that it will continue to improve over the next little while as I finish up all the details on the site to make it more attractive to more people. I’ve had tons of compliments on it so it will only get better!

There WILL be a video out soon that will fully explain the comp plan to make it more clear and understandable. I’ve heard lots of excitement about how it works, though..


The first new product you’ll see will be the “Instant Blog” product. It will be the easiest blog you’ve EVER created. Why? Because it’s completely setup for you ahead of time. All you will have to do is click a button in your backoffice, and then login to our blog system..

Once you’re in you can just start blogging. Nothing more to setup! No technical ‘mumbo jumbo’ to learn. No themes to upload or activate, no settings to adjust etc..

Basically if you can type… you can blog.

This will be available to all our members (PRO, DIRECTOR, GOLD), and is a great introduction to blogging. Your blog will advertising your GlobalNPN business and you’ll easily be able to share your content through Facebook, Twitter, email and other social media sites. The easiest “blog & share” system available.

As I said, it will be a great introduction to blogging and will allow you to easily transition to having your OWN domain, with your own blog, at the GlobalNPN Director level.

Fun stuff! Get all your referrals blogging & sharing, and they’ll stick around..

So look for that coming soon.

In conclusion, here’s my marketing tip for the day..


That’s it.. focus.

I’ve seen way too many people trying to promote WAY too many things all at once.

What happens when you do that? You get poor to mediocre results spread between all the products you’re promoting. And that’s a drag.

Think about it. When you go to college or university, you go there to learn how to become a doctor. NOT a doctordentistlawyeraccountantteacherpsychologist, right?

The most successful people in internet marketing and MLM, are people that focus their efforts on one deal – often with a ‘front end’ system to generate leads and fund their advertising. GlobalNPN works as a primary MLM AND as a front end marketing system… and it is getting better..!

So, FOCUS. Don’t spread yourself too thin.

That’s it for today, comment below if you like!

– Geoff Stephen

How Do I Get More Leads for My Business?

Hello all..

Here’s a question for ya:

So what’s the most important ‘skill’ you need to master in order to become successful in online marketing?

I suppose the answer could be things like..

Generating traffic, generating leads, writing good ad copy, using social media productively, talking on the phone to your prospects… anything like that.

Most people will say it’s a combination of many skills… which I would have to say is certainly true.


A lot of people tend to focus on one or two things, and a lot of times those are the wrong things to focus on.

I get this question asked more than any other question:

“How do I generate more leads online?”

.. and then this question always comes in second place:

“How do I get more traffic?”

It seems like everyone needs to get more leads for their business. Fair enough, and probably true.

Here’s how the conversation goes after they ask me how to generate more leads…

Me: “What are you going to do with more leads?”

Them: “Ummm.. I dunno, get ’em in my autoresponder and then sell them stuff! Isn’t that the whole idea??”

Me: **sigh** “Well, I suppose that’s part of the ‘whole idea’. But do you know how to convert those leads into sales?”

Them: “Not really… but everyone need more leads!”

.. and it goes like that.

I guess my point here is that yes you need more leads, and yes you need more traffic… but who cares about that if you can’t make sales? What’s the point?

It’s like having a popular clothing store without a cash register. Lots of interest, no revenue. What’s the point?

There’s 4 “how to” things to learn in online marketing, and the 3rd and 4th ones are almost always ignored:

  1. How to get targeted traffic to your website
  2. How to convert that traffic into leads for your business
  3. How to convert your leads into sales, distributors, or customers
  4. How to keep those customers interested enough to want to keep buying from you

That’s it.

It seems like this entire industry is focused on getting more leads, and then selling training to those leads on how to get more leads, which trains your leads how to get more leads by selling training on how to get more leads…

See what I mean? Funny how that works. What ends up happening is you getting leads and selling ‘lead generation’ stuff to them. And that’s as far as it gets. And it sucks because nobody gets any further into your marketing funnel, and you don’t make any more money.

So my advice is to NOT forget about item #3 and #4 above. It’s NOT all about getting leads and traffic.

It’s about making sales and creating relationships with your customers.

Have a great day!

– Geoff.

Top Reasons Why I Started an Online Business From Home

Why I Started an Online Business From Home

Hello all..

When thinking about starting an online business from home, we sometimes forget to think about the reasons why we would want to do such a thing – apart from earning an extra income from the internet.

I mean, we all have an entrepreneur mindset and we all want to make money online, but I often ask myself the real reasons why I do this, and why I did this in the first place.. so I came up with a list that I’d like to share with you. Perhaps you have the same motivations as I do.

Off the top of my head, here are my top 6 reasons:

1. FREEDOM. This is kind of a tricky one, because having a home business can absolutely give you the freedom that you wouldn’t get from an ‘ordinary’ job. However, it can also take away some of the freedom as well if you don’t have the self discipline to walk away from your business when it is needed. Having the freedom to set my own schedule and work my own hours has always been my main motivation in starting and running my own online business.

2. FAMILY TIME. I have 3 kids at home and it was always my intention to find some way to make a living while still being able to hang out with my family. Running your own home business can give you that freedom. I get to take my kids to school, pick them up from school, and never miss any of their sports or activities.

3. UNLIMITED INCOME. If you have a j.o.b., you are essentially trading hours for dollars. That’s it. And almost always, you consider yourself as being underpaid. Unfortunately, when you’re working for someone else there is no way around that, ever. With an online business there is literally no limit to the amount of money you make. Really, you end up being paid what you’re worth based on the value you bring to your industry.

4. WORKING WITH COOL PEOPLE. When you’re running your own business, you have a choice as to who you work with. You’re not forced to deal with co-workers that you can’t get along with, you’re not forced to have a boss that just doesn’t like you. You get to work with people that you can actually be productive with. People that are like you. People that have the same goals and dreams as you do. That fact alone is a big reason to do this.

This is my coffee shop desk as it looked while I wrote this blog post on why I run an online business from home.

5. LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION. When your entire business is an online business, you can be practically anywhere and still run your business. I’ve run my business from hotel rooms, coffee shops, shopping malls, baseball stadiums, airplanes, restaurants, while driving down the highway (in the passenger seat of course;), and even on a ride at Disneyland. With smart phones you don’t even need wifi anymore, the sky’s the limit (literally!). Nobody has to know where you are either, which is part of the package. (Word from the wise: you also have to learn when to turn it all off!)

6. LIFESTYLE.  I suppose this is kind an “all in one” reason. The lifestyle is what you get when you have a successful home business. You’re working your own hours, you’re making good money, you’re dealing with good people, and you have the time freedom to be wherever you want, whenever you want. It’s all part of the lifestyle.

So in a nutshell, those are my main reasons and motivations for doing this online business thing. What are your motivations for doing this? Money? Fame? Fun?

Let me know in your comments!


Geoff Stephen

Global NPN Webinar Update

Hello all..

In case you missed last night’s webinar, below is the recording for your convenience.

(Note that the last 15 minutes have been cut off, which was the question & answer, and general discussion period. Sorry, you have to attend to benefit from that.)

There is a TON of new features being added to your membership which will easily increase the value of being an NPN member over and above ANY other product suite/opportunity out there. 

The timing is right and becoming a member NOW will get you in on the “ground floor” for the most profitable time of the entire marketing year! So if you’re not an active member, upgrade TODAY!

Feel free to share this information with your team members and your downlines.

If you have any comments, please enter them below.. and don’t forget to “like” and “share” this post on your Facebook!


Coming Along Swimmingly

Hello NPN’ers,

Hope you are all well 🙂

Bringing you up to date on a few things..

We should all be very excited about the new features coming to your GlobalNPN business!

Our new website is almost complete and it’s looking very slick and professional. What we’re planning is kind of an “upscaling” of the GlobalNPN image to bring it more into the mainstream and to make it attractive to more people.

I talked about this in more detail in a previous update here..

Our new backoffice is also looking really cool. It’s very simple to use, but will have even more powerful features available to you to maximize your productivity in your business.

The downline structure and comp plan will see a few minor changes, and the new products are going to blow you away!

The PRO level members will see a MASSIVE increase in the value of their membership. The DIRECTOR members will have a lot more power and flexibility, and GOLD will be out of the park!

The only cost difference will be at the PRO level as we’re combining it with the PLUS level. BUT you will probably wonder how you can still get all this value for so cheap 😉 Oh, and don’t worry, if you’re a PRO member now, your cost will not go up as long as your subscription stays active.

This is probably one of the biggest updates I have EVER done with GlobalNPN in 7 years.

You will also be able to build your downline however you like. It will still pay 5 levels deep as it does now, but you will have complete flexibility in HOW and WHERE your downline is placed below you in those levels. Very, very cool, and very, very easy to do. (and you can make money faster!)

So, get in tune with your GlobalNPN backoffice, it’s going to get really good!

To followup on my last post on Payza, it’s business as usual for us as far as I’ve heard.


– Geoff Stephen

P.S. Got your “ONE” yet this month? Don’t overthink it. Keep it simple, be yourself, and go and do it.