How to Make $1,000 Per Month

Hey there.

Okay, so this guy goes out and manages to earn something like $30,000 over the past couple months online. Good for him. Then he sends a message out to ‘everyone’ that he’s going to do a webinar where he’ll teach you how to make $30,000 per month… just like he did.

Doesn’t that sound kinda weird?

It’s not that I don’t believe him (I personally know it’s true), but claiming that he’s going to teach you “how to earn $30,000 per month” seems ridiculous to me.

That’s like me saying “I’ll teach you in a 1 hour webinar how to do $40,000 to $100,000 in revenue every month for the next 8 years of your life”.

True, but teaching that is crazy talk.

.. That’s also like saying to an 8 year old kid learning how to play football: “Hey kid, come here, give me an hour I’ll teach you exactly how to win the Super Bowl”.


Here’s what I’m getting at..

Want to learn how to make $30,000 in a month? Sure!

I’ll teach you right now, step by step..

Here goes…

  • Step 1: Learn how to make $100 per month.
  • Step 2: Learn how to make $1,000 per month.
  • Step 3: Learn how to make $10,000 per month.
  • Step 4: … you see where I’m going with this, right?

There’s a rule in internet marketing that says: If you can make money consistently every month with what you’re doing, there is simply no limit to how much you can earn.

NO Limit.

If you can earn $100 on a consistent basis, how hard would it be to increase that to $1,000 per month? Not that hard. You already know how to do it, you already know that you can do it consistently. All you have to do is influence your numbers to increase your revenue. (ie. do more of what you’re already doing)

So here’s the deal..

I’m (considering) putting together an ‘add-on’ program to GlobalNPN that focuses on teaching you how to earn $1,000 per month with your GlobalNPN business as a Gold VIP member.

If I could show you how to make at least $1,000.00 per month with GlobalNPN, would that change your life?

.. are you even ready to change your life?

If this interests you, please leave a comment below and let me know, then get on this list and I will update you asap:

Go here and opt in..


– Geoff

P.S. If you’re not ready to do this and really become successful, that’s okay too. Someday maybe.


NPN Video Uploader – New Product!

Hello all..

We have a brand new product for you to use in your GlobalNPN backoffice.

The “NPN Video Uploader” enables you to upload your OWN videos to our servers and display them on your websites or blogs. This adds a huge amount of value to your NPN membership and makes your business a lot more marketable to a lot more people.

Please watch the video below for a quick demo of how it works. Otherwise go to your backoffice and check it out!

That’s it for now, have a great day.

What do you think? Comment below..

– Geoff Stephen

SEO 101 – Get ranked the easy way

Hello NPN’ers and Leadskimmers,

This week’s webinar should prove to be
of great value to your online business!

I’ll be teaching some SEO basics that
you should know about for 2013 in
order to get some of that high quality
Google traffic that we’re all after..

Some of the things I’ll be teaching on:

– how to “spoon feed” the SE’s exactly what they want!
– Creating the content that Google loves!
– 5 Link building strategies that actually work!
– the 5 areas of SEO you need to concentrate on
– How to make SEO copywriting super simple!
– Top SEO Tips to focus on for 2013..

Register here right away:

See you there! Be sure to attend as I
usually only record about half of the
webinars I do.

– Geoff Stephen
GlobalNPN Admin.

P.S. Feel free to invite any of your prospects
and use the webinar to close them on NPN 🙂

Webinar Replay – Blogging for Maximum Impact

Hello all..

For those of you that missed my webinar, here is a replay of the section where I talked about how to create a compelling blog post.

There’s a ton of great information here, enjoy… and keep blogging!

For my future webinars, I’d like to know more specifically what you’d like to be trained on, so..

If you could take a few seconds to answer these 3 quick questions I’ll be able to focus my future training more on what you’re interest in learning.

Go Here:


Thanks! Have a great day!

– Geoff

Make any money blogging?

Make money blogging

Hello all..

Make money blogging

With all the interest in our NPN ‘Instant blog’
service, it has been requested that I do a
webinar on “how to write an effective blog
post” without having to be a great writer..

“In internet marketing, the fact is that the
people that blog regularly build the biggest
lists, attract the most people, and generally
make the most long term money

So… if you’re interested in learning the most
important elements of an effective blog post
and how to implement this on your NPN
Instant Blog…

Register for our webinar here:

I hope to see you all in the webinar, it should
be fun..!

– Geoff Stephen
GlobalNPN/Leadskimmer Admin.