Why Paid Traffic is Better than Free Traffic

Traffic. Free? Paid? Where do I start?

Okay, so over the past few months my articles have been focused on helping you begin to build out your own sales funnel. From building your squeeze page to analysing and tracking your results, we’ve covered the basics.

Now, let’s assume you have a sales funnel that you’ve built and you at that point where you’re ready to do some testing.

What do you need now? You need traffic. You need to send some consistent traffic flowing to your funnel in order to determine what is going to work and what need immediate changes.

Web traffic is always a huge discussion in internet marketing. Where do you get it? How much do you need? What “kind” of traffic do I need? What’s the best resource for quality traffic? How “targeted” does my traffic need to be? How much should I pay for traffic? Should I even pay for traffic at all..?

Those are some of the questions I get all the time about getting traffic to your offer.

So let’s dig in.

First of all, let me explain that I’ve been in the internet marketing industry for almost 15 years now and I’ve seen just about everything when it comes to traffic generation.. and I know what works, what doesn’t, and what’s easiest for your business.

If you were to ask me how to get the best, most reliable traffic for your offer..

I have 2 words for you:
Buy it.

Buy it and get used to the fact that you are buying it.

There is always going to be that question of “free vs. paid” traffic. But let me explain something about traffic.. and please tattoo this on your brain (or at least write it down and remember it)..

What about FREE traffic?

No matter what people tell you or try to sell you, there is no such thing as free traffic.

Every person that visits your website you will work for, and pay for.

You will pay for your traffic either with your money, or with your time. And since your time is worth money.. it all sort of ends up leveling out after all is said and done.

Traffic is one of the costs of doing business, and when you’re buying traffic you are essentially paying someone (or some company) for the service of sending people to your website. When you look at it that way, as a business expense, it starts to make more sense in the overall scheme of things.

Again, accept the fact that you’re paying for traffic either with your money or with your time.

Personally I prefer to pay for my traffic with money. Why? Because I don’t have the time that it takes to generate traffic without money 🙂

Here’s my reasoning..

If I go out and actually buy my traffic, I can use the time that I have saved to be more productive in perfecting my sales processes (among other things). And I can use that time to analyse the traffic that I do have coming in. I guess it’s a productivity thing for me and it makes more sense than spending all that time trying to get my sites to the top of Google and hoping that the right people will find them.

I would rather pay someone to send me the right people, so I can focus on making money. Simple as that I suppose.

There are pros and cons of course, so what are some of the pros of paid traffic?

  • You can get as much traffic as you like, very quickly
  • You can be more targeted in your traffic selection (more qualified clicks)
  • YOU control the quantity (and quality) of your traffic.
  • Paid traffic is instantly scalable.
  • With a consistent stream of targeted traffic, you can test the effectiveness of your campaigns and get far more accurate results.

And what are some of the cons of paid traffic?

  • You have to spend money to make money
  • Traffic is limited by your budget.
  • You could get ripped off by less-than-honest traffic vendors
  • Your marketing needs to be in place before you buy traffic.

When it comes down to it, the only cons of paid traffic are money-related. Spending money and losing money.

In contrast, when considering the “traditional” sources of what people would call “free” traffic, you would essentially be putting out a huge effort for traffic quantity and quality that you simply have no control over.

Is paid traffic appropriate for a “newbie” marketer?

That’s a very frequently asked question, and it’s a good one. But I’m going to give you a different answer than what you’ve probably heard before.

In my opinion, the first thing to learn about internet marketing is NOT how to get traffic. You need to learn how to convert traffic into buyers before you even consider buying traffic. Most new marketers will just go right for the traffic, and that’s the wrong move. You need to learn how to build your own sales funnels, and how to write effective copy, and how to influence people with your words… first!

So to answer that question, NO traffic is appropriate for newbie marketers.. until you’ve learned how to be a marketer (and having a marketing budget is part of being a marketer).

So where does someone in internet marketing buy traffic?

Well in my case I built the entire foundation of my online business on these traffic sources:

  1. Solo ads
  2. Email marketing
  3. Facebook PPC

Okay, ‘email marketing’ isn’t really a traffic source but it’s where most of my sales come from, and I get traffic from my email lists so I’d say it’s a legitimate traffic source.

So as you can see, I buy my traffic, and I always have.

I buy solo ads, which means I’m buying clicks to my website. I buy clicks through Facebook. But when all is said and done they cost me nothing.. because I spend the rest of my time making my sales funnels more efficient and more profitable.

Learn copywriting, learn sales funnels, learn email marketing, buy traffic.

And in conclusion, here is a notable point with regards to my results I’ve achieved online:

When I started using paid traffic to build my lists and make sales was when I started seeing “real” success in this business.

When something works, you stick with it. Once you learn how to make paid traffic work for your business, it will be all you need.

Make sure you are on our list for when our TRAFFIC SYSTEM Launches:

Click here to get on our list!

Thanks for reading.

– Geoff Stephen

How to Make a Video When You’re Terrified of Making Videos

Hello all.

Okay, so a while back I made a video that was one of those “talking head” videos where you are simple speaking directly to the camera. I sent the link out to one of my lists.

..And I said in a follow-up email that video should be a big part of marketing and you should start making videos to increase your circle of influence and inform people as to what you’re all about. Brand yourself etc..

Let’s face it, video is a great way of communicating with massive numbers of people on a very personal level.

I received an email back shortly after from a woman that basically said, “Well, easy for YOU to say. You are already comfortable making videos. I am TERRIFIED to get in front of the camera. No way!”


It was that email that took me back a few years to when I was first starting out, and I was making videos… or at least “trying” to make videos. I have watched some of my early videos and admittedly they were awful.. poorly put together, poorly edited, and I looked like a bit of an idiot!

BUT.. they got better over time and I was thinking about WHY they got better and how I managed to put together a decent video that communicated my message to the people I was targeting.

It all came down to one thing: I wrote EVERYTHING down that I wanted to say.

Simple, right?

Seriously, though. When I say I wrote everything down, I mean I scripted out every single word, and every single pause that was going to happen in my video.

Everything was completely scripted.

Even the intro where I’d say “Hey it’s Geoff here from xyz company, and I want to …..”


Now, I have to tell you that my writing style has a lot to do with how this works. When I blog, as I write I HEAR myself reading what I’m writing OUT LOUD. Which makes it read very conversationally and not just “here’s the facts”. In my head I’m explaining the information (whatever it is), and when I write it comes out like that.

Just like I’m doing now.. I’m hearing myself SAY what I’m writing to you. Understand?

When I make videos, it’s the same thing.

First I write everything that I’m going to say in that “conversational” voice.

Then I actually read it back to myself OUT LOUD so I can hear what it’s going to sound like.

After doing that I know what I have to edit to make it sound better and more natural when I actually do the video.

At least that’s how I did it when I was starting out. These days I can just write down in point form what I’m going to say and then fill in the spaces. But when I want to make sure I get my point across completely, nothing beats scripting out the whole thing and going through those steps I mentioned above.

So if you’re terrified of making videos or even audios.. that is my advice, simply script it all out and read it back in your OWN voice. If it doesn’t sound right, change your script and then read it back again. Repeat until perfect! 🙂

That’s how I did it. Hope this helps!

Comment below and please “LIKE” and this post!

Thanks, have a great day.

– Geoff Stephen

Best Traffic Strategies

best traffic strategies

Hello all..

It seems everyone is looking for the best traffic strategies for driving traffic to their websites. In fact it’s a question that I get fairly often, but it’s not something that is very easy to answer, no matter how much internet marketing experience the person has that’s asking the question.

So what’s your Traffic Strategy?

What I usually do is ask the question back to the person that is asking: “What traffic strategies work best for YOU?” or “What what traffic strategies do you LIKE to work on?”

Then they’ll tell me their traffic plan: “Here’s my plan.. I’m going to do solo ads, and do some pay-per-click, and I’ll also surf some traffic exchanges while I write blog posts and get some SEO organic traffic.. then I’m going to blast that all over social media and get traffic that way too!”

best traffic strategies

A while later they’ll get back to me on how they are doing with their plan. What I get back from them is something like: “Well, I tried abc strategy, but that didn’t work… then I tried xyz strategy, and that didn’t work either.. then I went and tried blah blah blah..”. And so on..

And of course they end up with no decent amount of traffic, and no sales or recruits. I see this happen all the time.

Do you see what’s wrong with what’s going on here?

You CANNOT be successful in internet marketing by trying to do as many things as possible all at once, without knowing how to be effective at any ONE of them.

The whole “multiple streams of traffic” thing doesn’t work unless you become a master of each traffic strategy… one strategy at a time.

The thing is… ALL traffic strategies work.

When you say “Doing solo ads didn’t work for me”, all that means is you haven’t bothered to learn how to do solo ads properly. Solo ads WORK. As do all other traffic sources… IF you take the time to learn each one, one at a time.

You will make SO much more money by “mastering” just one type of traffic than you EVER will by “sort of” learning 3 or 4 different strategies.

And that is not a theory, it’s a fact.. and a VALUABLE piece of advice.

Here is your Step by Step Traffic Plan

So my advice going forward is to do these 4 steps:

  1. Pick 2 or 3 different sources of traffic.
  2. LEARN as much as you can about each one, enough so that you can start.
  3. Determine which ONE of those 3 you actually enjoy doing (it’s easier if you like it).
  4. Focus on that ONE strategy and MASTER it.

Don’t do anything else until you master it. Don’t put in a “half-baked” effort and expect it to work. Full focus, full effort, full investment of time and money.

Remember that ALL traffic strategies are “valid” and all of them work. If they didn’t, nobody would bother learning how to capitalize on them, right?

So here are my questions to you:

What is your PREFERRED traffic strategy? What strategy would you like to master first?

Thanks! Please answer below.

Have a great day.

– Geoff Stephen

P.S. “LIKE” and share! 🙂

Global NPN Update – New Builder Site Coming..

Hello NPN’ers,


Thank you for all of your responses to my last update regarding the comp plan changes. It’s good to hear we’re doing the right thing 🙂

There is lots going on “behind the scenes” right now as we gear up for the end of the year and start looking towards 2014..

And there is a LOT to look forward to in the next while with GlobalNPN..

Notably our brand new lead generation / recruiting / training site that we’re currently building to work along side the GlobalNPN website.

It’s called NPNBuilder.com.guythrowingmoney

It will be a combination of a sales funnel, a downline builder, and a “fast-start” training site that you’ll be able to use to generate leads and bring in new members quickly and efficiently, and provide them with the training they need to get started. All you’ll have to do is send traffic (which we’ll show you how to do).

Along with our awesome comp plan changes, this will provide you with a solid “system” or process to use to promote your NPN links.

Our plan is to have an INCREDIBLE 2014, which will also be GlobalNPN’s 9th year in business… which is a looong time in internet years.

“Changing lives since 2005..!” Lol.

Thanks for continuing to be a part of it.

That’s it for now, stay tuned..

– Geoff Stephen

P.S. If you’re NOT a member of GlobalNPN, stop screwing around and join us today! It will change your life. Seriously, you deserve better 🙂


Global NPN Comp Plan Update

comp Plan Global NPN

Hello NPN’ers,


With regards to my ideas about “tweaking” the comp plan to make it more lucrative for you, here is my video explaining how it works.

There really isn’t much change to the comp plan (regardless of the rumors I’ve heard).

The 100% referral bonuses are still there, the downline commissions are still there, the 100% matching bonus is still there..

Watch the video (all of it please), and please comment below whether or not you think this will help grow your NPN business faster or not..


You need to understand that I am in this business to help YOU succeed online for the long term. This is one big reason why NPN has been successful since 2005.

Thanks for your comments..

– Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN Admin.