How to Make Your Email Campaign More Effective

Quick Tips For Making Your Email Marketing Campaign Effective

Email marketing is the best way to generate new customers online. By offering something to your visitors in return for their email address, you instantly have the potential for a customer. That something might be an e-book, monthly newsletter, or anything else that has value. However, not all email marketing campaigns are created equal, and so it’s important that you know how to make the most of your email marketing campaign.

#1 Give Them What They Want

The number one rule for email marketing to be successful is to give them what they want. If they sign up for an email newsletter then offer them options about the type of newsletter/download they’ll get. Bottom line – always send relevant content and you can’t go wrong.

#2 Edit Then Edit Again

One of the biggest mistakes made is to create the newsletter or other material and send it out. Once it’s gone there’s no bringing it back. What so many don’t realize is that grammar and your style are as important in your email content as it is on your blog or your website. Before you hit the send button edit and then edit again, to make sure there are no grammar mistakes and that your message flows.

#3 Create a Publishing Calendar

Nothing will have your subscribers’ loose interest faster than irregularity. If you send out a message and then don’t send anything for months, they’ll forget about you. They’ll not bother to read your next message, worse unsubscribe, or mark it as spam. So create a publishing calendar that outlines when you’ll send out your message, what your email message will be, and what your message will look like.

#4 Test (the formatting)

Mobile devices and different email clients receive emails differently. For that reason, you should send out a test email to different devices to make sure that it appears correctly on the screen.

#5 Know and Understand Spam Rules

Many people send out what would be considered spam because they simply don’t know that they’ve broken the rules. Read the Can-Spam act and you will be able to avoid getting yourself into trouble. You are only allowed to send out bulk emails to anyone who asks to receive that email. If you collected email addresses through correspondence but no one asked to have anything sent then you are spamming them.

These five simple steps will make your email marketing campaign become more effective.

Hope this was helpful.

– Geoff Stephen

Solo Ad Test Results

Hey NPN’ers,

I frequently run advertising tests to our GlobalNPN funnels to see what kind of results we get with the most simple ad methods available.

So I ran a solo ad recently where I bought an ad that sent traffic through our NPN Ad Tracker (to track clicks and location of clicks), and then directly to our sales funnel squeeze page.

I thought this would be of value to you since you could EASILY run a similar ad to a similar list, and get similar results… or even better.


My latest solo ad test results…

  • Purchased 250 top tier clicks + some over delivery

Through my NPN tracker directly to here:

  • 113 Opt ins
  • 32 free signups to Global NPN
  • 4 GOLD upgrades (paid trials = $100.00 “each” recurring monthly for me after trial period)

Statistically speaking..

  • 40-50% optin from the solo (on tier 1 clicks)
  • 30% optin to free signup
  • 13% from free signup to paid trial (wow!)


Here’s my MMPro results after searching my list for these leads:


When it comes down to it, doing about 10-15 minutes of “work”, I got 4 Gold signups.

And this is fairly typical for running ads like these. TOO easy 😉

TIP: Don’t over-complicate things! Our funnel works!

These are really good “direct to funnel stats”… And that’s without any followups, OTO’s, or personally branded promotional yet.

Look again at this.

This is from running 1 single solo ad – straight to our funnel squeeze page! I did nothing more than that (no “special” tricks or branding).

Listen, if you’re not in GlobalNPN, THIS is what you are missing out on. There is no excuse.

Now I just need our call center to close those golds!

Let me know if this is helpful information, if it is I will continue to post my results..

..comment below and “like”.


– Geoff Stephen


4 Types of Email Messages

If you are running online email marketing campaigns, chances are you are already using the typical newsletter format, which usually are sent out monthly or every couple of weeks. Email

The trouble is far too many of us stop right there and don’t use any other type of email campaign, and that’s a big mistake!

Let’s look at 4 types of email, other than newsletters, that you can use to connect with your subscribers.

#1 Informational Emails

Informational emails are not very long and generally, they do not require any action by the subscriber. They are simply there to convey a message and provide information to the recipient.

#2 Educational Emails

Educational emails are very popular with recipients because they help to solve some type of problem or answer a question. You can send educational emails any time you have new content, a popular blog post, or any other educational information that matches your subscribers. This becomes even easier if you took the time to group your subscribers, because that way you can send the right content to the right people.

#3 Lead Nurturing Emails

This type of email is one of the least used or when it is used it is often used wrongly. It takes a lot of time and effort to take a lead and move them through the entire sales cycle. By using lead nurturing emails, you able to help that process occur faster and you don’t need to invest a lot of time. You can set up various nurturing campaigns with 7 or 8 nurturing emails in each and then you can simply schedule them to execute over a period of time. Both 60 and 90 days are popular depending on what your product or service is. These should be short messages that are packed with content rich information and that try to get the lead to respond to your call to action that will lead them to your website.

#4 Promotional Emails

This type of email, if not done right, can find you with a subscriber that will unsubscribe or simply trashing your message. Too many promotional emails and you will annoy your recipient. The only time you should use this is if you have a new product or service, a special deal going on, or a special event coming up. You should not use this more than a couple of times a month… but you can actually use these every day if you do it right ;). More on this sneakiness later..

So those are just 4 types of email messages you can send out to your list, and don’t forget you can combine any of these types together in order to assemble something effective for your list (cuz it’s all about them).

One more quick tip..

Be consistent. Be consistent. Oh, and be consistent.

More coming soon, stay tuned to your email for my messages.


– Geoff Stephen

Please “like” and comment below..

Want to download all this..?

Hey NPN’ers..

Heads UP!

Are ya ready??

We’re almost there..

I have just been uploading TONS of new training for you all, which will be available to you on Sept. 1st.

We have new courses and strategies covering subjects such as:

** Basic IM Training
** List Building
** Solo Ads
** Facebook Traffic
** Keyword Research
** Market Research
** Mindset Training
** Copywriting
** CPA Training
** Content Curation
** Podcasting
** Youtube Traffic
** Outsourcing
** Blogging
** Product Creation
** Website Optimization
** ++ more!

.. and video training on all our tools!

That’s well over 110 HOURS of solid, up to date video training and information for you to start digging into.

Your GlobalNPN business is no longer just a set of marketing tools.

It is becoming the most complete Tools AND Training site in the industry.

My goal is to have GlobalNPN at the end of every sales funnel in IM, and this is where we are headed.

Ya think? 🙂

We are going big with this, and if you’re not a Gold level member, you may be left behind.

It’s up to you, of course, but how easy is it going to be selling something so complete that every internet marketer will be better off as a member….

… for $1.00. ??

Get in today before Sept. 1st and you can lock in at the lower prices.

– Geoff Stephen
GlobalNPN Admin.

GlobalNPN Webinar Replay Aug. 8, 2014

Hey all..

For those of you that missed my webinar, it’s important you get all the information on what’s happening at GlobalNPN on September 1st..

The webinar is an extension of what I posted on my blog here:

So here is a replay of the webinar:

Direct link here:

Let me know what you think..


– Geoff Stephen