How to Organize Your MMPro Contact Lists into Folders

Hey NPN’ers,

If you’ve been in email marketing for any length of time you’ll notice the number of contact lists you have in your autoresponder start to get out of control and disorganized.

ie. You login to your MMPro, view your contact lists, and you see a long page full of your contact lists that seem to have no rhyme or reason as to what they’re all about on an individual basis.

It gets frustrating when you have a couple broadcasts to send out but it takes you forever just to find the contact list you want to send your broadcasts to.

So, what to do..?

This is a feature of our MMPro that hardly anyone uses, probably because they don’t know this feature even exists.

What you can do in the MMPro is switch to something called “folder mode”. What is does is allow you to organize your lists into folders, or categories.

It’s pretty handy when you no longer have to search very long to find the list you want..

Here’s how it works:

Hope this helps you out.


— Geoff Stephen


The MMPro now does what?? Awesome..

Hey NPNers,

For those of you that missed my FB posts this morning..

Just for fun I did a pretty hefty update to your MMPro autoresponder system.

I Added (or improved) 4 Main Features:

  1. Integrated Surveys – Create and run list-engagement surveys right from your email broadcasts (or autoresponders). You simply don’t know what your list wants.. until you ASK them. So… ask them!
  2. Dynamic Content Tags/Blocks – Deliver ultra-specific content to your lists by creating dynamic content for your list based on certain criteria (custom fiels) of your leads. Kind of like segmenting within your segments.
  3. Automated Email Triggers – Run triggers based on dates, clicks, opens, and subscribe/unsubscribe automation between lists. This completely automates your list management so you can get the MOST from your list – and the most $$.
  4. Faster sending speeds over all. Because… faster = better.

Oh, and I updated the logo. Yay!

And this..

So, as always you have the latest and greatest technology from GlobalNPN.



Please “comment” and LIKE below.


The Fear of Success

An observation..

The longer I’m in this business, and the more people I deal with, the more I realize that most people are NOT afraid of failing, they’re afraid of succeeding.

That’s where the real “fear” is.

Failure? It’s easy, and it’s comfortable because nothing changes. You tried.. and now you’re back to where you’re comfortable. You can just say, “oh well..” and fall back to where you started. Nothing lost.

People are afraid of success because success is far more complex (and scary) than failure.

Success? There’s more responsibility, you’ll have more respect and notoriety in some way, your circle of friends may change, there is pressure to keep getting better, you have to re-invent yourself and re-explain yourself to people, you have more people to answer to (your customers).. etc..

Scary stuff, that success.

It appears that people like the “idea” of success far more than wanting to actually achieve (and deal with) that success.

I’ve seen more than a few people make pretty good money as affiliates until they get to a point… then they panic, then they quit.

It’s almost like they’re looking to fail because they expect themselves to fail.. but instead of failing – they just stop succeeding.

Unfortunately some don’t recognize that they have this “fear” and just assume they are destined to fail over and over again..

Do you fear success?

If you can relate to this list,  you may be one who fears succeeding:

  • You don’t complete your projects (this could be at work or at home).
  • You talk about what you are going to do more than what you actually do.
  • You work tirelessly on several projects at once, not really focusing deeply on any one of them.
  • You still have exactly the same goals on your list that were there five years ago.
  • You second-guess yourself often.
  • Distraction is your middle name.
  • You don’t think your work is ever quite good enough.
  • And the big giveaway.. you’re on the verge of “success” and things start going really wrong.

Is this you? Comment below..

— Geoff Stephen

The Real Shortcut to Online Success


Today’s blog post comes from a conversation I just had..

“C’mon Geoff, there’s ALWAYS a shortcut.”

You can play around with all the fancy software and try to exploit all the “secret” marketing loopholes available..

..but the people that are making the real money day after day are the ones that know how to SELL.

The internet marketing world is full of people that don’t know anything about marketing.

The “make money online” world is full of people that don’t make any money online.

The network marketing world is full of people that don’t know how to network and don’t know enough about marketing.

Funny how that is..

The skills you need to be good at, are IN THE NAME of the industry you’re in.

So.. why not focus on what you need to be good at?

Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Success in marketing is in the fundamentals.

Understand: It is SELLING.

Don’t kid yourself and think that it’s not.

“But I’m not a sales-y type of person…”

.. which means what?

All we do is provide solutions for people that have problems that they want to fix.

And THAT is what sales is all about.

1. Find a group of people that have an urgent, specific, problem.
2. Provide them with a specific solution to their problem.

aaannnddd.. Money.

So now what?

I STRONGLY urge you to stay away from the money games and tickery that is out there that only leaves people broke (and possibly you as well).

I want you to succeed.

And the way to succeed in online marketing is to focus on learning marketing. Real marketing.

And that IS the shortcut, folks.

Stay focused.

Stay the course.

Stay on track.

and stay tuned..

“LIKE”, share and comment below this. Because.

Oh, and get yo’self on my list:

— Geoff

Global NPN WordPress Plugin

GlobalNPN Update:

Hey NPN’ers,

I have just uploaded our brand new “NPN Architect Connector” plugin for WordPress into your backoffice.

What this will enable you to do is “connect” your NPN Architect pages with your own WordPress blogs, and display your NPN Architect pages on your own domains just as if they were created on your own blog.

Very cool.

So… for example..

Let’s say you have your own domain (ie. and have a wordpress blog to create your content etc.

Then… you went and created a cool looking squeeze page with NPN Architect.

But.. you would rather have your cool looking squeeze page on your OWN domain as opposed to leaving it on “” or whatever link you set up for it.

There’s nothing wrong with using that link, of course, but some of us would rather have everything under our own ‘brand’, or domain.

For example I’d rather have it on “” instead. My page, my domain.

And that is exactly what our NPN Architect Connector plugin enables you to accomplish in 3 easy steps.

.. and if you ever want to change your pages, just edit them in NPN Architect and your WordPress ‘connected page’ will be updated in real time to match the new version, which means it will always display exactly how your NPN Architect page looks currently.

If you watch the video below you’ll see exactly how it works, but as you’ll see.. if you can copy & paste a link, you can use the connector plugin.

It’s quick, and it’s easy.

(Download the plugin from your NPN Architect page in your GlobalNPN backoffice)

Oh I forgot to mention, all statistics (hits, geotargeting, split testing, etc.) will all work with your WordPress connected pages and will be recorded inside your NPN Architect dashboard.

Cool, huh?

Here’s the video:

Please “LIKE” and Comment below to let me know if you think this is a great new feature..


Geoff Stephen