You Are Missing out on More Money!

Hello NPN’ers,

I was running some of my usual daily reports on various statistics for GlobalNPN and there was one in particular that I found very surprising (and kinda disappointing).

One report I check is how many members have referrals of their own that are upgraded to a HIGHER level than they are. In other words, for example, if I was at the PLUS level and one (or more) of my referrals was at the DIRECTOR level or higher, I would be flagged in this report.

Why?? Because that means I am missing out on commissions every month and I am not maximizing the money coming in to my account.

You see, if I am a PLUS level member, the most I can make on any referral is $10 per month, even if they’re higher on the ladder than I am, I still only make $10 in referral bonus. (!!!) So… in order to maximize my income every month, I need to be upgraded to the level of my referrals. If I have a DIRECTOR as a referral, I need to be a DIRECTOR (or higher) also in order to earn the maximum income on that referral.

Here’s another example so you’ll see what I mean…


I am a PRO level member and I have 5 personal referrals.

The most I can make at PRO in referral bonuses is $5 each.. so in this case $25 in total every month. Not bad.

However.. 3 of my referrals have upgraded to DIRECTOR. Hooray!

But… I STILL only make $5 each because I’m still down at the PRO level.

Now if I upgrade to DIRECTOR with my referrals, I will make $25 for EACH of those DIRECTOR referrals every month.

So.. upgrading to DIRECTOR in this case will instantly increase my monthly referral bonus income to $85 per month. Get it? I have 3 DIRECTORS which now earn me $25 each, and my other 2 referrals are still at PRO which earn me $5 each. $25+$25+$25+$5+$5 = $85.00 !

If I had stayed at PRO, my monthly profit would have stayed at roughly $15. Upgrading to DIRECTOR has increased my monthly profit to over $45 per month! Worth it?? Yeah I think so.


To shorten this long story, it is necessary for you to be upgraded at least to the level of your highest referral in order for you to maximize your monthly earnings. Do NOT miss out, it’s free money!

Believe it or not, as of this writing, there are exactly 100 members that are at a lower level than at least one of their personal referrals. Are you one of these people? Login to your backoffice and check… there will be a big yellow box recommending you upgrade. If you don’t see this box, you’re ok.

Please please please take care of this, I hate to see people missing out.

For upgrading information, refer to this article:

That’s all for now, just a heads up!

– Geoff.

GlobalNPN: About Security and Charity

Hello NPN’ers,

A couple quick updates for you..

Firstly, this is more of an ‘FYI’, I just wanted to make you aware of the fact that GlobalNPN ( is 100% PCI (payment card industry) compliant. What this certification means is that GlobalNPN (including all the online servers and services we own) meets “compliance standards to protect personal information and ensure security when transactions are processed using a payment card.”

To make the long story short, your information is safe and secure with us. We’ve been compliant for quite some time so I thought I’d just let you know to maybe put your mind at ease when dealing with credit card transactions etc. Plus, being PCI compliant kinda lets the world know that we’re serious about being a long term business and that we’re not here to make a quick buck and disappear. There’s a lot of time (and money) involved in getting this certificate as well, there’s a lot of hoops you have to jump through, but it’s important.

Quick question: Do you ever check for PCI compliance before entering your credit card information into a form…?? Didn’t think so, perhaps you should. There’s a lot more involved than just having that ‘padlock’ in the bottom corner of your browser window.

To view our quarterly site certificate:

SecurityMetrics for PCI Compliance, QSA, IDS, Penetration Testing, Forensics, and Vulnerability Assessment

Second item of note..

Some of you might remember an update I sent out a while ago with regards to contributions that I make to an organization called “”.

Here’s a section of that update:

“…It’s an excellent organization that I’ve been personally involved with over the last few years. The way they help people is amazing, check it out.. My plan is to match the monthly bonus payments that YOU earn, and donate that amount to Again this is more of an FYI… none of this will come out of your commissions (don’t panic), I’m doing this out of my own pocket, because I think it matters….”

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that a portion of the “Bonus Promotion” money that is generated each month will go to on behalf of the company. Again, don’t worry, I’m not taking the money from YOUR bonus money, I’m basically matching a percentage of it and paying it out of my own pocket, because I know it’s a good cause.

I kind of have an issue with people that make a lot of money, but don’t do any good with it. The fact is, our industry (online marketing) sees millions and millions of dollars going through it every month, yet I NEVER see online companies (like NPN), or individuals doing anything with that money to help people that really need it – at least not publicly.

Maybe this will encourage you to promote NPN more, maybe not. Maybe it will encourage more people to join NPN at the upgraded levels (since that’s where the bonus money comes from).. and maybe not. Doesn’t make a difference to me. But I know it can make a difference to others.

This month your efforts bought a Flock of Ducks, a Flock of Chicks, and an Earth Basket at

Hopefully we can all do more next month!

Have a great day.

Please feel free to share this page, and comment below.

– Geoff.

Which comes first: Success or Confidence?

Hello NPN’ers,

I made this youtube video over 2 years ago, but it still brings up a valid discussion. Are you “being real” in your advertising or are you just passing on the same old b.s. story about making money…?

Do you need to have success in order to become more confident.. or do you need confidence in order to become more successful?

Do you need to put false advertising out there about yourself as being already successful.. so you can become successful in the future? .. Or can you just promote yourself as you are now with confidence in order to earn people’s trust?

Regardless, it’s something to think about when considering how others perceive you.

Please watch and comment/share, let me know what you think:


Have a great day!
– Geoff.