Credit Card Confusion and How to Get Paid

Hello all..

There seems to be some confusion with regards to the issues that Alertpay is having and how it affects your NPN membership.

I received a Skype message from one of our members this morning and she was in a bit of a panic because she thought there was no way to pay for her NPN membership with her credit card – because Alertpay cannot process credit card payments at this time.

I have a feeling there may be more people out there with that same misconception.

Some of our members think that we process our credit cards through Alertpay. We do NOT. We are not “tied in” to Alertpay. Our credit card processing is completely independant of any other processor. In other words, GlobalNPN has it’s own credit card processing through our own banking partners and our own payment gateways. All 100% secure and PCI compliant. There are no issues with our ability to accept credit card payments, and in the many years that we’ve been doing this, we’ve never had an issue.

The issues Alertpay has (I believe) is because they deal with thousands of online businesses, acting as a “middle man” processing their payments. Unfortunately for them, many of their merchants are selling questionable, or even illegal products through Alertpay’s services. Then the banks get involved, and the credit card companies just say “sorry, we won’t do business with you Alertpay”. The credit card companies don’t really care about the merchants, they only care about their customers, the consumers. And if the consumer is getting ripped off, they go right to the source and shut them down. The source would be Alertpay.

This would never be the case with GlobalNPN because again, we have our own merchant status, and do our own processing, all of which has been tailored to us and our business model specifically. A lot of time and money went into ensuring the stability and longevity of our program.

I suppose it comes down to the fact that many people think that to do business online you have to be connected to some 3rd party processor (like Alertpay or Paypal). Perhaps that’s true if you’re a smaller company with not much experience in business. GlobalNPN is not like that. GlobalNPN is stable and long term.

Now, having explained that..

We now know that there’s no issues in being able to pay for your NPN membership with your credit card.

The next issue, is the problem of getting your money (your commissions) out of Alertpay. Withdrawal issues.

Since Alertpay seems to be having issues with their banking partners, some of the usual withdrawal methods are not available at this time. For example, doing a bank transfer withdrawal in the US I don’t think is available. In other countries it is still available but I can’t tell you what countries because I don’t know.

There are still withdrawal options working in Alertpay. They may not be the most convenient but you can still get your money by bank wire and paper check, depending on where you are.

So.. you can still get your money out in different ways.

Now here’s what I am doing right now with regards to paying you guys your commissions. I am working personally with a few online services to ensure you can get paid faster and more conveniently in the future with NPN. I’m leaning towards paying via debit cards or payroll cards that will work the same way no matter where in the world you live. I’m trying to give you the option of removing that 3rd party processor completely out of the picture so you can get paid by GlobalNPN directly.

I think too many affiliates are locked in to things like Alertpay, and although that option will always be there, we need to make this easier and more convenient for all of us.

So.. in the near future you will see some options in NPN where we can pay you directly without any of the processor issues that we see in this industry all the time. We shouldn’t have to deal with that stuff anyways.

.. to recap..

– You can pay for your NPN membership with your credit card (but not through Alertpay)
– You should still be able to get your money out of Alertpay
– We will soon be providing you with another way to get paid your NPN commissions.

I will keep you all updated with our progress on this, so stay tuned to our company facebook page, our message board, and our blog to get the latest information.

And you will hear from me soon.

Have a good day.

Alertpay Blog:

Alertpay Facebook Page:

– Geoff Stephen


Why would I upgrade to PLUS?

Hello NPN’ers,

This video is directed to our members that aren’t sure if, or why, they should be upgrading.

I hope I can give you enough information in the video so you can make an informed decision as to whether or not you should be upgrading your Global NPN account to the PLUS (or higher level) from the NPN PRO level..

You may be surprised by the HUGE impact an upgrade to PLUS can have on your monthly income! Watch the video below to find out more:


[toggle title=”Text version of this video” style=”fancy”]For many (obvious) reasons we have a lot of members that are at the NPN PRO level, paying $10.75 per month for the services and products we provide. Everybody has their reasons for staying at the entry level position of course, but I’d like to give you all a quick “FYI” on what it means to your business if you upgrade your membership to the next (NPN PLUS) level..

One of the great features of NPN is that you can progress up the “ladder system” however and whenever you like, but many people just don’t realize the huge difference it could make to your online success if you were just one level higher on the ladder.

The advantages are business related, product related, and “presence” related.

First of all, the difference in cost between the PRO and the PLUS levels makes it the least expensive upgrade in the entire system. The PRO membership is $10.75 per month, whereas the PLUS membership is just $19.97 per month, a difference of only $9.22. When you see the difference in what you get for your $9.22 you may be pleasantly surprised..

Here is what your products include in comparison between the PRO and PLUS levels:

Ad Trackers:

PRO: 5
PLUS: Unlimited

URL Rotators:

PRO: 3 rotators
PLUS: 10 rotators

Downline Builder:

PRO: 3 programs listed
PLUS: 5 programs listed

Banner Rotator:

PRO: 3 banners
PLUS: 5 banners

CapturePage Creator:

PRO: 1 page
PLUS: 3 pages

MailMarketerPro (autoresponder):

PRO: 1 contact list, no email templates
PLUS: 3 contact lists, ALL 120 email templates

MultiSponderElite (autoresponder):

PRO: 10 campaigns
PLUS: Unlimited campaigns

PRO: 5,000 maximum subscribers
PLUS: 10,000 maximum subscribers

PRO: NO lead imports
PLUS: YES to lead imports

The product increases speak for themselves, but what about building your business:

As a PRO member, the maximum you can earn in monthly referral bonuses is $5 per month. At the PLUS level that amount doubles to $10.00 per month. With just 2 PLUS referrals, you are already in profit every month! But wait.. let’s not forget about the one-time upgrade bonuses that you can earn as a PLUS member..

As a PLUS member, each time you sponsor a new member that joins at the PLUS (or higher) level, you earn an ADDITIONAL one-time bonus of $5.00! That means if you sponsor a new PLUS member, you will earn: the $10.00 monthly referral bonus, $.50 downline commissions, PLUS the extra ‘one-time’ $5.00 bonus! That’s $15.50 in the first month! … and your cost is just $19.97..

Now the biggest team-building advantage is the difference in the minimum monthly commission payouts.

As a PRO member, your earnings need to total at least $20 before a commission payment will be made, and your earnings will “carry over” each month until you earn that amount. At the PLUS level, the minimum commission payout for you would be just $10.00. Simply put, you will EARN FASTER at the PLUS level than you would at the PRO level. For that reason alone many of our new members join at the PLUS (or higher) levels right away.

A huge reason that the PLUS level makes more business sense, is the availability of your NPN External Profile Page. At the PRO level, your NPN affiliate link does not include a link to your profile page. At the PLUS level, however, you have the ability to add your own profile page to our website, which HUGELY increases your chances of making a sale and recruiting a new downline member. Again, this is a HUGE reason that our members upgrade to PLUS. Your prospects are far more likely to join under you if you have your profile page active because they know that there’s a real person behind the website…

The last (but not least) reason to upgrade is being able to put yourself in a leadership role simply by being at a higher level on the ladder than your referrals. The whole reason our ladder system works is because our leaders make sure they are at at least one level higher than their referrals on the ladder. Upgrading and encouraging your referrals to upgrade is where you will make the most money in this business, and it’s very difficult to get your referrals to upgrade if you YOURSELF haven’t upgraded yet to a higher level. If YOU lead the way, the rest will follow, that’s how it works… not the other way around.

Do it today..
– Double commissions
– Faster payouts
– Bonus money
– Profile pages
– Leadership presence
– Product increases..

I’m not trying to sell you on a higher priced product here, I’m trying to make you see the advantages of upgrading in NPN and how it can really boost your income. Specifically between the PRO and the PLUS levels. The ideal upgrade as I always recommend is to DIRECTOR of course because that’s the biggest jump in everything, income, products. The differences between PRO and PLUS are worth noting, and if you can see what I’m saying it may be the right time to start the process today..

Have a great day!

Feel free to comment below and get some CommentLuv!

– Geoff Stephen

Split Testing with GlobalNPN’s MMPro

Hello NPN’ers,

This video will show you one of the ways to maximize the response you can get from your list.

[toggle title=”Text version of this video” style=”fancy”]Hi, Geoff here from NPN,

I want to show you a feature in Your NPN Mail Marketer Pro that you should be using to maximize the results you can get from your contact lists. This is a feature that many of you probably don’t know about and don’t realize that the MMPro actually does this. This is just one of the many features that our autoresponder has that makes it better than many of the other available responders out there, besides our 99% deliverability rates, and that it’s super easy to use. And that it’s included in your membership. Which leads me to ask why you’d go out and pay for a different one that does exactly the same things when you already have one here. When you get down to it… autoresponder systems are simply an interface between you and an email server. The only real difference is deliverability rates. Fortunately we have some of the highest in the business. This is the reason that personally, I only use the MMPro for all my email marketing. And I do a ton of it. Everything else seems a bit over priced to me – knowing what I know about how they actually work.

So the feature I’m going to show is how to do split testing in the MMPro, and how it works, and why it’s super important to know this.

First of all, The term “split test” means 1 of 2 things. splitting your list into 2 or more separate groups, and sending slightly different campaigns to each group. Then analysing the results to see which of your emails gets a better response from your list. That way you can use the better campaign in the future.. Or.. You can split a small percentage of your list into separate groups (say 10% of your entire list) and test your campaigns to that 10%, then the MMPro will determine which campaign performs better, and then it will send that campaign to the remaining 90% of your list – so the better email goes to the rest of your list. Better response.

Now that might sound kind of technical, but our system makes it completely automated, and easy.

So for example, you are planning on sending out a campaign to your list promoting a product that you’re recommending.

What you can do is write a few different versions of your email campaign (at least two, or more), with different subject lines, different call to actions, different message bodies, different templates etc., and you can run a split test to see which one works better with your list… based on which one draws more clicks and has a higher open rate. Remember we’re trying to maximize the results we can get from our lists and this is how you do it. This is part of the ongoing testing process that you should be doing.

Here’s how you set this up..

First of all, you have to write the email campaigns you want to test out and save them in your system here.

In this example I’m going to test out 2 different subject lines with the same message body. So essentially I want to find out which subject line works better. I’ve already written one campaign, and I will show you the easiest way to write slightly different campaigns without having to manually write them all separately.

So what I’m going to do next..

is Give my split test a name, check the boxes next to the campaigns that I want to test..

Then choose the criteria that I want to base this test on, which is either number of peole that open the email, or click a link inside the email.

Remember my campaigns for this test are only different because of the subject lines. So to test which subject line works better, I need the results to be based on how many people see that subject and open my email to read it.

Next is to choose which kind of test to run..

You can either have the system send your campaigns to your entire list, then you will be able to see which subject line gets a higher email open rate afterwards, or you can have the system test your campaigns to a percentage of your list, then based on those results, send the most successful campaign to the rest of your list at a later time. It’s up to you.

Then afterwards you can see the results under statistics => split test statistics.

Basically that’s it. It’s really simple, but very necessary if you want to know which emails your list likes to open, and which links they like to click on. Testing this stuff is really important, it’s not difficult, but by keeping track of what works, ultimately it will make you more money.


Have YOU ever used split testing for your email campaigns??

That’s it for today. Comments are welcome below..

– Geoff Stephen

The eCertificate Profit Plan

Hello  NPN’ers,

First thing’s first. Letting you know that you can now purchase NPN eCertificates with your credit card. The process is essentially the same, click on eCertificates in your backoffice and follow the links to purchase..

Now.. speaking of eCertificates.. There are currently LOTS of NPN members that are using eCertificates to successfully build their businesses every month. VERY successfully.

I’d like to explain how this can work for you and how it can add up to BIG PROFITS quickly!

Watch this video:

[toggle title=”Text Version” style=”fancy”]I want to explain an easy system using our NPN eCertificates that will enable you to advertise a virtually guaranteed profit situation in GlobalNPN.

This is a plan that you can do that will work as a system for you to build your NPN organization and your downlines as well.

I’m going to do this example at the Director level since that’s the most profitable, most everything for your money, membership level. And it’s where most serious marketers start out in NPN. This plan will work at any level, but at Director you’ll see the most financial impact.

So the idea is this…

This is how it starts, at it’s most simplest..

You come in to NPN at $39.97, the director level.

Then what you do, before you start marketing NPN, is purchase 2 Director Level eCertificates.

Now what you’re going to do is promote your NPN business based on the fact that you can give people their first month in NPN for free. That’s what eCertificates enable you to do, and it’s a very attractive offer, especially at the director level where you get access to all of the products in your backoffice.

But you have to market your NPN eCertificates with a very strict condition attached to it.

So, you’ve got 2 eCertificates, which cost you just under $80 one-time. Honestly, not a big investment to get yourself in profit every month going forward at that level.

Now, here’s your sales pitch, here’s the condition that you put on your prospects before you provide them with an eCertificate to join for free with.

You need to ensure that they commit to purchasing 2 Director level eCertificates themselves in order to be included in your organization and in order to get their first month paid for under you.

It’s kind of like “I’ll pay your way in, if you commit to paying 2 more people in yourself”. It’s very fair and it can work on a massive level because it’s a system that is easy to implement.

Now how you ensure you get that commitment from your prospects is up to you of course, but.. I’m going to show you sort of a sneaky way around the issue so that the problem of not knowing whether they’ll follow through with the whole thing is no longer there.

Then I’ll show you how you can virtually guarantee a monthly profit in doing this starting in your 2nd month.

So when you go through the process yourself in buying eCertificates from your backoffice, you’ll notice that it will take you to a secure payment page, where you can choose the level of your eCertificates and the number of eCertificates you want to buy.

You’ll also notice that your NPN ID# is coded into this page at the top.. You might also notice that this page is not dependent on you being logged in to your backoffice, which means anyone can purchase through this page, just like any other external payment page on any other website.

So, knowing that, here’s what you can do with your pay it forward system that will guarantee that your prospects will fulfill their commitment of buying their own eCertificates and paying it forward down the line just like you’re doing..

So What you do is explain how the system works to them and make sure they know what they’re getting into with NPN and the products etc.. Then after you’ve explained that they need to commit to buying 2 eCertificates of their own to ensure continuity of the system, you tell them that the way this works is this:

Before you’ll give them the eCertificate that will get them in for free, they need to purchase their 2 eCertificates first! Before they join.

And you send them to your eCertifcate payment page with instructions on how to purchase the right level, the right quantity etc.. So they’re buying their own eCertificates before they even join NPN under you.

Now I know you’re thinking “but that’s my payment page, they’re actually buying eCertificates for ME”, right? Yes that is absolutely true, but this is how it works..
Step 1. They buy 2 eCertificates through your page, for you.
Step 2. After you’ve confirmed this through your backoffice, and the email confirmation you’ll receive, you will give them the eCertificate that you originally promised them so they could join under you.
Step 3. After they’ve joined NPN under you, you re-assign the 2 eCertificates that they bought you, back to them through your backoffice.

And now you have a new referral that has purchased their 2 pay it forward eCertificates. They’re already committed to it.

I know that sounds complicated, but doing it this way ensures that you’re getting quality referrals that are willing to invest in their business. And if you’ve explained yourself correctly, they’ll see how they can continue this system through their referrals as well.. and that makes it 100% duplicatable.

Now you can do this at any level, if you think you’d have better success at the PRO level, do that.. But here’s how the money works, which you can put into your marketing..

You buy 2 Director eCertificates. Once you have given them away and your prospects have joined under you, your income would be $50 in referral bonuses, $1 in downline commissions, and $10 in the one-time upgrade bonus that you earn on upgraded members in the first month. So if you do this in one month, your earnings would be $61.00 for that month, then $51 every month after that. That’s at the director level.

And because you have this system in place, and your referrals have already committed to giving away 2 eCertificates that they’ve already bought, you now have a system that will duplicate throughout your organization because it’s all pre-qualification. And those referrals will stick around and continue to make you money month after month.

So as a marketing pitch you could say that after the initial investment, you can be in profit before the end of your first month by giving away something for free, and your first month is FREE, remember. That’s a very powerful sales pitch right there, at any level.

So if you’re willing to take the reigns and start building a great income, this might be the easiest way to do it. It would just take a simple website or capture page explaining how your system works, and your willingness to communicate, and really anyone can do this. There are people right now that are building this thing to the moon through eCertificates.

Comments are welcome below… What do you think? Would this work for you?

Have a great day.

– Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN’s TomorrowList is Available

Hello NPN’ers,

I have put a brand new application product in your NPN backoffice that will make it a whole lot easier to organize your time and your business tasks.

The “TomorrowList” is adding huge value to your NPN membership. It is an application that is available to you whether you’re logged in to your NPN backoffice or not. You can even access it on your smart phone!

Check out the videos below, or for the higher quality videos, login to your backoffice, go to your TomorrowList, and click on “Help!”.


Examples and usage:

It can be found in your backoffice under the “products” heading in the menu.

Let me know what you think…

– Geoff Stephen