GlobalNPN Commission Payout Increased by 40%!

Hey all..

Ok, I did our month end April commission calculations for GlobalNPN last night and I honestly thought I’d made a mistake somewhere.

So.. this morning I went in with a ‘fresh brain’ and re-calculated them again..

Nope no errors.

The reason I thought the numbers were incorrect was because the payouts increased over the last 30 days by a whopping 40%.


Which means with our new comp plan in effect, you guys are all earning a whole lot more money. And THAT is the coolest thing for me because I love it when you guys make money. Seriously, you are all awesome.

Those little changes in the comp plan have had a huge effect on the overall commission payouts, which is great.

It means MORE people getting paid, and getting paid MORE money.

And that’s the results I was looking for.

Time to step it UP! Our new webinars will be starting soon and you’re going to love how they’re going to work..


That’s it for now, have a GREAT day!

– Geoff Stephen


We Will Close Your Sales FOR You!

Hey guys,

Just to bring you up to date on a couple things in GlobalNPN..

First of all..
Our new sales funnel that I put out a while back is closing incredibly well..

I just checked this morning and we’re converting optins to signups at 47%, which is incredibly good.

Plus on the front end it’s generating leads like crazy..

So we get ’em in, and almost half of ’em signup for a GlobalNPN account.

So if what you’re doing isn’t’ working for you and if you’re not using the new sales funnel… you need to start sending your traffic to that funnel.. for the simple reason that it works.

.. On another note..

It’s funny, some people have told me that they aren’t using the new funnel because they don’t like it.

Or because the sales video isn’t crystal clear, or the audio isn’t great, or the page is too long, or whatever.. they don’t like it.

Let me tell you something about marketing..

It doesn’t matter whether you like it or not, or whether you think it will work, or whether or not YOU think your prospects are going to like it..

What matters is if it works.

I didn’t build it that way because I thought it looked cool, or because I personally liked the design. What I like doesn’t matter, what you like doesn’t matter. I’ve been building sales funnels for a long time and all I care about is if it works.. and I have a pretty good idea what works and what doesn’t just from my experience.

There are reasons why the audio sounds the way it does. There are reasons why the video is not crystal clear. There are reasons the page is laid out the way it is. I do this stuff deliberately because I know how to do this. Simple as that.

So if you’re not using our sales funnels because you don’t personally like it… your loss…

I’m not trying to make you feel bad, I’m just telling you how it is and how online marketing works.

So that’s the first thing..


Now the second thing is something I’m very excited about because it’s going to make it a lot easier for you to bring new people into NPN. Seriously.

What I’m doing is teaming up with a couple very strong, very experienced, marketing friends of mine and what we’re going to be doing is live scheduled webinars and hangouts that will be entirely focused on closing people in GlobalNPN. Selling people on our products and our services..

…and we’re going to be doing this on YOUR behalf..

..Which means these webinars are going to be included in the sales process for all our members.

Put it this way.. all you have to do is send your prospects our way, which will either be through our sales funnel, or through an invite to a webinar, and we will close them for you, live and in person.

So if our sales funnel doesn’t get ’em in, our webinars will.

We’ll do the presenting, and the selling, and you get the credit. How’s that sound?

This is very exciting because I know that it works, and it works well.

So if you commit to sending your leads through our sales funnels, we will commit to doing our best in closing them into GlobalNPN for you.

Sound fair to you??


Let me know in the comments below if you will commit to pushing any and all traffic to our funnels over the next 90 days (at least) so we can push ourselves to closing them for you..

– Geoff Stephen

P.S. If you want to do it on your own, you are free to do that as well.. but why mess with what works? You want to earn money don’t you?

P.P.S. I am meeting with my team over the next couple days to work out a schedule and more of a plan, so I’ll be sure to update when I can.

3 Things To Do Today to Grow Your GlobalNPN Business (before visiting the Grand Canyon)

Hello all..

So I’m sitting in a hotel room in Flagstaff, Arizona.

It’s 6am and the rest of my family is sleeping. I’m on my computer.. in the dark.. working.

I’m on “vacation”.

So far I’ve answered a whole pile of emails, skype’d a couple people about business, and I’m currently working on an article I’m writing for my monthly contribution to Magnetic Sponsoring’s “What’s Working Now?”… oh yeah, and I’m writing this blog..

In other words, I’m working.

My question for you is:

What 3 things are YOU going to do today to grow your GlobalNPN business?

I figure if I can be on vacation, visit 4 national, and state, parks in the last couple days with my wife and 3 kids (including a looong drive to the Grand Canyon), take in a MLB game in Phoenix… AND manage to keep my business moving forward. YOU must be able to accomplish a lot more.. right? 🙂

So tell me..

What 3 things (or more) are YOU going to do today to grow your GlobalNPN business?

I’ve been checking our stats and our new sales funnel is rocking! Seriously. When I get home I’m going to be tweaking it and optimizing it a bit more before I start on our next funnel. But really, just get people into that funnel..

Anyways… gotta make this kinda quick.. lots to do before we start our day..

Again, I’d love to hear what you have on your agenda today..

So please comment below with 3 things you’ll accomplish (or have already accomplished) today to grow your business. (don’t just ‘like’.. comment;)

Thanks, have a great day!

– Geoff Stephen

New GlobalNPN Sales Funnel

cap1Hello NPN’ers,

We have a brand new squeeze page and sales page that is generating new leads for our members by the boat load.. plus it’s converting to paying members as well.

If you want to start making money with Global NPN you need to start using our new squeeze page!

You will see the link on your main backoffice page, and also under the “sales funnels” link in the “affiliate resources” tab at the top of the page.

You can use this new funnel as it is using the links provided, OR you can use it to build your own MMPro contact list using your own followups etc.

Here is a screencast on how to use your own list with the sales funnel (using our own NPN ScreenCaster of course!”).

Let me know what you think in the comments below..

Have a great day!

– Geoff Stephen


Get GlobalNPN Gold for FREE

Hey all..

I’ve put together a very special offer for you to get your NPN account upgraded to Gold for FREE.

This is VERY time-sensitive and if you want to take advantage of this deal you need to do it by the end of tomorrow (or TODAY if you want all the bonuses included)!

Watch the video for complete information (please watch it ALL the way through):


Thanks! I hope you take advantage of this before it’s gone..

Email your receipt:

Special Added Bonus!

If you buy a ticket through my link and actually come to Las Vegas to hang out with us and learn from the best in the industry, we’ve put together a very cool bonus…

  • COOL “Extra” BONUS: SUITE RETREAT MASTERMIND With Diane Hochman, Greg Gomez III & Myself ($5,000 Value)

Join Me, Diane & Greg & a handful of the industry’s top producers as we share a full 3 hours+ answering your questions, hobnobbing, networking and training in a luxurious suite at the MGM.  This will be your opportunity to learn from the VERY BEST in the business of Social Media lead generation, online conversion and recruiting/sales. We each charge up to $2k an hour for coaching but you’ll be able to get a half day with us FREE for coming to Vegas when you order today through the link below…

– Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN Admin.