Profit Predictability with NPNBuilder

Hey NPN’ers,

Got cold traffic? Who doesn’t..Funny-money-box

But can you make money with that cold traffic by promoting NPNBuilder?

Well, the success of a sales funnel, can be determined by how well it converts with “cold traffic”.

Traffic from solo ads, traffic from safelists, traffic from ppv, banner ads etc..

In other words, traffic that has not been “pre-sold” on NPN by you.

So here’s an example of how the math can work for NPNBuilder with regards to running solo ads (based on our current over-all averages):

[su_list icon=”icon: check” icon_color=”#8c0000″]

  • You buy a 200 Click solo ad.
  • If the list is good, you can get a 40% opt in rate.
  • You now have 80 leads that have opted in to the NPNBuilder funnel.
  • On average, of those 80 leads, 70% of them will confirm and get their NPNBuilder account.
  • That would leave you with 56 (free) NPNBuilder signups under you.
  • At our current average conversion rate of 8-12%, your solo ad could yield 5-7 PAID upgrades to GlobalNPN.
  • Most of our new signups join at the PRO or DIRECTOR levels, which earn you between $15 and $40 each per MONTH.


Do the math with your 5-7 Paid upgrades and you can see how quickly this can become profitable for you.

Now, obviously this is NOT any sort of guarantee, since that would be horribly irresponsible of me to guarantee anything. And this is based on over-all company averages..


Even if you did HALF as good as my example, you’re still ahead of the game since you’re building a MONTHLY income off of one ad.

And… if you’ve done our autoresponder integration step, you’re building YOUR contact list at the same time (so you can sell other products to your list and make more money).

As long as you know your numbers, and always go for the highest quality, top tier traffic, you can do more than okay with this.

.. and there are many ways of getting higher quality traffic than solo ads (believe me!), but solo ads are by far the easiest and fastest way to get clicks to your link.

So what does this prove?

It proves that with NPNBuilder you can actually make money and build an income.. with “cold” traffic.

..and THAT is what makes this great.

“LIKE” this if you like it, share if you feel so inclined, and comment below..


– Geoff Stephen

Here’s a Quick Marketing Lesson

Hey NPN’ers,funnymarketing

Here’s a quick marketing lesson.

A few of you have questioned why I “push” the $17 Basic membership in the NPNBuilder videos instead of Director or Gold.

Well, there are a few reasons.

The main reason is that I know people will join at higher levels instead, even though the “less than $20” is highlighted throughout the entire NPNBuilder sales funnel.

Weird, right?

Not really.

The whole notion of starting a business for “less than $20” is a great opener for grabbing the viewer’s curiosity, and that’s what pulls them through the funnel, qualifying them along the way.

Once they get to the payment part of the process, they see the difference between what they can earn at the $27 level vs. the $17 level.

At $17, you can earn $5 per member.
At $27, you can earn $15 per member.

So… for just $10 more, your commissions TRIPLE.

(in their head they’re thinking: “Wow! That’s way better!”)

That’s enough for many people to start at PRO ($27).

However, many of THOSE people will mentally “commit” to the $27 level… until they see the huge jump in product access and commissions at DIRECTOR.

Some will jump at that, some will stay at the lower levels just to see what’s going to happen. Fair enough.

See how that works?

So here’s my statistics since NPNBuilder launched..

.. and they may surprise you.

Since we launched, here’s the breakdown of paying members that joined through NPNBuilder:

  • 43% joined at PRO ($27)
  • 24% joined at Basic ($17)
  • 23% joined at DIRECTOR ($67)
  • 10% joined at GOLD ($147)


Almost TWICE the number of people joined at PRO for $27 than joined at the “less than $20” Basic level.

Note that (almost) the exact same number of people that joined at the $17 Basic level, joined at DIRECTOR!

That’s pretty awesome.

That also gives you a heck of a good reason to upgrade to Director, doesn’t it?

Hope this gives you some insight into how the brain works when buying these types of things.

The NPNBuilder funnel is here:

Please “LIKE” , “SHARE” and comment below if this is interesting to you. Are these stats a surprise?


– Geoff Stephen

Global NPN Email / Text Formatter

Hey NPN’ers,

I just programmed into your backoffice a handy new tool that will help you format your emails a little easier.

Email messages that are limited to a certain number of characters will look better, read better, and convert better. They’ll also look better on mobile.

If you want to limit the number of characters in each line of your email, this will enable you do do so without having to hit “enter” after each line (like most people have to do).

It’s really easy to use, you’ll find it in your navigation menu right under the link to the MMPro (Email tools). The link says “Email/Text Formatter”.

Here is a video demo:

(“maximize” the video to see it better)

Or watch it here:


Click “LIKE” and comment..

– Geoff Stephen

We Are Almost Ready To Go!

Hey NPN’ers,npnbuilderscreen

Just to bring you up to speed…

Our NPNBuilder site is almost done. Yay!

The funnel is complete, I’m just working on the backoffice training videos.

I can almost guarantee this will be the easiest way to promote your GlobalNPN business and to consistently bring in new people through our membership levels.

Should be fun!

It is based on our “Power of 3” process, which is based on bringing in only 3 new GlobalNPN members per month, racking you up $10,080.00 per month in commissions.

Even the “Power of 2” can get you over $60k per year!

Sound good?

It IS good.

The entire process is presented in 3 simple steps in the backoffice.

This is the fastest (and simplest) way I have seen that enables you to make that kind of money starting with less than $20 (if you choose), without having to deal with some gimmicky MLM comp plan that nobody really understands.

Simple is better and will allow you to attract more people.

I will have this done early next week, and away we go..

NOTE: This new system will be “tied” to your GlobalNPN account, so it is free to use for all GlobalNPN members (Basic through Gold).

Click “LIKE” and comment below if you’re ready for this.


– Geoff Stephen

NPN Ad Tracker and GeoTracking

Hey all,

Just a quick update to let you know that the “Geotracking” feature in your NPN Ad Tracker product can now be toggled ON or OFF for each individual tracker.

What the Geotracking feature does is enable our tracker to “see” the location of your visitors, so in turn you can see what countries your clicks are coming from… which is a VERY important feature when you’re buying clicks or running ads.

The reason I’ve added the ON/OFF option is because the process of tracking the location of the click, looking it up, and associating it with the location data, can take an extra 1 or 2 seconds. Not a big deal for most people but turning it off will provide you with a slightly quicker transfer through to the site you’re tracking.

Personally I’d recommend leaving it in the ON position because the tracking data is important, but it’s up to you.

NOTE: All new trackers will have their geotracking enabled (ON) by default.

When you “view” your tracker, there’s a new section, as in the image below, that will let you know if your geotracking is on or off:




Click on “EDIT TRACKER” and you can toggle your geotracking ON or OFF in the edit screen:



That’s it for now. Have a great day!

– Geoff Stephen