Getting on Page 1 of Google Quickly

This is how you get on page 1 of Google quickly and easily with your blog.

I know, you’ve heard all this blogging stuff before.. but it is really important that you take action and create your own presence on the internet. This is how you make the big bucks, folks. Not quick bucks, but long-term bucks.

In my video I showed you how easy it is to get ranked highly by Google just by creating good quality content. In fact my blog post is ranked #1 for my title keyphrase.  And really, it’s not that hard to create good quality content. You just have to do it.

You don’t need to have any technical knowledge to be a blogger either. We make that easy for you at NPN.

In fact, all you have to is be a DIRECTOR level member at NPN, own your own domain, and you can have a WordPress blog up and running in about 2 minutes. That’s it. A few clicks away from being a blogger! You’re a few clicks away from making the ‘leap’ from being an mlm follower to being an mlm LEADER. Make it happen.

Remember, our DIRECTOR members make more money than all other membership levels COMBINED.

So, here’s your assignment for this weekend:

  1. Upgrade to Director (and get your $10 cash back!).
  2. Purchase a domain (or use one you already own).
  3. Setup your NPN hosting account in your NPN backoffice.
  4. Install WordPress with our auto-installer.
  5. Go! Start writing..


Learn how to install WordPress on your NPN hosting account

Nobody is going to do it for you.

So what do you think? Do you have a blog? Do you think blogs are important to your online success??

Leave your comments below…

Have a great day!

– Geoff.


Downline Teams and Downline Schemes

First of all, what is a downline club?

A downline club is a group of marketers that are collectively and actively building a downline in a particular online network marketing opportunity. So instead of being alone trying to promote a certain opportunity by yourself, you would promote the downline club as the marketing force behind your own promotions. This would bring new people into the club and eventually into your personal downline in the MLM that you are all promoting.

There are advantages in belonging to a group like this…

  1. Most people prefer to belong to a group as opposed to being on their own.
  2. You’d have a group of individuals to share marketing ideas and strategies with.
  3. You would (hopefully) have access to training materials and perhaps live training seminars or chatrooms.

There are, of course, disadvantages as well..

  1. The group could be stealing your signups without you knowing
  2. Some groups tend to ‘program hop’, which means you’d be forced into joining other opportunities based on what the group leaders want to do.
  3. You could be financially hurt by other hidden membership fees and requirements.
  4. You could encounter members that are just there to ‘freeload’ off the group’s efforts.

Joining a team can be excellent, team support and training can really help you build your business. Having a team that is supportive and is working towards a common goal can be fun and rewarding. On the flip-side, joining a group can also kill your business, kill you financially, kill your momentum, kill your enthusiasm, and kill your spirit.

One major ‘red flag’ you should be looking for is if the group guarantees you anything, whether it be signups or some sort of financial success. You have to watch out for that kind of salespitch. If the group is guaranteeing that you will see profit within a certain amount of time, or will provide you with a specific number of signups within a certain time, I would recommend doing some more research on the group before jumping in. There’s no harm in checking with some of the current members, or with the owner of the site directly.  I know it’s hard to resist if someone is guaranteeing you success, but I’ve seen it fail so many times and it seems to end up collapsing and hurting a whole lot of people. Better check ’em out first to find out what their marketing plan is for the long-term.

Let me give you an example of how mathematically impossible it is for the leader of a group to provide unlimited signups for their downline. In this example, let’s assume that the group leader is “guaranteeing” that you’ll get 2 signups from them without you having to do anything..

  • In the first month, they have to provide you with 2 signups. Fair enough, if you’re first in line that is entirely possible. There is a downline of 2 under you.
  • In the 2nd month, they have to provide your 2 signups with 2 signups each (4 in total). A little more effort is required there and everyone is happy. You now have 6 in your downline.
  • In the 3rd month, they have to provide your 4 downlines with 2 signups each, which obviously is 8 new people coming in…

Well guess what.. In this situation, the group leader has to provide every month, DOUBLE the signups they provided in the previous month. That’s right, the requirement doubles every month. Obviously this example is assuming that you are the only one joining in that first month, and no additional people are joining and there was nobody joining before you did. Get out a calculator and figure out what your group has to provide if there’s already 50 or 100 people in the group.

It’s impossible for one person to recuit that many people every month, don’t kid yourself. What happens next is because the signups aren’t coming in, the downline starts collapsing. People start quitting and getting angry. Negativity starts flowing freely through the message boards and through email, and everybody gets blamed because nobody wants to take responsibility for their own actions. Fun stuff.

Okay, enough about all the bad stuff.

Downline clubs can be very successful if they promote themselves correctly. There have been many downline clubs that have been very successful in GlobalNPN because in their salespitch they do not guarantee success in any way. Some clubs have been around for years because they grow slowly (realistically) and mature into excellent training resource sites, where their main goal is to train their members how to be successful on their own. THAT is how you run a downline club. Training should be the FOCUS.

I’m going to list off what you should be looking for when joining a team, and more importantly what you should probably try to avoid in this situation:

What to look for in a team:
– Focus is on training and building your OWN business, not on ‘guaranteed’ results of some kind from the group or the group leader.
– Access to ‘real-person’ support via email, skype, phone etc.
– Active members forum or discussion area, chatrooms, support schedule.
– Like minded individuals.
– Up-front requirements and commitments.
– No “join my downline” requirements to get support or help.

What to watch out for:
– Focus (or salespitch) is on some sort of guaranteed success where someone else is building your business for you.
– Lack of helpful training materials.
– No support forum or active support schedule.
– Hidden terms or requirements.
– Must join under a certain sponsor to participate.

I really hope this helps you out when deciding whether or not to join a group. As always I recommend that you work towards building your Global NPN business on your own – NEVER expect anyone else to build it for you. Be the leader, not the follower.

So.. what do you think? Are downline clubs worth it, or are you better off on your own? Why would YOU join such a club?

Have a great day.
– Geoff.

Global NPN Payday Update

Hello NPN’ers,

It’s been an excellent month at NPN. Lots of people are taking advantage of our “$10 cash back” promotion when upgrading to DIRECTOR. I’ve ‘given out’ many $10 bonuses for next month. If you missed the last update regarding this promotion, login to your NPN backoffice and click on the link in the left menu that says “Psst… want $10 FREE?”, all the information is there. I’d highly recommend you take advantage of it now while it’s available, it might not be here next month..

1. Payday Update: If you received commissions this month I’d ask that you please post in our forum to let your prospects know that we’re making money here at GlobalNPN!
Please post in this forum:

2. Entry Ads: Remember that there are always entry ads available to our members – these are the ads you see when you first log in to your backoffice. These ads can be highly successful since you’re advertising to the best type of prospects in the business (paying ones!). Check out this update here: . These ads pull clicks and sales. Click on “Entry Ads” in your backoffice for more info.

3. Just a side note to let eveyone know that we’ve passed the 120,000 member mark! We’ve been steadily growing for 5 years now, another milestone has been reached! Thanks!

Feel free to comment below..

Stay tuned for more..

Have a great day.
– Geoff Stephen
CEO, GlobalNPN.Com/WebShooter Ltd.

Psst.. Want $10 Free??

Hello NPN’ers,

First of all, welcome to a new year at GlobalNPN!

There’s a whole bunch of new things happening behind
the scenes at NPN, as some of you are aware. This
year will be a year of major expansion for us (and you).
Stick around..

I thought I’d start out with a January upgrade promo. Take
advantage of it as soon as possible for you.

Login to your NPN backoffice and click the link in the
menu that says:

“Psst.. Want $10 Free??”

Have a great weekend, you’ll hear from me early next
week on some upcoming NPN feature additions…

– Geoff Stephen
GlobalNPN Admin.

What do I Blog About?

Hello. This is about being stuck.

I was going to update one of my blogs the other day and I realized that I had absolutely nothing to write about. Well, I suppose there’s always lots to write about but at that moment I was drawing a complete and utter blank. I had nothing.

That got me to thinking.. What do other bloggers do when they have nothing to blog about? How do you get past that initial “blank stare into the computer monitor” stage?

It took me some time, and a whole lot of thinking, before I realized that a while ago I had found that I already had a solution to this problem.blogkey

I like to write blogs that have to do with teaching someone how to do something. I like educating people on the stuff that I know. I find it much more valuable (especially in my industry) to give instructional information as opposed to just spewing my opinions on some related subjects. Although I find that a lot of people respect my opinion on some things, it’s just more fun when someone actually learns something from what you’re talking about.

I also like learning how to do things myself. I’m in a constant state of “gimme something new to learn today”. One of the great things about the Internet is that any information that you’re looking for is there right in front of you, or at least just a few clicks away. ANY information. I’m pretty good at absorbing information really quickly and the internet is ideal for someone that speed-reads like I do.

So.. anyways.. how do I think of something to write on my blog?

It has become apparent to me that the most thorough way to learn how to do something is to teach someone else how to do it. I know that sounds kinda backwards since technically you can’t teach something if you don’t know it yourself, but this is a different angle.

What I’m talking about is how I find something new to blog about..

I simply think of something that I want to learn how to do. Whatever it is, doesn’t matter at this point. Something that I don’t know how to do, but want to learn. Whether it’s how to use Twitter for marketing, or how to climb a tree, it’s something I need to know how to do.

After I’ve considered that for a while, the rest is research. I take my desire to learn something, then I take it to Google and compile enough information until I reckon I’ve got a little more than I need in order to learn it myself. Note: I don’t “copy” other people’s work, I just gather information.

So at this point I have a bunch of information. I don’t actually know what I’m doing as of yet but I think I have enough information to learn something. NOW here’s where the real learning actually comes into play. I now have to force myself to TEACH someone else how to do what I’m learning how to do. Teaching someone how to do it is how I learn how to do it. Trust me, it works.

It’s kinda like when you were back in high school and you had to make a presentation on some event of historical significance that you knew nothing about. Sure you could get all the information and make all the notes that you wanted, but you never actually knew what you were talking about until you had to explain and describe it to the class. Heck I still know a lot more about the Battle of Hastings in 1066 than I do of any other ‘battle’… because I had to do a presentation on it back in the 7th grade.

Ok, back to blogging..

Now since I’ve got all my information in place, all I have to do is explain it to someone else in the same way that I would like it explained to me. I teach myself by teaching others. See what I mean? Of course I use my own writing style, adding my own thoughts and opinions, and it comes out as a well-written instructional article… about something I didn’t know myself as of this morning.

So after reading what I just wrote it kinda sounds like a long drawn-out process that takes hours and hours and really sounds pretty boring. Don’t take it that way. This is just a process that I use in order to find something interesting (to me) to blog about. It does not have to take a lot of time or, honestly, a lot of effort. And if it’s something you want to learn, it won’t be boring.. right?

So if you ever find yourself at a loss when thinking of something to blog about, try what I do… you might just learn something;)

Well..What do you think? Would this work for you? What do YOU do in this situation??

Let us know in the comments below..

– Geoff.