The #1 Thing You Need to Know Before You Can Become Ultra-Successful in Online Marketing

Hello all..

I have a question. And some advice for those of you refusing to believe that YOU are the most important part of what makes you successful in this business.

My question: What’s YOUR unique offer?

Do you have one, or are you just one of those “generic affiliate link” marketers?

In order to be very successful in this business you need to determine what it is that you can offer that is of significant value, and is unique. If your prospect is looking at your link or website and is considering joining you – what they’ll be asking themselves first is “why should I join YOU??” So… why should they join you? And don’t tell me it’s because your business opp. is the best. Your prospects don’t care about that yet. They want to know what it is that you’re going to do that can help them… what value can you provide to them as their sponsor. “Blind recruiting” doesn’t work anymore for long term success.

Think of it sort of like a job interview that your prospects are giving you. You are essentially applying for the job of being their sponsor, aren’t you?

Oh, and I’m not talking about what products you can sell them, or what great eBooks you’ve got.. Everybody has that stuff. Everybody has “the best” products, or “the best” opportunity. Who cares.

I’m talking about YOU. What do YOU have?

For some people it’s great leadership abilities. Some can motivate really well. Some people are good at generating traffic and leads. Some do webinars and training videos. Some create good solid content on their blogs. Some can create great ad copy. Some just have good life experiences to share. Some are good hand-holders. Some can do great graphics, or can write code, or make good capture pages. And some are a combination of the above, plus more..

It doesn’t matter if it’s related to business or networking, it can just be a part of your personality that you can project. Everybody has something.

Me? Well let’s see.. I can write programs and create software that can do pretty much anything. I can kill with ad copy and create quality well-written content any day of the week. I can get through to people with how I train them. I am easy going and people seem to relate to me well. I am genuinely concerned with other people’s success, but only as long as they’re respectful of me. I am a big-time perfectionist. I know this crazy business like the back of my hand and my experience weighs heavily in the advice I give to people…

I’m not blowing my own horn here, this is just stuff that I thought of now as I’m writing this, but I do know what I’m good at and I’m still learning..


What’s YOUR unique offer? What do you bring to the table?

To be ultra successful, you have to FIND it. Find it, and focus on it. Smear it and your personality over everything you create online. Put it in your marketing, put it in how you write your blogs and make your videos, make it part of your writing style, make it a giant part of your online presence. Once you can do that, you will begin to attract the “right” people for your business. And when you start attracting the right people to your business, you will see what success is.

So.. have you found it yet?

Have a great day.

– Geoff Stephen

P.S. Get on my personal list and be more successful..
Go Here: =>


Commissions and New Products

Hello all.. a few important items in this update:

In fact there are 2 parts, please read everything..

This Month’s Commissions Errors:

For some of you there is a slight correction in your earnings for October.

As most of us know, Alertpay has been having difficulties in getting their banking partnerships in order, and during this time (most of October) their reporting caused some false subscription payments to be recorded by our site. What this means is many Alertpay subscribers were marked as being “Paid” for last month, even though their subscriptions did not actually get paid by Alertpay – no funds were sent. Because of this, subscription “failure” notifications were being recorded by our site as being valid payments.

I caught this error after the commissions were calculated for last month. I have since made the corrections and have re-calculated last month’s commissions. If you have any questions please let me know via support ticket.

I apologize for this error even though I really had no way of knowing that it was happening without doing manual checks of some of our member accounts.

Commission Payments:

I will start transferring commission payments to you starting today (and through tomorrow of course). However, some payments may come through a day or two late because of this whole Alertpay issue. Obviously I was not accounting for payments that were supposed to come through near the end of the month but never did. I had to do some money transferring at the last minute which is on it’s way to Alertpay so I can fund your accounts as soon as possible.

To put it bluntly, Alertpay has really messed up with how everything was “supposed” to work last month. And to be honest, I have spent way too much time dealing with “their” issues. It has taken a lot of my time away from progressing with the great projects I’m working on for our NPN membership. Yes, I’m getting tired of having to justify all their issues and re-explain them to everyone, when I SHOULD be updating you on all the GOOD STUFF that is happening at NPN…


And yes, there are some things coming that I’m REALLY excited to share with you.


Where do I start..?? Here goes..

I have a brand new front end website in the works, and a very cool new backoffice for you to “play” with. GlobalNPN is getting an updated look that I’m sure you’ll be impressed with!

The new backoffice is going to be a more simplified version of what we have now. Better workflow, better use of the space available, and a more user-friendly way of getting around the backoffice. Don’t worry, I’m not taking away anything from you back there, just making it much easier to navigate and get to where you want to be. We have a LOT of “stuff” in our backoffice and the last thing you want is to have your new referrals overwhelmed by what they see when they login!

Our new ‘front-end’ website will give you an option for a more professional image to convey to your prospects. It is “high-end” and will be fantastic at bringing in new members for you.

As I said in a previous update, I have a couple more great products that I will be adding to your new backoffice. New ‘video-related’ products, and something very cool that will help our leaders train and share with their teams. It’s all about “value” and with your GlobalNPN membership you will be able to provide more value with our upcoming tools and systems than you could EVER hope to do with any other online resource!

Now.. Over the last little while I have been experimenting with a new lead-generation system I designed and programmed that has never been done before.. at least not the way I’m doing it. It will enable you to build your OWN contact list (through aweber, NPN, or whatever) at a rate of 3 times as fast as you could on your own (to exponential proportions), PLUS build your online income at the same rate through the lead generator and via your own list, PLUS build your own NPN downlines, again at that same rate! In fact I see a large percentage of our membership using this system exclusively in the near future to capture leads, build their lists, and make money, due to it’s universal capabilites and NPN integration. In fact if you’re an NPN member you will benefit HUGELY from this system.

..And if you’re NOT an NPN member, you will still be able to use it to it’s fullest extent.

You may be thinking: “Ok, Geoff, what’s the catch in your sneaky little system?”

No catch. In fact the list builder will be free to the world. Really, it’s just a common sense approach to a killer marketing funnel… and, oh yeah, with a bit of a twist. 😉 Anyone can build a marketing funnel, but you need a crazy programmer like me to incorporate that “twist” that will make it go through the roof!

It should be fun..

That’s it for now, I have to dive back in to my work now..

Please re-send this update to your downlines..

Feel free to comment or ask questions below..

– Geoff Stephen

NPN Multi-Ad Tracker Mission – Tracking Basics

Hello all..

Here’s the video I promised the other day on how our Multi-Ad Tracker works – with the new ‘tracking groups’ feature.

This video is now in your “DM TRAINING” in your NPN backoffice as a new mission! Please check it out there and re-accomplish your mission. It is in “Module #1: Mission #4”.

Have a great day!
– Geoff Stephen

Global NPN Ad-Tracker – New Features!

Hello NPN’ers,

We ALL know how important it is to TRACK our advertising, right???

Well.. I have updated the NPN Multi-Ad Tracker in your backoffice to make it a LOT easier to organize all your links that you are tracking.

If you go to your backoffice and to the Ad Tracker, you’ll notice that there is a new option called “Tracking Groups”.

A “Tracking Group” allows you to group your tracking URL’s together, categorizing them however you want to. This should make it a lot easier to find your way around your tracked links (especially if you have a lot of them).

For example..

Let’s assume I run an ad in the same safelist every week (“Joe’s Safelist”), and want to keep track of my hits for each ad that I run. I would create a new Tracking Group and call it “Joe’s Safelist Ads”. Then when I create a new ad that I’ll be tracking, I would of course create the Ad Tracker itself for my new ad, then I would put that tracker into the “Joe’s Safelist Ads” Tracking Group. Each week I would do this every time I ran an ad. The new Tracking Groups feature would allow me to view/edit and compare my ads based on the group they’re in.

This has nothing to do with how your ad trackers are viewed or how stats are collected etc.  It just makes things easier for you.

I haven’t had time yet to make any tutorial videos yet on this but I will as soon as I can.

Oh, also.. the linking structure has changed slightly for the Ad Tracker to make it more SEO friendly. Don’t worry, all your current links will still work, just grab the new URL when you create a new tracker.

That’s it for now!


– Geoff Stephen


Global NPN Debit Cards Are Coming

Hello NPN’ers,

Quick update on the processing front..

We will be rolling out our GlobalNPN debit cards in a couple weeks, depending on how long the process takes at this point. The whole process is set in motion, the rest is up to the approvals on the “other end” of things.

What does this mean? This means you will be able to get your own GlobalNPN MasterCard that we can load your commissions onto every month, giving you instant access to your funds! You can also load your own funds onto your cards as well. This is the fastest, and easiest way to get paid! Plus, it will add a huge amount of credibility to your business when you can show your prospects your “GlobalNPN” branded debit card..

Stay tuned I will keep everyone updated on this.

On another note..

Alertpay appears to be getting their own credit card processing back up and moving. Alertpay will still be an option for paying and receiving commissions for NPN in addition to the new debit cards.

Please read the latest from their blog:

That’s it for now folks, talk to you soon..

.. and Happy Halloween!

– Geoff Stephen
GlobalNPN Admin.