How to Generate Hundreds of New Leads for Your Business and Convert Them Into NPN Directors on YOUR NPN Team

Hello NPN’ers,

So here’s the plan..

You’re in GlobalNPN, and you want it to be a success… right?

Of course you do.

Here’s what you need (only 3 things):

  1. A high-converting marketing funnel (something to generate leads to your MMPro or Aweber contact lists).
  2. A “funded proposal” system to earn you “one off” commission payments to cover your advertising costs.
  3. An automated way of turning those leads into paying GlobalNPN members in your downline.

NOTE: This entire system HAS to be duplicatable to make sure your recruits can follow exactly what you’re doing – and be successful at it.

Let’s go over those again in a bit more detail..

1. A high-converting marketing funnel..

This is comprised of a capture page that draws in leads so you can market to them in the future by way of your autoresponder followups. It has to be highly effective in order to generate lots of leads into your funnel. Inside your funnel is where you present your offers to your leads… but they have to get in there first.

2. A “funded proposal” system to earn you “one off” commission payments to cover your advertising costs.

Nobody likes to have to pay for their advertising without any immediate returns, right? A funded proposal is what makes you “instant” money inside your marketing funnel. Usually a funded proposal’s function is to earn you enough money to cover your marketing costs while the “deeper” part of your marketing funnel (and you) works on turning those leads into recruits to your primary business (GlobalNPN).

3. An automated way of turning those leads into paying GlobalNPN members in your downline.

Once you get them in your funnel, at some point you need your funnel to work on converting your leads into GlobalNPN members under you. This would be the ultimate goal of your funnel – NPN recruits. This is where you start generating your monthly passive income that you need to have coming in.

And again, this entire process has to be DUPLICATABLE (I’m not even sure if that’s a word:). Regardless, this entire process we just went through needs to be duplicated by your leads, all the way through. ie. they need to access this system and start working it just like you are.

So that’s it. That’s all you need in order to start generating leads, generating income, generating long-term success.

Now. You are very lucky to be a part of GlobalNPN at this time because with the integration of “” into your GlobalNPN backoffice, this ENTIRE process is right here in front of you. This brand new system is going to make it possible for you to overcome those obstacles that are standing in your way – which mainly is the lack of a complete, working marketing funnel, that is 100% duplicatable.

In the past week alone, LeadSkimmer has generated over 3,500 leads for it’s members! These are REAL unique leads that are automatically added to your autoresponder contact list for you to followup with. It also converts leads into either “one-time” commission payments to YOU, or GlobalNPN Director members under YOU – all automatically!

The best part of this system (in my opinion) is the fact that it is the highest-converting marketing funnel that I have ever been involved with. The fact that we’re bringing in almost 1,000 leads per day with this, is proof that this thing is working! Consistently!

LeadSkimmer converts traffic into leads from sources like: Traffic Exchanges, Safelists, Solo Ads, PPC, Facebook, Youtube, .. the list goes on. It converts leads SO QUICKLY right now is proof again that all you need to do is get your affiliate link in front of as many eyeballs as you can – IT WILL CONVERT the traffic into leads! Period.

Listen. I WANT you guys to succeed at this, and I wouldn’t create and recommend something like LeadSkimmer without knowing that it is working, right now, for our NPN members. In fact, ALMOST ALL members of LeadSkimmer that are promoting their link are generating leads for their lists. That is a statistical fact, my friends.

I can’t stress enough that you should at least try it. It will work for you.

Here’s what you need to do:

(Prerequisite: To do this for FREE and get the most out of it, upgrade to NPN Director first)

  1. Go into your NPN backoffice ( ), click on “” in the left menu. Click the link that says “check it out here”, which will take you to LeadSkimmer.
  2. Signup for LeadSkimmer when you get there, it’s easy, and it’s free (don’t forget your username and password you chose).
  3. Go back to your NPN backoffice, again click on “” in the menu, and enter your LeadSkimmer username (email) and upgrade your account for free from there.
  4. Login to LeadSkimmer ( ) and you will be an upgraded member (thanks to NPN).
  5. Watch the videos, read everything, set up your autoresponder, and start promoting your LeadSkimmer affiliate link.

.. and that’s it! You are now an upgraded member of the hottest converting marketing funnel on the internet! And since you joined through GlobalNPN, your leads will see YOUR GlobalNPN affiliate link as an upgrade option in LeadSkimmer – which means if they join and upgrade, they’ll be under you as a Director member in NPN!

It’s easy, it’s quick, and this thing works. If you want to start to see some success in this business, follow the steps I have outlined above – and do it TODAY!

I can NOT make it any easier for you.

I hope to see you in there, generating leads..

Still not sure…??

Check out some of the comments on our Facebook page (and “like” it while you’re there):

Check out my other updates on this:

Check out some of the discussion on our board:

Have a great day!

– Geoff Stephen

Comment below..

22 thoughts on “How to Generate Hundreds of New Leads for Your Business and Convert Them Into NPN Directors on YOUR NPN Team”

  1. Thanks so much, I was working on Twitter and saw a post. Then signed up on the spot, went to NPN and not immersed in the systems. Great job. I have found most systems too complex and this is refreshing. Judy

  2. This is fantastic Geoff!

    With very little promotion, I have already generated dozens of leads, made one sale and produced one upgraded member at NPN.

    It works exactly as you described it! THANKS!

  3. LeadSkimmer is a no brainer….. it is just the best thing to have happened for NPN members since I have been a member – summer 2009!

    I love it… recommend it to all my team…..

    Great programme, Geoff…. great soft launch… BIG opportunity for members of NPN…. especially those sensible enough to upgrade to Director!

    Speak soon


  4. Love this system so far.

    Just a couple of questions.

    If one of our leads upgrades via the one time payment in Leadskimmer would it be possible to make it so that if their leads upgraded via NPN we would get them as downlines?

    Next is a more basic question, how do I go about adding emails I want to be sent out. I set up the contact list as you showed in the Leadskimmer video, but now I’m stuck. Also if there were some pre written mailings to encourage my list to upgrade that I could use, that would be awesome.


    • No. If someone upgrades via the one-time payment, their leadskimmer leads would not see NPN as an upgrade option.

      You would only see NPN as an upgrade option if your leadskimmer sponsor is in NPN.

      There is a training section in your NPN backoffice (click DM training) that covers setting up your MMPro.

      I haven’t any followups yet for Leadskimmer.

      Glad you like the system, hope this answers your question.
      – Geoff

  5. Geoff, I just got asked this question from a new prospect:

    “If I were to join NPN and then decided to cancel at some point would I lose
    access to my Lead Skimmer?”

    I have an opinion on it, but best to get the answer straight from the top.



    • They would not lose access to LeadSkimmer. BUT they would then be promoting their NPN sponsor’s link in their leadskimmer backoffice and therefore they could lose sales that way.

      If they upgraded only through leadskimmer this would not be the case as NPN wouldn’t ever have been part of the process.


  6. I’m in the middle of the directors training and I just sent my first message to my LeadSkimmer leads via the MMP auto responder.

    Last night I went through the WordPress training and got a blog up and running in no time.

    Thank you so much for the excellent training, Geoff!

  7. im getting signups in less than 12 hours, but im having trouble using the mmpro atoresponder all the emails come out all smashed together and not very readable is this normal?

    signed in to premium, made everything like you showed and puted my referral link in the appropriate places, no spam 🙂




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