Global NPN Entry Ad Promotion

Hello NPN’ers,

Are you ready to have a great week? I sure am.

Since a number of you got paid today (all will be paid before the 15th of course), I decided to start the week with a new Entry Ad promotion for all of our members.

For those of you that do not know, NPN Entry Ads are the ads you see for a few seconds when you first login to your NPN backoffice. These ads are incredibly valuable because they put your links in front of everyone that logs in to NPN, which means your ads are only being seen by “active, paying, internet marketers”. Honestly there are no better eyeballs to get your links in front of. They’re also proven to work very well as I have members that buy them every single week.

The ads usually run for 7 days straight for just $29.95 – which is an excellent deal in itself.

To make it even better I added a monthly option for just $59.95.

So.. this means you get 2 weeks of high-quality advertising for FREE! If you purchased a full month for the usual weekly price of $29.95, you’d be paying around $120.00 for the month.

Honestly this is a really good deal, and I don’t know how long this promotion will last – or how many ads can be bought before I cannot accept any more for the month. I can only run a certain number of Entry Ads at the same time – especially for the whole month.

Just as a side note: The Entry Ads that work best are ads that help current NPN members build their businesses. Products and services that help generate traffic and leads convert the best.

Talk to you soon..

– Geoff Stephen


$47,508.00 in your pocket with Global NPN’s powerful comp plan

Hello NPN’ers,

In case any of you feel that you’ve lost focus in promoting GlobalNPN..

I would like to revisit the NPN’s “Power of 1” formula that so many of you use successfully in your advertising.

The page is here:
(you can find your own link in your backoffice under “capture pages”)

If you watch the video on that page you’ll see the incredible power that GlobalNPN’s simple payplan has behind it.

The basic idea is this:
– Sponsor just 1 new person every month (for just $10.75), with your downline following suit, and in 12 months you’ll have $47,508.00 in your pocket! Plus a heck of a nice little recurring income stream to keep you going for a long time.

This is the most duplicatable system that I’ve ever seen online. Period.

Let’s think about this for a minute. Just 1 referral at $10.75 per month. That is internet marketing at it’s most “primitive” – just 1 per month. Honestly how much effort and commitment does it take to “sell” just 1 membership that only costs $10.75?

There are many of you that can do much more than that, of course, but think how ATTRACTIVE this idea is for those just starting out? Think how ATTRACTIVE it is for those that have been in the business a while and want to build faster? Think of how ATTRACTIVE that salespitch is… “Want 50 grand? Can you sponsor just one ten dollar referral per month? Of course you can!”

Minimum effort, maximum returns, low cost, life-changing income. What more do you need?

It is most attractive to the MOST number of marketers out there. And if you use the NPN Ladder System to upgrade your way to a higher income along the way.. the benefits are obviously staggering.

Do NOT get side-tracked, trust me, there is nothing better out there. .. just ask any long-term NPN member. They’re still here for a reason (and probably many more reasons).

So…? Whatchagonnado? How long have you been sitting in front of your computer thinking “.. if I could just stick with one thing long enough to make some money…”? Those that have stuck with NPN have made a lot of money. And if you don’t have a lot of time, the Power of 1 is ideal for you. It takes very little effort, but stick with it and you will LOVE the end results.

Ask yourself this: Where do I want to be in a year?

Stay the course and keep pushing the Power of 1 to your prospects. Explain it, show a passion for it, blog it,  recommend it, and go make money with it!

Thanks all, comments are welcome!

Have a fantastic day everyone.
– Geoff Stephen


And “LIKE” it if you like it…

GlobalNPN Webinars, anyone?

Hey, what’s happening NPN’ers?

I have a question for you..

Webinars, anyone?

I am planning on doing regular free webinars for GlobalNPN in the near future. Covering everything from “how to” tutorials, to taking your NPN business to the next level. Sort of a “continuing training” after having gone through all the training missions (soon to be) in your backoffice. These will probably start off as being twice per week if the interest is genuinely there. They will be available (and relevant) to any eMarketers regardless of what level you’re at, and guests/prospects will be welcome also.

There’s really nothing like live interaction and live training to keep you up to speed, and keep you motivated as well. I feel I have a lot to offer in the way of online marketing training and coaching and I know that a lot of people can benefit from it if we get together on a regular basis.

I would like to know how many of you would be interested in attending these online sessions… I really need to know so I can have an idea of what I should be putting together, and how often.

Please vote below to let me know where you’re at (pick one and click the ‘Vote’ button):

[poll id=”2″]

Thanks for voting!

Please “comment below” if you have suggestions for times and which days during the week are best.

Have a good day.
– Geoff Stephen

Director Machine Training

Hey NPN’ers,

Please watch the video.

I plan on having ‘at least‘ module #1 of the NPN Director Machine training in your backoffice by Friday. Module #2 may by in by Friday, I can’t say right now. So at least Module #1 which will get you started on setting up your Director business with Global NPN the right way.

July is going to be a big month for NPN training. ie. there will be lots from me! I plan on doing regular webinars to keep everyone on the right track when setting up their NPN business. Stay tuned..

Thanks, and “Like” it if you like it!

– Geoff Stephen


Endless Marketing ideas for Global NPN

Hello NPN’ers,

So… why are YOU in this business?

Here is some marketing advice that you can use that will guarantee you’ll NEVER have trouble thinking up advertising ideas for GlobalNPN. Endless email subject lines, endless capture page ideas, endless marketing.

Time and time again I see ads that focus specifically on “making more money” when the real reasons for doing this business aren’t even touched upon in the advertising. There is so much more depth in marketing this type of opportunity that most people don’t ever think about or even consider. If you focus on the money-making aspect of this business, you’re missing out on so much more.

In order to sell (or recruit) you have to reach to the more emotional side of the answer to the question “Why do you want to start a business for yourself?”. You have to dig deeper. You have to keep asking “Why” until you get down to the “root” of the answer. Once you start to do that, you’ll see there are endless ways to advertise your opportunity, and endless emotional “triggers” that you can hit along the way in order to give people what they really want.

So, when I ask people WHY they want to start their own online business. I ask them to really think about it first. Why? Really, why? (In fact, here is a conversation you can have with yourself which will help in your marketing…)

The answer I most often get is: “Because I want to make (more, extra, lots of) money.”

Really? Is that really “why” you want to get into this business? The money? Honestly, I don’t think so.

Sure, the money may be the “top level reason” why you want to do this. But who cares, we all want to make more money.. Why? Why do you want to make more money? Think about it…

Now complete this sentence: “I want to make more money because…”

I’ll use an example here.

“I want to make more money because…”

“.. I want my online business to pay my mortgage every month.”

Ok, good start. The mortgage helper. But WHY do you want your mortgage to be paid off every month?

“.. so I can have some extra money left over at the end of the month.”

Now we’re getting somewhere. Again… WHY do you want some extra money every month?

“.. so I can save the money to take my kids on a great vacation in the summer.”

Fantastic.. but WHY do you want to take your kids on a great vacation?

“.. it gives us quality time with our kids and we will create some lifelong family memories.”

Yes, but WHY are these lifelong family memories so important to you?

“.. because that’s what my parents did for me when I was a child.”

WHY is it important that you do this for YOUR kids?

“.. it made me happy as a child and I appreciated it, and I want my kids to be happy as well..”

Excellent. We won’t take it any further but do you see what we got from this conversation? We started at: “.. to make more money”, and we got all the way down to “.. to make my kids happy”. Everything in between are ideas and advertising triggers you can use that go far beyond the money-making aspect of opportunity marketing.

The information you get from a conversation like this is pure gold. It almost always starts the same and ends the same. From “making money” to “happiness”. The steps in between is what you’re looking for. We all know that making more money can make us happier – but you have to ask “WHY” in order to get to the good marketing stuff.

Do this exercise yourself, and think of different responses that people may have to the top level questions. Just replace the answer about paying the mortage to something else.. maybe something like “.. because I want to quit my job.” Well… WHY do you want to quit your job? See what I mean?

All you have to do is ask WHY.

So now I ask you.. why do you want to succeed with your GlobalNPN business?

– Geoff Stephen