Internet Marketing is About Getting MORE

Internet Marketing is About ALWAYS Getting MORE

So… Go get MORE.

Internet marketing isn’t about creativity, or entertaining people, or creating great content..

It’s about having a systematic approach to everything you do, and knowing your numbers.getmore

It’s about looking at your results (or lack thereof) and responding to those results accordingly.. which is to continue to do what is working, and to stop doing what isn’t working.

It’s a continuous flow of testing, analyzing, changing, improving.

It’s important to realize that marketing doesn’t stop. It can never stand still.

It’s an evolutionary process.

If something works for you, you continue on that path, but you still must try to make that success even bigger.

It’s about being never satisfied with your results because your results can always be better. There’s always MORE. There’s always MORE you can do to improve on what you have.

But you won’t get any MORE if you don’t have the right mindset with regards to marketing.. and this is what I’m talking about.

If you say that you are satisfied with your results, then that’s all you’re going to get. THOSE results.

And that’s fine, but..

Why would you stay in that place? Why would you not take those results, and try to make them BETTER?

Test, analyze, improve.

Go get MORE.

What is this “NPNBuilder” thing I keep hearing about?

Hey NPN’ers,

I just want to bring you up to date on something.

As many of you know, I’m creating a brand new lead generation system called “”.

I’ve had awesome feedback from a lot of you about the videos you’ve seen that will be part of this system.

I’ve done some primary testing and the response (opt ins) has been excellent.oh-yeah-blocky-text

I am totally confident that this will generate some real momentum with your promotional efforts (ie. You will get more signups).

A quick explanation of what NPNBuilder is going to be..

NPNBuilder is designed to help you promote your GlobalNPN business.

It is not a separate product, it will be there to help you make more money with GlobalNPN.

(..and if you’re not in GlobalNPN, believe me, NOW is the time!)

It does this by highlighting our “ladder system” membership levels and how to work them to create a quicker, bigger incomes for yourselves, starting from the “NPN Basic” level and ramping it up from there… among other things.

GlobalNPN has a hugely wide appeal as a business opportunity, in that you can start out for under $20 (if you want), then begin upgrading through the levels.. bringing your referrals with you along the way.

NPNBuilder will explain (and simplify) everything with regards to how this works.

It will be a free system for all paying GlobalNPN members to use. It’s like having your own lead gen website that you can promote.

NPNBuilder will bring them in, and our products (and your support of course) will help them stay.

Trust me, this will kick your NPN business into high gear.. and I already have lots of former members coming back because of this.

The sales funnel is almost done, and there will be a separate backoffice as well.

So stay tuned, folks, this will be fun (and quite profitable!).

In a couple days I’ll let you know what my goals for GlobalNPN in 2015 are.

If you have any comments or questions, please let me know in the comments below.

And be sure to “LIKE” this if you like what you are hearing..


– Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN Admin.

Would YOU click on the button..??

Hey all..

I’m doing some split testing and I would appreciate some feedback if you’ve got 2 minutes..

This is a video I created a couple days ago that will (potentially) be at the top of one of our funnels for GlobalNPN (available to you as an affiliate).

Based on how you promote, and who you promote to, would this video be of value to you as an affiliate?

Obviously the rest of the funnel is not quite done yet..

I guess my question is:
At the end of the video, would YOU click on the button..??

Either way is fine because it’s targeted at a specific demographic, and if it’s not you then you wouldn’t click.

So watch the video below and either let me know in the comments on this page.

I’ve already received positive feedback (and I know exactly who’s eyeballs to put it in front of and I know it’s going to work for what I want it to do), so any feedback regarding this video is appreciated.

So… would you click?

Thanks, have a great day!

And “LIKE” it if you like it 🙂

– Geoff Stephen

Who’s Making the Big Bucks in GlobalNPN?

Hello NPN’ers,


Global NPN

..after calculating commissions for November, I noticed a couple interesting things with regards to who is making money in Global NPN.. and who is NOT making money.

You see, in internet marketing, “numbers” and metrics are what runs the industry.

..And running a company like NPN lets me see what’s happening on a large scale.

Now, when it comes down to it, there’s a HUGE misconception as to what is “easier” to make money with..

1. Selling MORE lower price products: make more sales, but less money per sale..
2. Selling LESS higher price products: make less sales, but more money per sale.

After being in this business for more than 15 years, I can say without doubt that it takes the same amount of effort to sell a lower price product as it does to sell a higher price product.

It all comes down to putting the right offer in front of the right prospect (it’s called marketing).

Anyways, back to my point..

So who’s making all the money in NPN?

These are the stats that I find interesting. Predictable I suppose, but interesting.

.. and this might change how you look at promoting GlobalNPN in the immediate future (meaning now!).

As you should know, we currently have 4 levels of membership.


First of all, here is the breakdown of how many NPN’ers are at each level (approximately).

Basic: 20%
PRO: 30%
GOLD: 20%

Fair enough.


After running commissions for last month, here’s where it gets interesting.

Looking at our Top 25 earners for November, here is the breakdown of what levels they are at:

88% of the Top 25 are either DIRECTOR, or GOLD level members!

(That’s 22 out of 25)

So? What does that tell us?

Why are they more successful?

Well.. there’s a few reasons for this..

First of all, when you’re in a team-building business, people naturally gravitate towards leaders.

“People join people that are successful or are perceived to be more successful.

New people want to join people that are already investing their money and their time into building their businesses.

Now tell me, what sounds more attractive to a new prospect for NPN:

“I’m a basic member. I’m investing $17 per month into my business. I’m not sure how all the products work because I don’t have access to many of them, but I make $5 per referral. Click here to join.”


“I’m a Gold level member. I’m putting almost $150 per month into this (because the products are awesome), along with my advertising budget, because I want to grow this thing as quickly as possible for me and my team. Just 2 referrals puts you at more than $50 profit every month! Come along for the ride..”

So… who would you rather join under?

Who sounds more serious about growing their business?

Who do you think has an easier time bringing in new members?

Numbers don’t lie.

People that invest in their businesses build their businesses (and their incomes) faster and easier.

And I’m not just saying this because I think you should pay more. I’m saying this because I don’t want you to sell yourself short, and miss out on opportunities you might never see.

Again, numbers don’t lie, I’m just letting you know how things work.

You can upgrade from within your NPN backoffice:

Any comments or questions let me know in the comments below.

“LIKE” and share!

– Geoff Stephen

To Buy a list or Build a List for Email Marketing

To Buy a list or Build a List for Email Marketing

When it comes to email marketing, you might think it’s easier and faster to buy a list, rather than take the time to build a list, so why not just go for it. Before you are too quick to take the easy way, there are some things you should be aware of that are likely going to change your mind.

That’s just the beginning of why you should really reconsider the idea of buying a list. When you use a list you buy you risk:

#1 Irrelevant Contacts

If a prospect hasn’t ever been to your site, has never shown an interest in your products or services has never shown an interest in the resources you offer, they quite simply you are stepping into their space and interrupting them. Typically, how you land up with their email address is that they have opted in at another website, and this was likely done with the belief that their email address would be kept in confidence. When you receive their email address, you have no idea if they are interested in anything you have to offer.

#2 Having Your Email Flagged as Spam

This can be very dangerous. If the recipients don’t recognize your company name then they will likely more your email to their spam folder. This sends a message to your email provider to filter out your email address and you could land up on a blacklist. Once you are on a blacklist it is very hard to get off of it.

#3 Your Message Gets Lost in the Clutter

You purchased the list and you certainly are not the first person or the last that will get that list. The people on that list are probably being bombarded with emails. You yourself may have experienced it – you sign up for one thing online and suddenly within the next few days, your email box is filled with emails from people you’ve never heard of. Chances are the email messages that you send out from a list you bough are going to get lost among all the other emails. The money you paid for the list will be wasted. The only one benefiting will be the person who sold you the list.

How to Build a Solid Email List

The way to build a powerful email list is through opt ins from your own website. Each lead you get from your own website is a targeted subscriber, because they came from your own page so they are familiar with what it is you have to offer. These are the types of leads that you can convert to paying customers. It might take longer to build but it’s definitely worth the wait!

Try this (it’s free):

Have a great day!

– Geoff Stephen