No Excuses 3 – Bonuses for not going to Vegas!

Hello all.

If you missed the awesome webinar I was on the other night with the other speakers for the upcoming No Excuses 3 Summit in Las Vegas, you can see the replay below..

Just thought I’d let you know that tonight may be your last chance to get hold of the $1,000’s worth of amazing bonuses included with your NES3 ticket!

Oh, by the way, you get all this stuff even if you DON’T go to Las Vegas, which makes this an INCREDIBLE deal! Especially considering the extremely low cost of a single ticket!

Check out this video and click the link below…

Go Here to See this Page:

Have a great day!
– Geoff Stephen

No Excuses 3 Video

Comment below..

6 thoughts on “No Excuses 3 – Bonuses for not going to Vegas!”

  1. It’s good to be at home…and to have a true representative looking out for everyone’s interests who can’t afford to be there or to buy a ticket. (I’d be looking for a Texas Hold-em table or someplace that had pole dancing, lol…. what’s in Vegas stays in Vegas.

    I always share (and I’m relatively new to your business) so perhaps that’s why I’m on your Leader Board(s) consistently.

    What you learn – and have known – I’m certain you will share. You only prosper when others also learn and “earn.” Your business model rewards the serious person, looking to make a difference in their life….while rewarding them, “lightly” from those that don’t.

    Once on the upside of learning, as I now am, I can present what I have accomplished to those that have followed me – and I always hope to inspire others to a good paycheck.

    “Commission History” link…easy download for USA IRS tax submission.

    Going to work is good. Everyone always gets paid for their work “here”….and for the work that “their” people have accomplished.


    Tell the World what you have created. It is a beautiful business, Geoff. I’m a fan.

    I know Mike Witt is, too!

  2. Hey Geoff,

    Bought my ticket last week using your link, can’t wait for the event, it’s going to be AWESOME!

    I went to a convention in Sept/2009 that changed my life … it was the turning point for my business. Just two years after attending that convention I became a full time marketer working from home and loving every minute of it.

    In my opinion, (and the opinion of every other truly successful marketer online or offline,) conventions are not an option for your business they are a Requirement for your business.

    Whatever you have to do to get to this years No Excuse Summit I encourage you to do it. It may mean that you’ll have to make some sacrifices to get there but as Henry Beecher once said “In this world it is not what we take up, but what we give up, that makes us rich.”

    Use Geoff’s link above and make a sacrifice today that will better your families future for tomorrow.

    Looking forward to meeting you Geoff and hopefully many more NPNer’s as well!


    • Awesome, Kevin!

      Events like these really DO change lives. And I agree that it should be mandatory when you are in business for yourself. You wouldn’t believe the connections you’ll make.

      I will definitely see you there. We’ll see what other NPN’ers take up this offer and we can all get together in LV.

      – Geoff.


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