So.. you want to have an online business?

So.. you want to have an online business?

You know, the kind that makes money every month?

Excellent. Lots of people do.

Unfortunately, lots of people have no clue.

It’s actually quite simple. You just need to know what to do, and what order to do it in.

You can probably figure this out over a few years, but it won’t be easy, and it will be frustrating.

Here’s the “short” version of what an online business “looks” like:

Click => Optin => Lead => Prospect => Customer => Continuity => Client

Here is what you need to assemble:
Lead Magnet ($0)
Trip Wire Product ($17-$37)
Core Product ($97-$497)
Continuity Product ($27-$197 Monthly)
Higher Coaching/Training ($997-$4997)

+ the appropriate follow up sequences and communication channels.


NOW you have a business.

NOW you can make some real money.

Wanna know how to put all this together? Quickly?

Contact me directly and I’ll show you how I can help on a weekly and monthly basis to ensure you get this up and running asap. Time’s a wastin’..


The people I help.. make money. Lots of it. That’s what I do.

Want to make a living online?

Want that “lifestyle” that all those successful marketers have.. that YOU want?

I’m here, YOU make the first move (I dare you)..

Here’s your first step:

Email me directly at:
Subject line: “Ready to get started”
Email Body: Tell me a bit about your business, where you’re at now, where you want to be.

Next Step?

I’ll personally email you back (within 24 hours) and we can start the conversation about how we can take your business to the next level.

And after that?

Well, if we work together, you’ll have a formula for success, and the consistent momentum required in order to start filling your bank account 🙂 . We’ll show ’em.

Take that first step, let’s go.

Email me directly at:
Subject line: “Ready to get started”
Email Body: Tell me a bit about your business, where you’re at now, where you want to be.

Either you want it, or you don’t.

Talk soon? You NEED to do this..

  • Geoff Stephen

New GlobalNPN Lead Magnets

Hey NPN’ers,

Quick update to let you know that I have integrated 2 of my own high-converting Lead Magnet funnels into your NPN backoffice.

These have worked really well for me in the past and continue to work in generating leads.

They are available for you to help you build your MMPro lists and upsell your leads to your NPNbuilder link.


All you have to do is use the “form id” from your MMPro form and insert it into the URL provided in your backoffice.

..And then use the landing page as the location where you’ll send your leads after optin.


Available at;


I’ll be adding more as time allows.

If you have any questions let me know..

Please “LIKE” this post.. because.

– Geoff Stephen

How to Fight Overwhelm in 5 Simple Steps

Here’s what happens…

You have some grand plan to accomplish a ton of work today, or this week, or even this month.

All you have to do is “start”, and follow the directions that may have been given to you in order to accomplish these tasks.

Easy, right?

Well.. for some, yes.

For others, impossible.

Because once you start, there are a thousand distractions, you feel the pull from every direction, and after a while it seems like you’ve ventured down a completely different path than you originally planned.



Too much information, otherwise known as “information overload”.

We’ve all experienced it at one time or another.

So how do we get around this?

How do we get through it?

How do we make it go away?

Here are 5 helpful steps to get you over this time-management hurdle..

  • 1. Get it out of your head and down on paper (or onto your screen).

Grab a pen, or use an online task manager, and just start writing notes on what you have to do. No particular order, just get it out of your head and you won’t have to worry about it taking up space in your brain anymore.

  • 2. Prioritize and group your tasks

Look at your tasks, decide what’s important and what you “want” to do first. Prioritize based on what you LIKE doing and what you’d most enjoy getting off your plate.

  • 3. Take action and do the easy stuff first.

Dig in. Since you prioritized your tasks based on what you WANT to do first, those should be the easiest to get done. It’s much easier finishing tasks you enjoy doing as opposed to the tougher ones (even if they’re more important). As long as you’re taking action you’re on the right track.

  • 4. Stay focused (on the current task) until complete

Do it, complete it. Don’t do half of one task while doing half of another task, otherwise you’d end up back in the world of overwhelm. Don’t do another task until you’ve completed (and checked off) the previous task.

  • 5. Celebrate.

Check that sh*t off your list. Give yourself a pat on the back. Being able to check your tasks off a list is the reason task lists exist. Every completed task deserves a small reward. Celebrate the fact that you’re moving forward, and that you know how to KEEP moving forward.

Repeat the above steps until your tasks have been checked off your list.

Easy, right? Kind of. You just have to do it – and keep doing it.

The tool I use on a daily basis to keep all my task management on task, is called the TomorrowList, and it’s part of GlobalNPN‘s suite of marketing tools.

I use it because it’s a simple, non-complicated, task manager that is super quick to set up, create tasks, make notes, and get stuff done.. which is what we want, right?


You can get access to this tool from your GlobalNPN backoffice.

Let me know if this article helped you out by clicking “LIKE” and leaving me a comment below..

– Geoff Stephen

Do You Think You Deserve Massive Success?

Hello there,

Straight up.

I was on a conference call with a couple other people this morning and we were talking about how much we have invested in our businesses, and in our success over the years. We’re talking about tens of thousands of dollars per year, and more of our own personal time than we’d care to think about.

The discussion turned onto the question of what the results were after we had invested large sum of cash into our business. Not just in monetary results, but how we began to view our entire operations..

It’s interesting..

There’s a rather potent myth in our industry that continuously tells us that with a “small investment of just $x.xx you can make piles of money really quickly!”. I’m sure you’ve seen the ads and emails that look like that.

What’s more unfortunate is that many people actually believe it, and they hang on to that dream hoping that someday it will actually happen.

Here are a couple questions I’d like you to consider:

1. If you are investing less than $100 per month in your online business, what are your expectations?

2. If you are investing more than $1,000 per month in your online business, what are your expectations?

  • What type of income are you expecting to generate?
  • How much additional support and guidance are you expecting to get?
  • How much respect do you think you’ll have as an affiliate?
  • How will people perceive you as their potential sponsor?
  • How seriously are you going to take it?
  • How focused are you going to be?
  • How much time are you going to put in?

Seriously, what are your expectations?

I get this occasionally: “Ok Geoff, I joined at the NPN Basic level ($17), now teach me everything you know about internet marketing so I can make lots of money!”. Ummm.. no.

I respect the fact that you’ve taken that first step, which is HUGE, and I can show you some training videos.. but I have people that have paid up to $5000 to do one-on-one coaching programs with me. I’m not trying to sound like a big shot here.. but that’s the truth.

Let’s think about that for a second. How FOCUSED is someone going to be after investing $5000.00 in a coaching program? Pretty darn focused!

vs. How focused is someone going to be after investing $17 in their business? Not very.

There are many people that expect a lot more in return than what they’re putting out.

Now, let me say that there’s nothing wrong with NOT committing a bunch of money to your business, nothing wrong with that at all. Most of you won’t and that’s fine.. but are you expecting to earn a serious income or are you more realistic in thinking of just earning a few extra bucks every month?

Is your business a BUSINESS, or just a hobby?

Do You Think You Deserve Massive Success?

  • Geoff Stephen

Connect with me here:

What’s the best way to generate leads for my business?

“So.. what is the best way to generate leads for my business?”

That, my friends, is one of the most frequently asked questions I get, almost every single day. It’s kind of an interesting question, but when you really think about the answer, you realize that it’s actually the wrong question to be asking.

If you’re asking another marketer “What’s the best way to generate leads..”, you’re really asking them to give you their copy & paste version of what they do to generate leads. Unfortunately marketing is not copy & paste. It does not and can not work that way.

The question should be: “Which lead generation method should I learn to master first?”

We all know that there are many ways to generate leads for a business. Many, many ways. Plus, we as individuals are all completely different in how we promote ourselves, and how we promote our products and services.

There is no “best way to generate leads” that works for everyone. There are lots of people with opinions on the subject but really there is no answer to that question that is true all around. Asking “What’s the best way to generate leads..” is like asking “What should my favorite color be?” YOU decide.

The issue that can happen is that someone may answer you with a specific method THEY have been successful with in generating leads.

Then you go out, following their lead, and try that method, and maybe it doesn’t work for you. Does that mean you should quit because obviously that method is wrong? Of course not. At least I hope not. Or should you keep trying and trying that method, spending countless dollars on advertising etc.. only to realize it STILL doesn’t work?? No, but some people will do just that.

It amazes me when people continue to do things that do NOT work, over and over again until they’re frustrated to the point of quitting.

I find that the best way to generate leads is to simply do what works for me. I know, it’s non-specific. But it’s true. If I told you exactly how I generate leads, I can almost guarantee that you would not have the same results. And I know there would be people that would do EXACTLY what I do, not generate ANY leads, then come back to me and say that my method doesn’t work.

The fact is… I have different experiences than you do. I have a different personality than you do. I have a different background than you. I have a different writing style than you. I speak to people differently than you do. I have a different market than you do. The people that are attracted to me, are different than the people that are attracted to you.

Marketing is not ‘copy & paste’. We are different. And remember that people don’t buy nearly as much from copy & paste marketers, they buy from PEOPLE that they know and trust.

Again, the question should be: “Which lead generation method should I learn to master first?” Ask yourself that question. Then answer it….

Articles, press releases, safelists, traffic exchanges, blogging, youtube, facebook, twitter, linkedin, tumblr, webinars, forums, solo ads, banner ads, craigslist, hubpages, minisites, SEO, pay-per-click(PPC)…. the list goes on.

What’s YOUR best way to generate leads? If you don’t know yet, which method will you learn how to master in lead generation? I’ll be you’d choose something different than the next person that asks me the same question..

Want to do internet marketing the right way?:

– Geoff Stephen