If you haven’t seen this yet, you should definitely include this on your websites and your blogs. It’s the new button from Facebook that allows you to share your content via direct email, or through the Facebook messaging system (your facebook inbox). It is very cool and also very easy to setup.
Hey guys, a quick blog post from Vegas to give you some idea as to what’s going on..
Well, here I am at the Palms in Las Vegas. It’s actually Day 2 of the “No Excuses Summit 2” but I didn’t get in last night until around… well let’s just say it was late.
Day 1.. Right off the bat, what I learned almost right away is that you realize very quickly there are some great speakers.. and there are really bad ones. There was a few times yesterday when checking my facebook page on my phone was more exciting than what was going on onstage. Oh well. On the other hand there were also speakers that were really interesting and had some valuable things to say and discuss.
Among the speakers on the first day, including Ray Higdon, Mike Klingler, Mark Hoverson, and a few others, I foung that Mike Klingler’s talk was the one where I could actually take away some good training information. I also could relate to his style, which was right to the point, no b.s., just “here’s what you need to do”. Sort of like how I do my own training. I already knew how to do everything he was talking about, but I think I took away with me lots of training ideas and techniques. It’s cool to see how other people do it.
At the end of the day, each speaker has a ‘breakout room’ which you can go to and go deeper into what they were teaching on stage. I went to Mike Klingler’s room because what he was teaching was most relevant to where I’m going with my online marketing. There was some decent discussion in the room.. but it makes it a little difficult to really get the information you need from these guys when there is such a range of people with different experience and skillsets all in the same place. It’s a bit like being a really good baseball player on a team with some people that have never played the game before, know what I mean? Nothing against them but it’s sometimes frustrating to throw them all in the same room together.
Geoff and Mike Klingler
I did manage to wait around long enough afterwards to pick Mike’s brain about what I’m doing (and planning) with GlobalNPN. He was really cool about talking with me about it and had some ideas for me.
Aside from the semiars and speakers, the cool part about events like these is that you get to meet p
eople that are in the same industry as you are. Particularly when you’re in internet marketing, you rarely get to hang out with people in your business ‘face to face’. I’ve talked to a lot of people at very different places in their businesses, from outright beginners to experienced marketers – everyone is here and it’s a ton of fun. I also spoke with a couple people that were completely “sleeping in my car” flat broke and they did everything in their power (including collecting and selling scrap metal) to get to this event. I kinda felt bad for them because although I admire their resolve and their enthusiasm, I think they may have their priorities all out of whack. Events like these are great, but they’re not going to make you rich. Self-education and hard work will.
Well, I gotta get back to the theatre and see what’s a-happenin’.
I’ll try and post later tonight or tomorrow..
– Geoff.
P.S. As far as Las Vegas goes… I’m $60 ahead of the game so far 😉
I know that lots of our members use the “Power of 1” as a major part of their online marketing (because it works). It’s an extremely powerful presentation because it brings the power of our compensation plan into perspective with regards to persistence and the long-term wealth potential of your GlobalNPN business. ie. It’s a really simple concept that really works 🙂
In your backoffice, click on “Capture Pages”, you’ll see the new page near the top of the list.
On another note, our other new “In your pocket” capture page is doing extremely well. On viewing our stats I can already see that tons of our members already have it out there. A quick recommendation that you create ‘tracking tags’ any time you advertise one of your affiliate pages. You NEED to know where your signups are coming from – or even more importantly, where they’re NOT coming from. Always keep track.
REMINDER: I’m still looking for more video testimonials! Please take the time to make one and send it over.. See THIS BLOG POST for complete info.
Things are really starting to develop around our new website.
If you haven’t looked at it, there are some new videos I have put up, including some great member testimonials that I’ve already gotten great comments about.. This site is designed to sell and all of my testing has resulted in very good conversion rates – even without any sort of ‘pre-sell’. I’d recommend that you start firing some qualified traffic at it to see for yourself.
I have added a new capture page to your selection of capture pages in the same style as the website, which tested well also. This is connected to the ‘free report’ that has been responsible for thousands of NPN signups since it was first introduced. You will find your affiliate URL to this new page under ‘capture pages’ in the left menu in your backoffice. There will be more capture pages created as we go along..
There are brand new plug-n-play banners for promoting your GlobalNPN business in your backoffice (finally, I know:)! There are the standard size banners, plus some ‘blog ready’ sized banners for you to use right away. Also on the banners page there are some really cool looking ‘membership cards’ that you can use as banners as well. As always, I’d recommend sending your banner traffic to a capture page first – preferrably the new one!
Note: Click on “NPN Banners” in the menu in your backoffice, under “Promotional”..
NPNDirectorMachine is coming along nicely. Personally I think the Director Machine capture page is looking BETTER than the new NPN website! Start getting excited – we’re going to create some ‘super-sized’ incomes with this one..
That’s it for this update, let me know what you think about the new banners etc. in the comments below..
As I’m sure most of you have noticed, we have a new front end website up and working. I’ve had lots of compliments and suggestions. It is bringing in signups nicely as well, even though it’s only been live for a couple days…
There is still a lot of work to be done on it, and just like every other website out there, it is a work in progress. I still have some videos to put on the site, a couple more pages to add, and of course the integration of the sponsor profile page that we had with the previous website.
I wanted to simplify the site quite a bit, to decrease the ‘information overload’ that many people may have experienced on our previous site. We want them to hit the site, and get in as soon as possible, while giving them the necessary information to make an informed decision about which upgrade level they’d be choosing.
Although, the level they choose to join at has a lot to do with you (the sponsor) and how you have ‘pre-sold’ them on the opportunity/products. ie. if they go to your blog or website first, you will always be more successful in recommending any product or business.
I have some capture pages that I will be bringing in, as well as new banners. The capture pages will most likely follow the same color scheme as the site, banners also. You see some of this work materialize later this week, so stay tuned..
In my last update I requested some video testimonials from you to use on this new site. I just want to say thanks to all the people that sent in their videos, they are excellent! However, in this case more is better so I’m still looking for more videos from you! Please check out my previous update for information on what I’m looking for and how to submit them to me. Also I should say please don’t be offended if I don’t use your video. They all have to work together in the video compilation I’m doing, so yours may or may not fit with the over all scheme. Having said that I will probably use just about all of them on different parts of the site, and possibly some capture pages as well.
NPNDirectorMachine now has a couple different designs that I’m working with. I will probably split test them before I settle on one design. But I can tell you that the DirectorMachine is going to be awesome! I think people will really respond to it – I know I would! I actually “accidentally” tested a primitive version of it a while ago on some safelists and it was generating leads by itself – before I even had a follow up to it (oops!).