Is Facebook going away?


What do you think about the fact that Facebook is losing members? Will this affect the way you run your online business?

So the latest rumor (or statistical fact) is that Facebook is losing members. I’ve heard all sorts of numbers regarding this, but over the last couple months over 7 millions users have deactivated their facebook accounts and the overall growth has slowed considerably. I know, a few million accounts here and there isn’t going to change the fact that Facebook is the dominant force in social networking.

However, it does make you realize something from a business standpoint…

As a business owner it really surprises me when I see other business owners that are completely depending on their Facebook page to represent their company. In other words, they do not have an actual company website, they just have a Facebook page and a Twitter account. Kinda scary if you ask me. Why? Because Facebook will go away, eventually. Not any time soon, mind you, but eventually it will. There will be something to take it’s place at the forefront, just like the thousands of sites before it. Same with Twitter.

I guess what I’m getting at is that as a business owner, or an online marketer, you have to have your own place on the internet. You have to have your OWN website. And of course you have to have your own email address. Put it this way… your website is like the roof over your head, and your email is like your phone number. Essential. Without your own website, you are homeless. Without an email address, you’re completely disconnected.

Point: If you do not have your own website, you need to set one up. Now.

Facebook, and other websites like it, are what I would call ‘non-essential’ services on the internet. They are fun, addictive, interesting, and interactive. But the existance of these websites is not essential to the operation of the internet. Your opinion may differ, this is my opinion talking.

The world wide web is built on two fundamental and essential things: the ability to host websites, and email service.

That’s all there is. Anything else is an added service. Facebook is an added service, as is MySpace, Twitter and all the rest. It’s important that you take the time to create your own home on the web. It’s important for both your short term, and long term success.

Of course I’m not saying that you shouldn’t do business through social networking sites. Absolutely use what’s out there to drive traffic. But don’t use them as your “home base”. USE them to drive traffic TO your home base, do not do it the other way around. There’s no value in sending your traffic to Facebook. You need to use Facebook as it is to connect with people.. to drive them FROM Facebook to your own site – that’s where the value is in social networking.

What do YOU think?

Upgrade to Director and get your website online today.

– Geoff Stephen

NPN Director Machine Training Update

Hello NPN’ers,

I know many of you are anxiously awaiting the DirectorMachine training course.  Yes it’s almost done.

Just to keep you in the loop I wanted to give you an overview of what it involves, so you know what to expect.

The training I am putting together is probably not like other training information you have seen in other affiliate programs. Instead of just putting a ‘bunch of training stuff’ in your backoffice I wanted to provide you with an actual ‘training course’ that was step by step, interactive, and would actually make you feel like you were accomplishing something.  Let’s face it, reading training information is b.o.r.i.n.g.  The course I’m putting together actually makes you accountable for completing assignments, tasks, and accomplishing missions, while keeping you on track in working towards your $1000 monthly income with GlobalNPN (or whatever financial goal you set in the training).

It takes you from setting up your online business (through GlobalNPN of course), and goes through things like communication, goal setting, marketing funnel basics, planning/strategies, creating actionable content. It also introduces you to my own marketing model called “3 Circle Marketing”, which is a full blown online marketing training and coaching course I’m also in the process of completing.

The video below will show you basically how the training in your backoffice will work. It’s actually pretty cool 🙂

Let me know what you think after you’ve clicked the “Like” button 😉

– Geoff.

Global NPN – Month End Update

Hello NPN’ers,

Month end update..

Well, I don’t know about you, but the month of May went WAY too fast. I guess time flies when you’re working 24 hours a day :). June is here.

To be honest, May was a great month for real team building. Many of our members are settling in as business builders, proving value and support for their downlines, and securing long term incomes for themselves. Good work! I see everything that happens in our organization and I certainly notice when people are starting to see the fruits of their labour.

June will be the first full month for NPNDirectorMachine. The backoffice info is being organized and we’ll start getting it in there as soons as a few programming technicalities are worked out.

NPNDirectorMachine is a very powerful system for building your Director teams. Word is spreading very quickly on this one, and it’s beginning to feel like NPN has been re-launched! If you haven’t started promoting it yet, get on it now. There are NEW banners in your backoffice.

Just remember to be a good sponsor for your prospects. Hint: Call Them! The DirectorMachine system is programmed to notify you by email when someone opts in, then again when they return to the sales page, then again when they signup for NPN through the system, then AGAIN when they finally hit the payment page on the inside. If you are not calling your prospects when you get the ‘payment page’ notification, you could be missing out on some serious income. That means they are ON THE PAYMENT PAGE deciding if they’re going to actually start their subscription. If they hear from a real live person (you) at that exact time, it’s usually all they need to push them through the process. At that point it’s FAR from being a “cold call”. Let them know you’re there, that’s all.

Now, there’s something I’d like everyone to look at in their backoffice. In the menu, click on “LEADER BOARDS” and have a look at what’s there. What I’d like you to really notice is not the names of the people that are leading the way, I want you to notice the NPN level that they’re at. Look at all the Top 10’s. Around 80% of the people on those lists are at the DIRECTOR level or higher! I’m not really sure how it could be any clearer to you as to where you should be if you want to run a financially successful GlobalNPN business. I’m not saying the PRO/PLUS members don’t make any money of course, but look at who’s leading the way. It’s really amazing the amount of value you add to your online presence with a low $39.97 “investment” in yourself.  I could go on but I’m not trying to push you into anything. I just want you to notice those leader boards and where most of the money is being earned.

That’s it for now.

Have a good one!

==> Please “Like” this entry by clicking the Like button below or above this content. It lets me know what’s good and what’s not. And OF COURSE comments are always welcome here. Thanks 🙂

– Geoff Stephen

NPNDirectorMachine Update

Hello NPN’ers,

As many of you have noticed by now, your links are available in your backoffice. I put them (quietly) in your backoffice on Friday but word has spread incredibly fast over the weekend. We already have tons of leads being generated, and many new Director members have joined.

Here’s a screenshot of my Gmail this morning…

My Gmail Screenshot - NPNDirectorMachine!
My Gmail Screenshot - NPNDirectorMachine!


What that is showing me is that the NPNDM funnel is working, and it is working well so far. However, as of now the system in it’s “entirety” is incomplete. There is always some ‘tweaking’ to do and a lot of live testing to ensure the best conversion rates across the entire membership.

You will see the training and backoffice content start to appear over the next couple weeks. I have a lot planned in the way of training information to kickstart your GlobalNPN businesses into high gear. And with NPNDirectorMachine in your back pocket, generating your leads (and converting them) will become a lot easier. There is going to be some really, really excellent stuff in there! Including what this whole “5,5,150” thing means ;), and how it relates to earning $1000 per month. The autoresponder followups will be added as we go along as well of course.

To all those members that are at the PRO or PLUS levels: If you want to seriously drive your online business to new heights, you need to be a Director member now. NOW is the time to start investing in the future of your business, and your own future as well. Honestly, if you want the products, the systems, the marketing funnel, the training, and the community, Director is where you want to be on the NPN ladder.

Being an NPN Director instantly adds HUGE value to your own online presence. It automatically positions you as a leader, and just the fact that you have GlobalNPN to offer your prospects at the Director level will make you more attractive to more prospects throughout the online market. Truth be told. To make sure you will have access to our training when it becomes available – upgrade to Director today!

You can NOT get all this for the cost of our Director membership ANYWHERE else on the internet. Period.

Click on “Upgrade me Now!” in your GlobalNPN backoffice for more information.

If you have any comments, please share them below – and click the “Like” button to spread the word!

Have a great day!

– Geoff Stephen



NPN Director Machine

Hello NPN’ers,

Well, well, well.. I supposed it’s about time.

I am going to launch on Friday May 20th, 2011!

The launch will be the front end, capture system, followup and marketing funnel so you will be able to start promoting right away. Honestly, it’s going to seriously put your Director promotion into high gear! Focused on building your income to the $1,000 monthly plateau, you won’t be able to stop this one.. but it’s up to YOU to put it out there!

The training for the backoffice is still in the works. There’s a lot of training and setup information that will be in the DM area of the backoffice, and to be honest, I keep changing the format of how it will be all setup. That’s part of the reason for the delay of this launch. However, I have now settled on a format that I think will be the most beneficial for the new Director member, as well as most beneficial in the long term for the current Directors that are promoting.

The training in the backoffice is more of a ‘process’ than just a bunch of information thrown in there for good measure. It’s more interactive and engaging than that. The format of the training modules I have named “Mission Accomplished“… you’ll see when it’s done.

In your backoffice you should see things start to develop over the next couple weeks by way of training and information.

FYI if you want to start getting your promotional material together, your link will look like this:

(where ‘1234’ is your current NPN ID#)

Get ready!!

– Geoff Stephen

P.S. Please comment below and don’t forget to click the “LIKE” button to spread the word…!