It takes deliberate CONSISTENCY and FOCUS

What’s it gonna take?

So.. A lot of people are saying that “membership sites are dead” because nobody stays active for more than a couple months.

Well.. when your product is good, and it’s done right, you get long term active members.

Here’s a quick stat about my site (GlobalNPN) that was launched way back in 2005 (yes, 10 freakin’ years ago!).

“Almost 20% of our entire membership have been paying members for more than 2 years.”

(And even deeper still, 11% have been active members for more than 8 years!)

That is a crazy good statistic when the current industry standard is 2-4 months before they quit and move to the next shiny object.

They are still here because..

  1. They use the tools/products/training every day,
  2. They are STILL making money after all that time,
  3. Both 1 & 2.

My focus has always been long-term business building and focusing on helping people generate a solid monthly income.

Mission accomplished.

So.. what’s it gonna take?

What’s it gonna take to get YOU there?

It takes deliberate CONSISTENCY and FOCUS for only about 3-6 months to build something that will be lucrative and long term for you. I have more than 15 years experience and data that proves this.

.. yet people still won’t listen, and they still quit and jump to the next deal..

..and you know what?

“It sucks to be them.”

But YOU?

You just have to dig in – every single day.

To reach your goals, whether it’s $500 per month or $50k per month, what it takes is daily consistent “small” tasks that push you along towards your ultimate goal.

That’s what “building” a business is all about. You don’t just “have” a successful business, you build it.

It doesn’t happen overnight, it doesn’t happen in a week..

It happens when you string together the necessary steps you have to take, in order to get you where you want to be.

If you expect it to happen quickly, guess what? You’ll ALWAYS be expecting it to happen quickly. Always expecting it, never getting there.

You just have to dig in – every single day.

It’s up to you to decide that it’s going to happen. It’s up to you to decide to become successful in your business.

Be deliberately CONSISTENT and FOCUSED on your goals and you WILL get there.

Make sense?

That’s it for today.

Let me know your comments below and be sure to “LIKE” and share this post.

Join my “personal list of awesomeness” here (if you’re not already on it):


– Geoff Stephen

Don’t buy traffic.

Hello there..

Here’s a bit of a mind-set shift for you that will help your business immensely.

Don’t buy traffic.

What? Don’t buy traffic?

“But, Geoff, I need to buy traffic to get people to my affiliate links.. and I need traffic to make sales… don’t I?”

Of course you need traffic…


Don’t buy traffic.

Here’s what I mean..

Instead of thinking about just going out and buying hits from some traffic vendor because it was “cheap” and their site was pretty, don’t think “I need to buy traffic”, think of it this way..

Instead of buying traffic:

Buy advertising that generates traffic.

You need to control as much of the process as you can, right from the start, so you can have more control over the results.

Focus on buying advertising that will generate targeted traffic to your links.

When you think of it this way it forces you to focus more on where your traffic is coming from (ie. Market research, targeting) because that’s where the conversion starts.

Most of us know there are thousands of sources for buying traffic out there, and 99% of them will send you garbage traffic that doesn’t want anything to do with what you’re selling. That is a fact I learned early on in the game (years ago).

Sure some of them are cheap, and you might think, “Well, at least 2 or 3 of those people MUST want what I’m selling, right?”

Nope. They don’t.

And you get what you pay for.

They won’t buy because they aren’t targeted and, more importantly, they haven’t been “pre-sold” on your product. And they aren’t targeted because you bought the traffic without knowing where or how that traffic was generated.

It’s like trying to sell tickets to a baseball game in Detroit, to people that live in Africa.

(Nothing wrong with people in Africa, of course, but I’m pretty sure they’re not interested in Detroit Tigers tickets)

Make sense?

It’s called marketing. It’s what we do.

You may have the best product and sales page in the business, but if you don’t know exactly where your traffic is coming from, buying traffic is not a “short cut”, it is pointless and a complete waste of your hard-earned cashola.

Again, buy “advertising” that generates traffic for you.

Think about that and let me know what you think in the comments below..

And don’t forget to “LIKE” this article.


– Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN Fast Start Training

Hey NPN’ers,

This is a quick reminder that if you haven’t gone through our “10-day fast start” training.. you should.

One of the first questions I get asked is, “So.. where do I start?”

Your fast start training is the answer.

The modules contained in the fast start training will get you going in the right direction (which is the opposite of where most people go), it will show you how internet marketing actually works, it will teach you how to “think” about building your internet marketing business, and it will get you all setup with your backoffice tools.

Go through this training, READ the getting started guides, familiarize yourself with what we have to offer at GlobalNPN.

Only then are you qualified to dig deeper into learning more about how to build your business.

If you skip the fast start training, I can’t help you, and chances are you won’t get very far.

I spoke with a good friend of mine yesterday who is a very experienced and successful marketer, and he basically said, “This is what EVERYBODY should have (GlobalNPN), it’s just ALL there, there is nothing else that comes close to what’s in this backoffice.”.

Here’s another testimonial from one of our members:

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I built GlobalNPN so marketers would have a “home base” that they wouldn’t need to stray from in order to get what they need to succeed.

If you stick with it for the next 90 days, if you stay focused, if you commit to learning and implementing what you’ve learned, you will meet your income goals quicker with GlobalNPN than you’d be able to anywhere else.. That’s what I know from experience.

So.. go through the training, communicate in our Facebook group, ask questions.

Decide to be successful.

Please “LIKE” and “Share”, and COMMENT below if this helps you out.


– Geoff Stephen


What to do When You Get Good Advice

Hello people.

Here’s something to think about to start the week.

If someone that has lot of experience and a lot of success gives you advice on something you ASKED for help with… you should implement the recommended changes. Now.

ie. If your mechanic tells you to stop driving with your foot on the brake, you do as he/she says.

ie. If your doctor tells you to exercise, you go for a walk.

ie. If your lawyer says “stop talking”, you shut up.

If you don’t WANT the results, don’t ask for help.

If you DO want the results, don’t be dumb.

If you don’t take the advice, you have lost the right to ask for more help.

Oh and here’s a tip: if you pay for that advice (which you should) you will be more successful with it.

Have a great day!

– G.

Are You A Hand-Holder or a Business Builder?

Hey there,

I wrote this article over 7 years ago for Ezine Articles (

It still rings true today…

Do you find yourself “hand-holding” and spending all your time training and supporting your downlines?

One of our members sent me an email the other day that said:

“…Geoff, I have built a small downline in NPN, but no matter what I do, some of my referrals don’t seem to want to DO anything to help themselves in building their business. I’ve done some serious ‘hand-holding’, showing these people where to start, what to do, and to just follow what I’m doing. However they’re just stuck at zero and don’t seem to hold the same motivation that I do. I guess my question is: How can I get these people going??….”

– J. E. from Florida.

Well… My immediate answer would be: “Stop wasting your time on those people, you need to go out and find new people that actually share your enthusiasm and that will follow your lead ON THEIR OWN.”

Unfortunately, some of the people that you sponsor will never do anything to help themselves. It’s not because of ‘you’, or ‘the website’, or ‘the system’, or ‘the economy’… There’s nothing wrong with who YOU are. However, you cannot force people to BE like you, you can only keep searching for the people that ARE like you (yes, they’re out there). It sounds like the people you have in your downline don’t really want to build a business. They may “say” or act like they do, but in reality, in THEIR reality, they don’t want to, and never will. They don’t have it in them and you can’t force them to.

What you CAN do and should do, is just BE YOU and continue to market yourself as who you are. These people are in your downline simply because they were attracted to the way that you were advertising you and your business. Think about that for a minute, and think about how you promoted yourself to them as their sponsor. It’s not your job to ‘hand-hold’ them and carry them through on your back – unless of course that’s what you promised them (???). If you did that then you definitely have to re-visit your marketing methods.

If you relegate yourself as a “hand-holder”, most likely you’re going to have to hold hands as long as you’re in business, which can be a real drag after months of dealing whiners and excuse-makers.

“The 80/20 rule”

Am I suggesting that you NOT support or train your downline?? No, I’m not saying that at all. But what I’m saying is that if you lead by example and your downlines SEE that you’re spending most of your time marketing, promoting, finding new people, and generating new leads… they will see that that’s how it’s done. The real “business builders” in your group will follow your lead and build their businesses in a like manner. The others will not and those are the people that you don’t need in your business and shouldn’t be spending your time with.

When your downlines see that you’re spending maybe 20% of your time training and supporting them, then they won’t become ‘hand-holders’ either, and that’s a great thing for the quality, stability, and longevity of your business. Focus on spending at least 80% of your time prospecting, promoting, and generating new leads for your business, spend a maximum 20% of your time training and supporting those that join you. Most importantly, make sure your downlines SEE what you’re doing.

Keep to the 80/20 rule and your Business Builders will show themselves, the others will fall to the wayside. Teach your downlines to follow this as well, and teach them how to teach others the same rule. That is how it works.

Hope this helps you out.

Click “LIKE” if you like it, and comment below…

– Geoff Stephen