It takes deliberate CONSISTENCY and FOCUS

What’s it gonna take?

So.. A lot of people are saying that “membership sites are dead” because nobody stays active for more than a couple months.

Well.. when your product is good, and it’s done right, you get long term active members.

Here’s a quick stat about my site (GlobalNPN) that was launched way back in 2005 (yes, 10 freakin’ years ago!).

“Almost 20% of our entire membership have been paying members for more than 2 years.”

(And even deeper still, 11% have been active members for more than 8 years!)

That is a crazy good statistic when the current industry standard is 2-4 months before they quit and move to the next shiny object.

They are still here because..

  1. They use the tools/products/training every day,
  2. They are STILL making money after all that time,
  3. Both 1 & 2.

My focus has always been long-term business building and focusing on helping people generate a solid monthly income.

Mission accomplished.

So.. what’s it gonna take?

What’s it gonna take to get YOU there?

It takes deliberate CONSISTENCY and FOCUS for only about 3-6 months to build something that will be lucrative and long term for you. I have more than 15 years experience and data that proves this.

.. yet people still won’t listen, and they still quit and jump to the next deal..

..and you know what?

“It sucks to be them.”

But YOU?

You just have to dig in – every single day.

To reach your goals, whether it’s $500 per month or $50k per month, what it takes is daily consistent “small” tasks that push you along towards your ultimate goal.

That’s what “building” a business is all about. You don’t just “have” a successful business, you build it.

It doesn’t happen overnight, it doesn’t happen in a week..

It happens when you string together the necessary steps you have to take, in order to get you where you want to be.

If you expect it to happen quickly, guess what? You’ll ALWAYS be expecting it to happen quickly. Always expecting it, never getting there.

You just have to dig in – every single day.

It’s up to you to decide that it’s going to happen. It’s up to you to decide to become successful in your business.

Be deliberately CONSISTENT and FOCUSED on your goals and you WILL get there.

Make sense?

That’s it for today.

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– Geoff Stephen

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