Hello NPN’ers,
Well, well, well.. I supposed it’s about time.
I am going to launch NPNDirectorMachine.com on Friday May 20th, 2011!
The launch will be the front end, capture system, followup and marketing funnel so you will be able to start promoting right away. Honestly, it’s going to seriously put your Director promotion into high gear! Focused on building your income to the $1,000 monthly plateau, you won’t be able to stop this one.. but it’s up to YOU to put it out there!
The training for the backoffice is still in the works. There’s a lot of training and setup information that will be in the DM area of the backoffice, and to be honest, I keep changing the format of how it will be all setup. That’s part of the reason for the delay of this launch. However, I have now settled on a format that I think will be the most beneficial for the new Director member, as well as most beneficial in the long term for the current Directors that are promoting.
The training in the backoffice is more of a ‘process’ than just a bunch of information thrown in there for good measure. It’s more interactive and engaging than that. The format of the training modules I have named “Mission Accomplished“… you’ll see when it’s done.
In your backoffice you should see things start to develop over the next couple weeks by way of training and information.
FYI if you want to start getting your promotional material together, your link will look like this:
(where ‘1234’ is your current NPN ID#)
Get ready!!
– Geoff Stephen
P.S. Please comment below and don’t forget to click the “LIKE” button to spread the word…!