Making Money Online with Global NPN

Hey all..How to make money with Global NPN online

Here’s a few tips off the top of my head..

This is from my “NPN 4-step formula” webinar in your backoffice.

Here’s how to make money..

1. Blog with a purpose (NPN instant blog)
2. Share your content (through social media)
3. Promote (advertise your NPN funnel)
4. Repeat…

.. ok it’s more like a 3-step formula 😉

Do that every day. It’s really as simple as that.

– If you keep it simple and consistent you’ll make more money.
– If you over-complicate things and be “all over the place” with your marketing you’ll make less money, you’ll get frustrated, and you’ll quit.
– Prove to yourself and your prospects that you’re serious about this and make sure you’re a DIRECTOR or GOLD level member. Trust me, you’ll work harder and more people will want to join you if they know.

>> It’s a process. Do the process. Do it every day. It works. Follow the 4 steps above..

>> Use the resources in your backoffice, use the tools, they’re awesome! 🙂

>> If you’re in doubt, the best thing you can do is find someone that is a little bit more successful than you at this… and DO WHAT THEY DO. Honestly, THAT is the #1 way to be successful “fast” in this business.

>> And finally – call your sponsor today and say “hi”, or anyone upline or downline from you. They will appreciate it. My number is 250-984-1265. What’s yours?

>> C-O-M-M-U-N-I-C-A-T-E, it’s a business not a hobby.

That’s it for now, have a great day.

Comment below..

5 thoughts on “Making Money Online with Global NPN”

  1. Simple is best and its easier to keep track of what works and what doesn’t. Alejandropapa the plan Geoff shared is a no cost way of funneling. Blog posting good. FB better.


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