4 Free Tools For Creating Awesome Websites

Hi guys,

Today I’d like to provide you with four free tools I’ve found that might be of use to you when doing internet marketing related websites and salespages.

The first one is called the Ultimate Graphics Creator.

It allows you to create very professional looking headlines, ‘buy now’ buttons, money back guarantee boxes, and purchase boxes. It’s free and really easy to use:



The next one is a free EBook Cover creator called “My eCover Maker”.

With this you can make very high quality eBook covers for your salespages/squeezepages. If you’re not good with Photoshop, this might be the tool you’re looking for.



This next one is something I’ve used quite a bit when determining what different color schemes I should be using on a page or a site. It allows you to mix and match colors and combinations of colors to see which ones work together and which ones do not. Good for those of you that need new ideas for color combos on your websites.



One more.. The simplest one that I’ve used the most. Need to convert the color that you actually want into an HTML color code? Use this:



There you go 🙂 Hope this helps you out today. If this was useful to you, please click the Facebook “LIKE” button to show some love..


– Geoff Stephen

P.S. I did this post on banner creators a while back, check it out here.

Comment below..

14 thoughts on “4 Free Tools For Creating Awesome Websites”

  1. Hi Geoff,

    Super! Great value and very useful. What else could we expect from you..? Always adding value to our daily online activities. Thanks and keep it up!


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