Hey all,
Just a quick update to let you know that the “Geotracking” feature in your NPN Ad Tracker product can now be toggled ON or OFF for each individual tracker.
What the Geotracking feature does is enable our tracker to “see” the location of your visitors, so in turn you can see what countries your clicks are coming from… which is a VERY important feature when you’re buying clicks or running ads.
The reason I’ve added the ON/OFF option is because the process of tracking the location of the click, looking it up, and associating it with the location data, can take an extra 1 or 2 seconds. Not a big deal for most people but turning it off will provide you with a slightly quicker transfer through to the site you’re tracking.
Personally I’d recommend leaving it in the ON position because the tracking data is important, but it’s up to you.
NOTE: All new trackers will have their geotracking enabled (ON) by default.
When you “view” your tracker, there’s a new section, as in the image below, that will let you know if your geotracking is on or off:
Click on “EDIT TRACKER” and you can toggle your geotracking ON or OFF in the edit screen:
That’s it for now. Have a great day!
– Geoff Stephen
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