Over 350 “One-click” Installs Now Included with GlobalNPN Hosting

Hello NPN’ers,

A quick update to let you know that I have added over 350 scripts and software to all of your NPN hosting accounts!

They are all “one click” installs, which means you fill out a couple options and click a button …  installed.

This includes WordPress.

Need to setup your new blog?

One-click and it’s done!

Super easy.

It also includes:
Image Galleries
Social Networking scripts
Ad Management
Polls and Surveys
Project Management
Music scripts
File Management
and lots more..


You will see this at the bottom of your cPanel when you login.

How to get all this? Just select the “DIRECTOR” or “EXECUTIVE” membership level when upgrading your NPN account.

If you’re not hosting your domains with GlobalNPN Power Hosting.

.. well, you should be.

“LIKE” and comment below..


– Geoff Stephen

Get on Page 1 of Google – Today!

If you’re interested in getting ranked highly in Google, VERY quickly, you need to check this out.

Xomba.com is a site where you can submit articles, and quick pages that are called ‘bookmarks’. As an experiment, I wanted to bring up my rankings for one of my blog posts called “GlobalNPN Hosting is LIVE!” on my NPN blog site. I am targeting the keyphrase “Globalnpn Hosting”. I also have a youtube video explaining how to setup your NPN hosting account in your backoffice – this video has a link back to my blog post as well.

A Xomba bookmark is simply a page you can create at xomba.com that contains a link to whatever site you’re linking to, and a short description of that site. If you keyword your bookmark correctly, it will jump right up to the top in the rankings on Google.

So… I created 2 Xomba bookmarks. One that linked back to my blog article, and one that linked to my Youtube video.

What happend was.. within 10 minutes both of my xomba bookmarks were ranked on the first page of Google for the search “Globalnpn Hosting”. Plus, this brought both my main blog page and the “Hosting” blog post to the top as well. And it also brought my Youtube video right up underneath!

So, as you can see in the video, the top 5 rankings in Google for “GlobalNPN Hosting” are mine, at least for now ;).

I have also done this in the past getting high rankings for other blogs I have. What is fun about this is how quick it was. Literally within 15 minutes after posting my bookmarks I had the top 5.

Here are the two bookmarks:



That’s it, feel free to comment below..

Have a great day!

– Geoff