So.. you want to have an online business?

So.. you want to have an online business?

You know, the kind that makes money every month?

Excellent. Lots of people do.

Unfortunately, lots of people have no clue.

It’s actually quite simple. You just need to know what to do, and what order to do it in.

You can probably figure this out over a few years, but it won’t be easy, and it will be frustrating.

Here’s the “short” version of what an online business “looks” like:

Click => Optin => Lead => Prospect => Customer => Continuity => Client

Here is what you need to assemble:
Lead Magnet ($0)
Trip Wire Product ($17-$37)
Core Product ($97-$497)
Continuity Product ($27-$197 Monthly)
Higher Coaching/Training ($997-$4997)

+ the appropriate follow up sequences and communication channels.


NOW you have a business.

NOW you can make some real money.

Wanna know how to put all this together? Quickly?

Contact me directly and I’ll show you how I can help on a weekly and monthly basis to ensure you get this up and running asap. Time’s a wastin’..


The people I help.. make money. Lots of it. That’s what I do.

Want to make a living online?

Want that “lifestyle” that all those successful marketers have.. that YOU want?

I’m here, YOU make the first move (I dare you)..

Here’s your first step:

Email me directly at:
Subject line: “Ready to get started”
Email Body: Tell me a bit about your business, where you’re at now, where you want to be.

Next Step?

I’ll personally email you back (within 24 hours) and we can start the conversation about how we can take your business to the next level.

And after that?

Well, if we work together, you’ll have a formula for success, and the consistent momentum required in order to start filling your bank account 🙂 . We’ll show ’em.

Take that first step, let’s go.

Email me directly at:
Subject line: “Ready to get started”
Email Body: Tell me a bit about your business, where you’re at now, where you want to be.

Either you want it, or you don’t.

Talk soon? You NEED to do this..

  • Geoff Stephen