What is this “NPNBuilder” thing I keep hearing about?

Hey NPN’ers,

I just want to bring you up to date on something.

As many of you know, I’m creating a brand new lead generation system called “NPNBuilder.com”.

I’ve had awesome feedback from a lot of you about the videos you’ve seen that will be part of this system.

I’ve done some primary testing and the response (opt ins) has been excellent.oh-yeah-blocky-text

I am totally confident that this will generate some real momentum with your promotional efforts (ie. You will get more signups).

A quick explanation of what NPNBuilder is going to be..

NPNBuilder is designed to help you promote your GlobalNPN business.

It is not a separate product, it will be there to help you make more money with GlobalNPN.

(..and if you’re not in GlobalNPN, believe me, NOW is the time!)

It does this by highlighting our “ladder system” membership levels and how to work them to create a quicker, bigger incomes for yourselves, starting from the “NPN Basic” level and ramping it up from there… among other things.

GlobalNPN has a hugely wide appeal as a business opportunity, in that you can start out for under $20 (if you want), then begin upgrading through the levels.. bringing your referrals with you along the way.

NPNBuilder will explain (and simplify) everything with regards to how this works.

It will be a free system for all paying GlobalNPN members to use. It’s like having your own lead gen website that you can promote.

NPNBuilder will bring them in, and our products (and your support of course) will help them stay.

Trust me, this will kick your NPN business into high gear.. and I already have lots of former members coming back because of this.

The sales funnel is almost done, and there will be a separate backoffice as well.

So stay tuned, folks, this will be fun (and quite profitable!).

In a couple days I’ll let you know what my goals for GlobalNPN in 2015 are.

If you have any comments or questions, please let me know in the comments below.

And be sure to “LIKE” this if you like what you are hearing..


– Geoff Stephen

GlobalNPN Admin.

Comment below..

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